Girlfriend in college


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dudeman
Clooney, not only are you being terribly disrespectful, but you're also wrong. I'm a good looking guy who gets hit on by woman regularly and I've never even considered cheating when I'm in a relationship. It's something I simply have no desire to do whatsoever. You're failing to recognize that there might be people with higher ethics than you apparently have. You have no idea what Luv's relationship is like with her boyfriend, and thus shouldn't make any assumptions.
hahahaahhaa, calm down, I am just saying it how it is. I am not disrespecting anyone!! I am not saying EVERYONE does cheat, I am saying that EVERYONE has the possibility to cheat. No-body can trust themselves 100%, so why trust your partner 100%? I bet if there were some beautiful lady you clicked with at a bar, and she went in for the kiss, and u had a few drinks, you would kiss her back. Try to say you wouldnt maybe you wouldnt, but if it happened a few times there is a chance u would. There is a chance ANYONE would. Your girlfriend might meet a guy who she considers cuter, or nicer or sees something in him that she doesnt see in you. She will most probably cheat on you if this guy knows how to lay down his game. I have been cheated on, and I have been the person who has stolen the girl off their boyfriend plenty of times. Sh*t happens dude, deal with it!! The world is not a perfect happy place like some of the people here beleive it is! Once u realise this, and have no expectations about your woman, not only will you get many more, but you can be freer and just have fun with them!! Once u are married, then its a different story. However even then it still has been known to happen every now and then (well actually, quiet frequently, more than anyone knows)!!

Point is, in nans situation, his girlfriend has probably already cheated on him from his story!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Why should anyone one trust a drunken sailor type girl who is going to house parties with other dudes getting plastered!

Is this a 'type' of woman who demands one;s trust and loyalty? Hell no!! Church girls who never get drunk or attend house parties cheat!!

Clooney is right - only trust a woman who you see as marriage potential...because if you can't trust them then you shouldn't consider marrying them!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
1. You are too young to worry about this stuff...

2. What a waste to have a long distance relationship (= no realationship) at college. A waste of your young life. Go out and enjoy life! You will regret it later if you don't. I know I regret four years in a military school.

3. Break up with her and live your life! What are you whining for?



Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
Originally posted by CLOONEY
hahahaahhaa, calm down, I am just saying it how it is. I am not disrespecting anyone!! I am not saying EVERYONE does cheat, I am saying that EVERYONE has the possibility to cheat. No-body can trust themselves 100%, so why trust your partner 100%? I bet if there were some beautiful lady you clicked with at a bar, and she went in for the kiss, and u had a few drinks, you would kiss her back. Try to say you wouldnt maybe you wouldnt, but if it happened a few times there is a chance u would. There is a chance ANYONE would. Your girlfriend might meet a guy who she considers cuter, or nicer or sees something in him that she doesnt see in you. She will most probably cheat on you if this guy knows how to lay down his game. I have been cheated on, and I have been the person who has stolen the girl off their boyfriend plenty of times. Sh*t happens dude, deal with it!! The world is not a perfect happy place like some of the people here beleive it is! Once u realise this, and have no expectations about your woman, not only will you get many more, but you can be freer and just have fun with them!! Once u are married, then its a different story. However even then it still has been known to happen every now and then (well actually, quiet frequently, more than anyone knows)!!

Point is, in nans situation, his girlfriend has probably already cheated on him from his story!!

But thats not how it is. Not one of my friends in serious relationships have cheated. You got cheated on, which is why you feel this way.

However, i have been cheated on, i have been abandoned when i thought i was pregnant, lied to, ive had drugs chosen over me (asked the guy to give up weed for me and he wouldnt). Ive had a crap-load of bad relationships, and i have a reason to be bitter. But i'm not, because I finally found someone who is willing to accept me for me and forget about my past, and to treat me as he would want to be treated. We love each other. Just go watch The Princess Bride and you'll see what i mean about true love.

I think you are only bitter, CLOONEY, because of your immaturity and the inability be totally and completely naked in front of a woman, and to truly give yourself up and love. I understand how hard it is. I'm not bashing you for it. You just need to learn how to love and be vulerable again.

