This shold be a study for everyone in this situation, including the poster.
my story, and like some, you betta listen to it.
I had been with only 4 other girls before i found one who i could stomach for more than a few months.
after some 3 years of being together and living together, she tells me she is moving away to work. 2 weeks after getting a job application she is off, and i only see her once more after that for a week. TWO WEEKS. Does that sound like she really likes me? She was crying, all the crud, and by all means, she may have been in love with me, but man, once you are apart for any long period of time, unless you've been married for ages, it ain't gunna work...not in 99/100 cases.
NOW dont be an idiot, man, like i was.
This may be you. For me, i know i am a ladies man, because i am totally comfortable around them, i know the walk and talk, i've been told by no less than 3 girls that i fvck like a god and i am a good kisser they all tell me. (But never beleive what a girl tells you, only what she does. Thats how you cross examine, and btw, i aint with any of those girls now.) Ok, and while i was in my relationship i had the opertunity to sleep with about 5 girls while i was living with my gf....and when i went to see her for one week, i had to fight them off with a stick, they were coming to my room and flirting with me...with women it could have been off their own backs, or they were testing me. Trust me when i say her and me BOTH would have passed the test
So you gotta look at that, point 1 - the opertunities. There is more than one girl in this life, man.
And point 2 - never beleive what she says unless she backs it up with actions.
I gotta use some hard style on you man, cos you need your head to be beaten by some sense.
Consider this. This girl i was stupidly with for so long was hard up for cash, had some debts. She would not allow me to pay off her debts. So after 2 weeks in a previously 3 year relationship, she was gone.
Man, i dont care how much you impress her while she is gone. For me, i pulled out all the stops.
I knew it was OVER when she announced she was leaving.
Mate, listen. I KNEW, i am no fool, though back then in matters of the heart i was. She was no longer my gf, only in name, until the days came...sooner, rather than later,....she would break it up.
But get this...i am so bloody good, because i swear man, i postponed the break-up by about 6 months!!!!!!!
hahahahahaha. no really, you DONT want to do that, and really i should have been out and about rooting around.
I was only putting myself through uneeded frustration pain and pressure.
She wanted to break up the 2nd night before she left. I posponed it through some brilliant heartstring manouvers, dominance, etc. Not somethign i would do today....i went all out, because i knew her like a book. Did someone call me an *******? Yes i was.
For both me and her, we should have broken up.
When she got to her destination. She called me up crying, wondering why she was feeling like this. I had previously sent her a couple of messages to which she did not reply. Her look at me when she was on the train did not say "Oh Dig It, i will lover you forever and hope to come back tommorow if i could"....instead it said "I know i will never really see you ever again."
Spare a thought for me who was a confused as she was, but being as selfish as i was i could not break up with her (until much later, when i innitiated it).
Ok, so she calls up, confused and crying, and i kept it going. Meanwhile i am being abstinant back at home. Cutting a long story short, she begins to have more and more fun where she is, and being faithful old Dig It, all i can do is become more depressed down here, and even my friends wondered why i was like this, and when i told them, they said dump her, and i said no way! I wanna marry her!
etc, etc, etc.
Big stupid AFC.
So by the end, she is not breaking up with me. And at the at the same time she is declaring her commitment to me with words (i asked her to marry me and she said yes) she also says that she requires more independance, and she feels she wants to be single!!!!! huh????
Dig it was a moron. Then i get to where she was for a week, was hit on byu about 3-5 girls, coulda scored numerous times, and i felt like even more of a loser (but not until later) when she was looking at other guys with longing, and laughing at other people, until i pulled one of my classic "keep-you" brilliance things.
Yeh, and she lied to me, NOT her usual behavior = lowered interest level, cos she never lied to me, ever, and me back.....she asked me to buy her things which she had only ever done 2 times before in three years, borrowed hundreds of dollars for a christmas pressy (mine....yes, fellas, i bought my own crissy pressent, haha) and more things that indicated she no longer cared.
I am telling you all this so you dont do the same thing i did man!
She once said "i wonder why i am so interested in such and such". she stopped taking phone calls, got me to leave messages, spent more money on other peoples presents than mine, ignored me for friends when i was there, so much, wanted to keep me in the room all day! huh?! ummm...why, yeh, its ok. I was a hot guy, until i was in relationship and/or trying to please mode.
Now i am just hot. because i LEARNT from my mistakes.
And buddy, this is the kind of thing you can avoid.
Here is what to do:
Fill your female-wanting needs with OTHER females. Still keep your one up there on the boat, but dont make her the only one.
You may want to be honest and let her know what the deal is, or you may not.
Its up to you. I think i would. Say something like 'i've only known you for 3 months, i do think we have something that could grow into something big, however for just now, when you go away and you feel there is pressure to keep it going you dont have to. I will be down here having fun and living my life as i've always done. I didn't think any girlfriend of mine would move away for such a long time if she really cared for me. But i will miss you. Keep in touch. xxx"
And man, DONT KEEP IN TOUCH as much as you can.
Thats how you do it. Mess her up a little.
Chumps and AFC's NEVER WIN, unless they are with a girl who is EVEN NICER than them
Man, i was with a girl who was even nicer than me. And i told you what happened. Go figure.
You have to look out for you, and when a gf of yours moves away, she is doing it because you let her and she does not like you, or she plain just does not like you.
These days, i am getting lots. I am still LTR orientated, however, i dont feel the need to be in one, because i dont have to be in to get all the benifits of a hot girl. One day, i may change my mind again. But unlike a fickle girl, i dont change my mind often.
my story, and like some, you betta listen to it.
