Girlfriend and other guys


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
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Me and this chick have been going out for about a month now. We're both seniors in HS. She has always liked me but earlier this year I had always shot down her attempts to hang out and basically ignored her. But anyway, now she's all over me, calling me several times a day, can't keep her hands off me.

Before we hooked up, she had this male friend she hung out with. This guy went around telling all his friends that he could get head from her, and she eventually pretty much cut off their relationship of hanging out. She tells me she never liked him, but who knows. I never liked the guy because I had (still have) some beef with his best friend.

This past weekend this guy had a surprise birthday party and my girl wasn't invited (not the guys fault, his sister planned it). So she was pretty pissed, saying that he is one of her friends. Apparantly the guy still calls her and trys to get her to hang out, and they made some plans for tomorrow to hang out.

When she told me, I kept it cool and played it off with total indifference like a DJ, but on the inside I really hate the ****er and would like to lay him out good. Am I overanalyzing this situation? I feel like I need to beat this guy. I suppose I need to confront him and out alpha-male him.

Any tips/suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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for a first time poster youre smart...
anyways so this guy was dating her before you? you didn't really make that clear...

anyways what I would do honestly is just not get worried about it...girls don't like the jealous guys...
BUT if you have a friend going ask him just to keep any eye out to see if they do anything...

if you can just try to make this guy look bad (but not being pessimistic or seem like an ass). For instance if you heard something bad about him bring it up casually to her for example: "I heard that __name of jerk__ got his ass kicked last year and started crying and went home to his mommy," get the idea?


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
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Yeah I get what you're saying. Thanks for the advice. I'll try to work it in somehow.

And to answer your question they were never dating, just hung out alone. I would get a friend to keep an eye out but they're going to be alone to go out to eat or something.

Best friends? NAY

Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2003
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Where ever I am
Think about it this way, how many chicks that where just friends with you cheated on their b/f with you? Exactly.
Don't send someone to spy on her.
Don't question the **** out of her the next day.
Don't be insecure about it, she prob won't cheat on you and if you think she did then dump her.
DO show her a GREAT time, the day before she hangs out with the kid, and a great time afterwards.


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Best friends? NAY
Think about it this way, how many chicks that where just friends with you cheated on their b/f with you? Exactly.
Don't send someone to spy on her.
Don't question the **** out of her the next day.
Don't be insecure about it, she prob won't cheat on you and if you think she did then dump her.
DO show her a GREAT time, the day before she hangs out with the kid, and a great time afterwards.
Solid advice. I will follow this


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Best friends? NAY
Think about it this way, how many chicks that where just friends with you cheated on their b/f with you? Exactly.
Don't send someone to spy on her.
Don't question the **** out of her the next day.
Don't be insecure about it, she prob won't cheat on you and if you think she did then dump her.
DO show her a GREAT time, the day before she hangs out with the kid, and a great time afterwards.
This is relevant not only to this post, but to your mindset in general.

Golden advice.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
you my friend have what we over at mASF called oneitus, find another girl, stop being so concerend with her


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Your the Don, not him, you can get any chick you want, so if you really wantthis one just tell yourself:

That ****er is nothing and I am the master!


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
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Last night she called me up and made plans for me to come over after school for some fun, and I was thinking, great chance to show a good time before she hangs out. Then as I'm heading over there she calls and says don't come, her mom is home and she had no idea she was there. I said okay, ended the call. I was pretty pissed. I let her know later I didn't like it one bit. She sincerely apologizes thru TXT and then on AIM later.

Whats weird was that I went to starbucks to get out of the house and get my head clear and work on some stuff, and I see her car parked there. Apparantly she met up there and must've rode with him. But if I even sense cheating, I will drop this girl so ****ing quick.

I do have oneitis. And I am already in the works of fixing it. I need to have more female friends to hang out with. I've been focusing too much on one girl. There's this incredibly hot chick I see in the halls at school that I've been wanting to approach for a week or two, I'm ****ing going for it tommorrow.

Thanks for the help


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
oh shyt dude she totally fvcked you man...
anyways...yes FIND OTHER GIRLS before IT happens...when she leaves you for this other guy and youre left with nothing .


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
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I don't know yet, I trust her more than that. She's been gone for atleast 4 hours now.... maybe she's not even with him I dont know. I haven't called because I don't wanna seem too overbearing/clingy. But I rarely call her anyway, so maybe I should

Big Boi

Don Juan
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
oh come on now, dont be an idiot (no offense).

she tells you not to go to her house because her moms there, but then you catch her at starbucks?

she lied to you so she can be with the other guy. she thought she was gonna be stuck at home bored, so she called you, her reliable little girlfriend whos always gonna be there when shes bored, but then the guy called her and she flew out the door and canceled the plans with you...with a lie.

you will NOT next her because youre already ***** whooped, so what i would recommend is completely ignoring her for at leas a week, and until she begs to know whats going on, break up with her.

that should teach the ***** a lesson.

(but of course you wont do all this, and just keep chasing her until she finally rips your balls off and tosses them in a lake somewhere. be a man.)


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
Nah her mom was home because she had an orthodontist appointment.

She had already made plans with the guy beforehand.

I doubt she is cheating on me. Last night we had a long talk on the phone. She is pretty horny for me to say the least, but I still don't feel good. Apparantly the guy at dinner told her something like why'd you let him in your life after he rejected you for so long when you liked him?

I feel using that dip**** like a punching bad