Girlfriend Cried And Left After Sex!!!


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
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Omg... I am just in shock let me 1st say. I met this girl about 3 week's ago and started things off nice and slow with her. She is only 17 btw. Well anyways she is still a virgin and I was her first, after I taught her how to swim I took her to this dark room and it happened. We have been doing it since, but today something VERY STRANGE HAPPENED! I took her to my house, she said she was tired and sleepy so she went to my bed to lie down. Well I undressed her little by little and started to have sex with her. After the intercourse she just started to " CRY " I was just in utter shock! I was like wtf did I do wrong :eek: ?
She dressed up and left my house as quickly as she could and while she was leaving she stepped on my toe by accident with the heel of her shoe! OUCH!
Man I am just in utter amazement.... Any advice would be seriously appreciated


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
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Bro, she's probably VERY disappointed at herself, or maybe even ashamed.

From my instincts, I have a feeling that she's in for a guilt-trip, leaning towards feeling like a slut.

You should cut back on the intercourse, as for now, she may seem to be feel like your 'girl toy', or a friend with benefit.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
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Bro, thanks for the advice.. I plan on dropping this girl and finding me a new GF
By the way.... when she was leaving she said " I feel like a slut " ouch
I think I might have done exactly what you said. Did you ever encounter a similiar situation like this Allurre? I think I might have been to forceful.. I felt really really guilty when she cried.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
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Iamnotacrook said:
I hate people like you.
Right now I hate my self too to tell you the truth. I in no way intended to hurt this girl just to let you know. I thought she liked the sex as just as much as I did. :(


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Maybe she did like it as much, and that's why she feels guilty. Either way, it's pretty obvious this site didn't bother to teach you the basics of how not to emotionally scar your targets. In theory, I guess it's possible for these things to happen with no warning signs, but if she was a virgin, that kind of suggests you didn't handle things like a mature adult. Makes me think of my female friends who are under 18. All I can think if this happened to them is how bad I'd want to beat the dude to death.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
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To tell you the truth its my 1st long term relationship man, I want to learn from

from this mistake because I want to never make a girl cry again. It just felt so

terrible inside when I saw her cry. Make's me want to be a better man, I wanted

to make the girl feel loved and special but it had the opposite effect.

Tell me how you would have handled this situation differently


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
I don't understand why she would feel like a slut if it was a long-term relationship. Having never had sex with a virgin, I'm not really qualified to give advice on how to handle it. But why would you then dump her, if she wasn't just your little teenage slut?


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Iamnotacrook said:
I don't understand why she would feel like a slut if it was a long-term relationship. Having never had sex with a virgin, I'm not really qualified to give advice on how to handle it. But why would you then dump her, if she wasn't just your little teenage slut?
To tell you the truth I am not exactly sure what to do right now man. I know I am going to apologize and see how things go on from there. If she accepts the apology ( which I think probably she will ) then I am going to make sure I never repeat this mistake again and try to give this girl the best relationship she ever had. But if she won't I will move on, I will feel nostalgic since I introduced her to my family and been really close with her. But thing's must go forward since there are more important matters in my hand right now. Earlier that day, when she took me out to dinner I said " I will pay half, can you pay the other half " She got really agitated and paid for the dinner herself. Then after that she asked me why do you see us as equal? (Because when I first was hooking up with her I told her that I see man and women as Equals ) I felt really bad and guilty for asking her to pay the other half of the tab because she took me out to dinner's and bought me all kinds of things other girls never did before. To tell you the truth I was kind of falling for this girl, I still think I am in love with her but just at the beginning stage though. I would never ever want to hurt this girl, especially see her cry.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Call her and try to explain that everything you did was very normal , nothing to feel bad for , very beautiful and made both of you feel great. Also tell her that you respect her. Talk to her how you liked things that you did , how you felt. Let her know that you give a sh1t.

And dont dump her immediately. This would destroy her. But if she dumps you , no problem :D , NEEEEEXTTTTTTTT.

EDIT: Just read your last post. No apologize. You are apologizing for your masculine needs , things that are very attractive.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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In Reality
eatgel said:
To tell you the truth its my 1st long term relationship man...

LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP?? You have to be kidding right? Three weeks is long term? Damn, I must be on the ancient side of my LTR then, jeez.

#1. Was she sleeping when you started undressing her? For a girl you've known for 3 weeks, this isn't very cool to them.
#2. Did she wake up and reciprocate your actions?
#3. If she said she feels like a slut on the way out the door, then that basically says it all. You either made her feel like a slut because she woke up and fvcked when she really didn't want to OR she is a 17 year old confused girl that doesn't know what she wants and doesn't know how she feels....about sex...or about you.

How old are you?


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
TheDoctor said:
LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP?? You have to be kidding right? Three weeks is long term? Damn, I must be on the ancient side of my LTR then, jeez.