And you should be able to trust the woman that you are going to marry BEFORE you marry her! I am not living in "la la land". Just because you've been cheated on, doesnt mean everyone has or will. My boyfriend doenst put himself into situations that would involve cheating. We happen to have a strong relationship and only have eyes for each other. Yes, i am slightly attracted to other men, its natural, but i would never consider anything other than friendship. I know he would say the same. Thanks, Dudeman, for sticking up for me.

Now i can see how psychological theories are proven somewhat. CLOONEY has constantly been exposed to cheating, thus he sees it as the norm. Children who grow up, constantly watching their parents hitting and fighting, see it in the media, think of violence as the norm. Its not CLOONEY's falut. He just needs to realize it isnt the norm, and how to be vulnerable.

I think the reason people cheat is because of immaturity and lack of respect. THey are only thinking of themselves, when they need to think of their significant other, their partner, their bf/gf, and they arent. They arent rotten people, they just need to work on some things. Thats why you get to know someone and their past before you get intimate.

As for wasting my time and not being young, I'll tell you, dietzcoi, I'm not. I did my "playgirl" phase and i didnt have fun. I did the hook-up thing, party, drink, i even went home with a guy on halloween and slept with him. And to tell you the truth, those are the times i'd rather forget than remember. My good times have been with my boyfriend. Hooking up only means you long to be loved. Many people can live fully in a relationship. Some cant., and thats OK. Its up to the individual to know what they want and pursue that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by LuvMyArmyMan
But thats not how it is. Not one of my friends in serious relationships have cheated. You got cheated on, which is why you feel this way.

However, i have been cheated on, i have been abandoned when i thought i was pregnant, lied to, ive had drugs chosen over me (asked the guy to give up weed for me and he wouldnt). Ive had a crap-load of bad relationships, and i have a reason to be bitter. But i'm not, because I finally found someone who is willing to accept me for me and forget about my past, and to treat me as he would want to be treated. We love each other. Just go watch The Princess Bride and you'll see what i mean about true love.

I think you are only bitter, CLOONEY, because of your immaturity and the inability be totally and completely naked in front of a woman, and to truly give yourself up and love. I understand how hard it is. I'm not bashing you for it. You just need to learn how to love and be vulerable again.

And you should be able to trust the woman that you are going to marry BEFORE you marry her! I am not living in "la la land". Just because you've been cheated on, doesnt mean everyone has or will. My boyfriend doenst put himself into situations that would involve cheating. We happen to have a strong relationship and only have eyes for each other. Yes, i am slightly attracted to other men, its natural, but i would never consider anything other than friendship. I know he would say the same. Thanks, Dudeman, for sticking up for me.

Now i can see how psychological theories are proven somewhat. CLOONEY has constantly been exposed to cheating, thus he sees it as the norm. Children who grow up, constantly watching their parents hitting and fighting, see it in the media, think of violence as the norm. Its not CLOONEY's falut. He just needs to realize it isnt the norm, and how to be vulnerable.

I think the reason people cheat is because of immaturity and lack of respect. THey are only thinking of themselves, when they need to think of their significant other, their partner, their bf/gf, and they arent. They arent rotten people, they just need to work on some things. Thats why you get to know someone and their past before you get intimate.

As for wasting my time and not being young, I'll tell you, dietzcoi, I'm not. I did my "playgirl" phase and i didnt have fun. I did the hook-up thing, party, drink, i even went home with a guy on halloween and slept with him. And to tell you the truth, those are the times i'd rather forget than remember. My good times have been with my boyfriend. Hooking up only means you long to be loved. Many people can live fully in a relationship. Some cant., and thats OK. Its up to the individual to know what they want and pursue that.
I know you are only trying to help, but really you are getting it wrong. I DONT see it as the norm, the fact is it DOES happen a LOT. And it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell if it is going to happen to you. No matter how much you love or respect the person you are with. This is what I am trying to say to nan, thanks Dietzcoi.

"What a waste to have a long distance relationship (= no realationship) at college. A waste of your young life. Go out and enjoy life! You will regret it later if you don't.

