I identify sooooo strongly with Delta. People will call me quite sociable in gatherings, opening conversations with strangers, etc. Whenever I'd admit to others that I lacked close friends, it surprised them.
However, my situation is starting to turn for the better, and it's worth noting how that affects dating.
About 3 or so years ago, I noted I was in a number of bad friendships. They could count on me to show up at their invitations. I'd call them, email, all the friend things to stay in touch and grow our relationship. But, I noticed they would not go to my things. I'd invite, and no replies. I'd tell them this bothered me, even hurt that things were this way. They basically shrugged their shoulders. In brief, I took inventory of the people who did not bother to show up when I invited, did not initiate calling me, did not initiate emailing me. I quit emailing or calling, to see if they would notice and start emailing/calling at their own initiative. If I ran into them, and they invited me, I pointed out to them that it's time they go to my things, and did not go to their stuff, etc.
Anyhow.. these were bad relationships, and simply ended. Am happy the truth came out in the open and am wiser now. Since then, I've worked hard to grow new friendships. Most people frankly think of themselves, and won't make much an effort to be sociable. Only over the past year has this really come to much. There's a couple of friends I can count on to respond to my invitations, but not all the time. We run into each other weekly, and will do something intentional about once a month.. just disclosing where things are.
HOW THIS AFFECTS DATING: During my bad social times and now with the recent improvement.. that stuff did not affect my dating directly, but had a MAJOR impact nonetheless. In dating without friends or with, the women never brought up that I don't have friends, I need to build better friends, acted like I'm a loser, etc. The major effect is HOW I FELT. Now that I'm growing more friends, I feel more at ease, more supported. It's easier to just be natural around women, having a good time, etc. Rejection is not as big a deal, because I have some friends to talk with, get support, etc. You can argue whether or not I have a weak or strong self image, and I acknowledge I possess elements of both.
The affect of having friends is that when I approach a woman, the friends are inside my head supporting me, letting me know that I'm really not going to fall that far if this doesn't work out. So, a woman doesn't seem to notice if friends are around or not. But, my self esteem does.