#1. Was she sleeping when you started undressing her? For a girl you've known for 3 weeks, this isn't very cool to them.
#2. Did she wake up and reciprocate your actions?
#3. If she said she feels like a slut on the way out the door, then that basically says it all. You either made her feel like a slut because she woke up and fvcked when she really didn't want to OR she is a 17 year old confused girl that doesn't know what she wants and doesn't know how she feels....about sex...or about you.

How old are you?
I am 18. She was not sleeping when I started seducing her. I started to undress her and she knew exactly what I was about to do. Since we have done it couple of times before, she knew the usual routine and everything went as planned. After I was done, I got up and went to the kitchen to get me some juice and when I came back she was crying all of sudden?

I think I slammed way too hard on her because she was like " It hurts " but

I said in return wait just a few minutes.

TheDoctor, earlier that day she said she felt a little wierd when I asked her

pay half of the tab on the food. She was being a little stressed and *****y

I think she was surprised that I asked her to pay half of the food, because

she took me out on expensive dates and bought me a lot of things.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Relax - you did not do anything wrong

And do NOT apologize to her

Your suspicions could be right, for example since you wanted to split the bill, she felt 'used' since she bought you many expensive things.

Just make sure you treat her a bit better - but be natural about it, don't let her know you are doing it 'to make her feel better.'
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
how about you start by NOT committing yourself to a mentally unstable young virgin, do NOT take her seriously, you WILL get hurt in all of this, and you SHOULD just have fun with her and nothing else

why be in a LTR at 18 years old if you know its not going to last forever?

how do I know this? personal experience of making the mistake of getting into relationships with stupid young girls

why am I telling you this? so YOU can avoid the pain that I had.

or would you like to learn the hard way like every other chump?


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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In Reality
or would you like to learn the hard way like every other chump?

L.P., you know as well as I do that most everyone on this board will learn the hard way, myself included. I'm having issues with my LTR and instead of bailing like I should and like I've been advised, I am working things out. My case deals with honest Love and not the bullsyt lust experienced by most. I'm determined that I can salvage it. I've been told otherwise but haven't really listened. I'll learn the hard way.

Most of these guys live in a state of denial (on so many levels).

You're a harsh critic, but mostly are right about things in general. All you can do is tell them what they should do. It's up to them to take the advice or not. If they don't, well the misery of their current situation will be prolonged and eventually, they will learn.......THE HARD WAY!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Young girls, indeed, women of any age, are balls of emotion. Losing her virginity was obviously a life-changing experience for her, as it is for most humans, and the crying was just those emotions coming out. Live and learn. my friend.

Daddy the Pimp got it right --
"Call her and try to explain that everything you did was very normal , nothing to feel bad for , very beautiful and made both of you feel great. Also tell her that you respect her. Talk to her how you liked things that you did , how you felt. Let her know that you give a sh1t.

And dont dump her immediately. This would destroy her. But if she dumps you , no problem , NEEEEEXTTTTTTTT."


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
eatgel said:
I am 18. She was not sleeping when I started seducing her. I started to undress her and she knew exactly what I was about to do. Since we have done it couple of times before, she knew the usual routine and everything went as planned. After I was done, I got up and went to the kitchen to get me some juice and when I came back she was crying all of sudden?
She is 17 and probably immature.

The only thing is that you may have treated her and made her feel like nothing more then a cvm bucket. Did you gauage her reaction during and after sex?! sometimes a little words of apperciation's about how sexy she (is)was or how good she (makes) made you feel and a little bit of cuddling go a long way during/after sex.

Also be more prepared for sex. I always keep cold bottles of water in the fridge and bring them right in the room before sex so I wouldn't have to get up to drink and also that she will have something to drink as well!


Wow, how could you fail so hard? You've permanently scarred her and now she'll probably wind up a lesbian.

I am shocked and appalled. If I were you I'd find another place to pick up chicks... such as a club review website.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"I plan on dropping this girl and finding me a new GF"

Good idea.

You definitely don't want her playing the rape card on you as a means to alleviate her shame over a natural human act for which no shame should be associated with anyway.

Err...she wasn't sleeping when you stuck it in this time was she?

In that case it WAS rape even if she was your girlfriend at the time.

Oh yeah and don't listen to anyone that tells you to talk to her.

A chick gets exactly one time to do a fvcked up reaction like this and I could give a g0ddamn whether she is 17 or 37.

Women with their sh!t together do not freak out after sex.

And yeah yeah you'll hear all the bullsh!t excuses about her being young as for the reason why but don't buy that.

One more year into her life and society would consider her mature enough to perform military service and already at 17 she is considered by society to be mature enough to have the priviledge of operating a vehicle which could kill many people if she fvcks up.

For now though if you want you can sit and wait and if she comes to you and apologizes and explains herself than alright but if she tries to guilt trip you over only wanting her for sex tell her to save that noise and that sex is a two way street then kick her the hell out of your life unless she understands your point and comes to agree with you on it and the point would be that if any "using" was going on it was you two using eachother and having fun and she just flipped out over it and thus needs to get over it and understand that she was wrong to do that.

And remember she only got that one time to freak out and leave after sex.

She does it again you move on, no more chances for her.