3. Break up with her and live your life! What are you whining for?"

Once u marry, its a different story. As far as cheating, I once said I would NEVER cheat on my girlfriend. I was put in the situation and I didnt, again it happened and I didnt. But eventually it happened, even though I was soooooo against it. Sh*t happens and it just happens in the moment, doesnt mean you are a bad person, u just made a mistake. That is all I am saying. I am not saying everyone is out there cheating on everyone else, I am just saying it is a large possibility and to not just be blind to the fact like so many on these boards.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
Originally posted by CLOONEY
I know you are only trying to help, but really you are getting it wrong. I DONT see it as the norm, the fact is it DOES happen a LOT. And it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell if it is going to happen to you. No matter how much you love or respect the person you are with. This is what I am trying to say to nan, thanks Dietzcoi.

"What a waste to have a long distance relationship (= no realationship) at college. A waste of your young life. Go out and enjoy life! You will regret it later if you don't.

3. Break up with her and live your life! What are you whining for?"

Once u marry, its a different story. As far as cheating, I once said I would NEVER cheat on my girlfriend. I was put in the situation and I didnt, again it happened and I didnt. But eventually it happened, even though I was soooooo against it. Sh*t happens and it just happens in the moment, doesnt mean you are a bad person, u just made a mistake. That is all I am saying. I am not saying everyone is out there cheating on everyone else, I am just saying it is a large possibility and to not just be blind to the fact like so many on these boards.

I know it happens a lot, but not with everyone . Like i said, i have been in some situations and since i am a strong and mature person, I resisted. I know my SO is a strong and mature man, so he would never consider it. I'm not blind to it, i know its there, i just have faith and trust in my SO, which is what a relationship is about.

Like i said, cheating is for the immature and weak. Dont date someone yoy cant trust and be completely naked in front of. By naked, i mean vulnerable. If you cant trust yourself, then dont be in a relationship


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
I should chime in with an Executive Summary to clarify the issue.

Clooney's main point is that the chance of cheating occurring in any relationship is not 0%. From couples he has knowledge of, the chance that one or both have cheated is significant. He does concede that in a marriage, the chance is lower, but still exists.

ArmyGirl's point is that in her specific relationship, the % of either of them cheating is very low, close to zero. I don't think she's saying her relationship is purely immune to cheating but rather, exceptional in comparison to most couples.

About the point that Clooney made in the original poster's case...He made it seem like it is over 50% certain that the girl in question has cheated. If he were a betting man, he'd bet that she's already cheated, because from his point of view, that's where the odds are.

ArmyGirl disagrees, drawing from her own relationship experience and love for her boyfriend. I would hope my girl would act the same way.

Will we ever know the answer about the girl in question? In my opinion, there's not enough info about the situation to make any informed decision. As a boyfriend, you can do some investigation or just give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she'd never cheat on you.

Invest in the joint-venture now. Thank you for your time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by KiInCollege
I should chime in with an Executive Summary to clarify the issue.

Clooney's main point is that the chance of cheating occurring in any relationship is not 0%. From couples he has knowledge of, the chance that one or both have cheated is significant. He does concede that in a marriage, the chance is lower, but still exists.

ArmyGirl's point is that in her specific relationship, the % of either of them cheating is very low, close to zero. I don't think she's saying her relationship is purely immune to cheating but rather, exceptional in comparison to most couples.

About the point that Clooney made in the original poster's case...He made it seem like it is over 50% certain that the girl in question has cheated. If he were a betting man, he'd bet that she's already cheated, because from his point of view, that's where the odds are.

ArmyGirl disagrees, drawing from her own relationship experience and love for her boyfriend. I would hope my girl would act the same way.

Will we ever know the answer about the girl in question? In my opinion, there's not enough info about the situation to make any informed decision. As a boyfriend, you can do some investigation or just give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she'd never cheat on you.

Invest in the joint-venture now. Thank you for your time.
hahaahaha, nice work :) You pretty much summed the entire thing up!!! hahahaahaha, the way you wrote it was interesting.

Good stuff!!