Girlfriend finds another guy "attractive."


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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If I have an open relationship then fine she can find other dudes attractive. But if that precedent has not been set then it's downright disrespectful in my opinion.

Face it if anyone is really making a sacrifice to stay faithful with a single person it's me. The man of the relationship. For her to even suggest travel down that path by telling me she finds other men attractive severely devalues her in my eyes.

Saying that a woman rules the dating game is the same thing as saying gazelles rule the lions because the lions are always after them and gazelles can pick and choose what lion eats them. When the lions are finished they are useless, go on POF and see for yourself.

She either doesn't mind you finding other girls attractive and is ok with you going on dates with other women. Or she's a HO.

You have to pick one.

Now that that is out of the way. This is a classic S H I T test dude just ignore it and game other women in your spare time. This one is already showing signs she's not worth it. This is really your fault because you allowed her to discover that you don't have anything better to do with your time other than communicate with her. Even if the prettiest girl you have ever seen decides all she wants to do with her time is to talk to you all day you can't do it dude! She will lose all respect for you, like this one is now.

Lesson learned.

TL,DR: You are demonstrating beta characteristics by demonstrating you have too much spare time and therefore your time is worthless. Then again by allowing her to talk to you about the virtues of other men she finds attractive.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I feel stupid, this is an ancient thread...

Splinter Cell... why are you replying to old threads?


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
zekko said:
I think this sounds like a huge red flag. Not so much that she said the guy was attractive. But then add in that she's bi, she has male friends, and she wants to chill with this guy - all while you are currently in a long distance relationship. I wouldn't like the sound of it.

What is there in all that soup that makes me want to be in a serious relationship with this girl?
What zekko said.

Keep your radar on 24/7 and be prepared to walk away in an instant.