I had been with only 4 other girls before i found one who i could stomach for more than a few months.
after some 3 years of being together and living together, she tells me she is moving away to work. 2 weeks after getting a job application she is off, and i only see her once more after that for a week. TWO WEEKS. Does that sound like she really likes me? She was crying, all the crud, and by all means, she may have been in love with me, but man, once you are apart for any long period of time, unless you've been married for ages, it ain't gunna work...not in 99/100 cases.
NOW dont be an idiot, man, like i was.
This may be you. For me, i know i am a ladies man, because i am totally comfortable around them, i know the walk and talk, i've been told by no less than 3 girls that i fvck like a god and i am a good kisser they all tell me. (But never beleive what a girl tells you, only what she does. Thats how you cross examine, and btw, i aint with any of those girls now.) Ok, and while i was in my relationship i had the opertunity to sleep with about 5 girls while i was living with my gf....and when i went to see her for one week, i had to fight them off with a stick, they were coming to my room and flirting with me...with women it could have been off their own backs, or they were testing me. Trust me when i say her and me BOTH would have passed the test
So you gotta look at that, point 1 - the opertunities. There is more than one girl in this life, man.
And point 2 - never beleive what she says unless she backs it up with actions.
I gotta use some hard style on you man, cos you need your head to be beaten by some sense.
Consider this. This girl i was stupidly with for so long was hard up for cash, had some debts. She would not allow me to pay off her debts. So after 2 weeks in a previously 3 year relationship, she was gone.
Man, i dont care how much you impress her while she is gone. For me, i pulled out all the stops.
I knew it was OVER when she announced she was leaving.
Mate, listen. I KNEW, i am no fool, though back then in matters of the heart i was. She was no longer my gf, only in name, until the days came...sooner, rather than later,....she would break it up.
But get this...i am so bloody good, because i swear man, i postponed the break-up by about 6 months!!!!!!!
hahahahahaha. no really, you DONT want to do that, and really i should have been out and about rooting around.
I was only putting myself through uneeded frustration pain and pressure.
She wanted to break up the 2nd night before she left. I posponed it through some brilliant heartstring manouvers, dominance, etc. Not somethign i would do today....i went all out, because i knew her like a book. Did someone call me an *******? Yes i was.
For both me and her, we should have broken up.
When she got to her destination. She called me up crying, wondering why she was feeling like this. I had previously sent her a couple of messages to which she did not reply. Her look at me when she was on the train did not say "Oh Dig It, i will lover you forever and hope to come back tommorow if i could"....instead it said "I know i will never really see you ever again."
Spare a thought for me who was a confused as she was, but being as selfish as i was i could not break up with her (until much later, when i innitiated it).
Ok, so she calls up, confused and crying, and i kept it going. Meanwhile i am being abstinant back at home. Cutting a long story short, she begins to have more and more fun where she is, and being faithful old Dig It, all i can do is become more depressed down here, and even my friends wondered why i was like this, and when i told them, they said dump her, and i said no way! I wanna marry her!
etc, etc, etc.
Big stupid AFC.
So by the end, she is not breaking up with me. And at the at the same time she is declaring her commitment to me with words (i asked her to marry me and she said yes) she also says that she requires more independance, and she feels she wants to be single!!!!! huh????
Dig it was a moron. Then i get to where she was for a week, was hit on byu about 3-5 girls, coulda scored numerous times, and i felt like even more of a loser (but not until later) when she was looking at other guys with longing, and laughing at other people, until i pulled one of my classic "keep-you" brilliance things.
Yeh, and she lied to me, NOT her usual behavior = lowered interest level, cos she never lied to me, ever, and me back.....she asked me to buy her things which she had only ever done 2 times before in three years, borrowed hundreds of dollars for a christmas pressy (mine....yes, fellas, i bought my own crissy pressent, haha) and more things that indicated she no longer cared.
I am telling you all this so you dont do the same thing i did man!
She once said "i wonder why i am so interested in such and such". she stopped taking phone calls, got me to leave messages, spent more money on other peoples presents than mine, ignored me for friends when i was there, so much, wanted to keep me in the room all day! huh?! ummm...why, yeh, its ok. I was a hot guy, until i was in relationship and/or trying to please mode.
Now i am just hot. because i LEARNT from my mistakes.
And buddy, this is the kind of thing you can avoid.
Here is what to do:
Fill your female-wanting needs with OTHER females. Still keep your one up there on the boat, but dont make her the only one.
You may want to be honest and let her know what the deal is, or you may not.
Its up to you. I think i would. Say something like 'i've only known you for 3 months, i do think we have something that could grow into something big, however for just now, when you go away and you feel there is pressure to keep it going you dont have to. I will be down here having fun and living my life as i've always done. I didn't think any girlfriend of mine would move away for such a long time if she really cared for me. But i will miss you. Keep in touch. xxx"
And man, DONT KEEP IN TOUCH as much as you can.
Thats how you do it. Mess her up a little.
Chumps and AFC's NEVER WIN, unless they are with a girl who is EVEN NICER than them
Man, i was with a girl who was even nicer than me. And i told you what happened. Go figure.
You have to look out for you, and when a gf of yours moves away, she is doing it because you let her and she does not like you, or she plain just does not like you.
These days, i am getting lots. I am still LTR orientated, however, i dont feel the need to be in one, because i dont have to be in to get all the benifits of a hot girl. One day, i may change my mind again. But unlike a fickle girl, i dont change my mind often.