My girl of 1 year won't and has hardly sucked me off. For the past year, she claimed her jaw hurt when she did. She'll put the tip in then just wank me off. At the very start of our relationship she did give me 1 proper one though.
Now she changed her story and claims that she hates BJ's because it reminds her of her past or some ****.
She's the perfect girlfriend other than this, I get sex and handjobs and stuff pretty regularly and she is a good person.
But will I ever be able to get BJ's out of this girl? If so please tell me how, we almost broke up cause of this
Now she changed her story and claims that she hates BJ's because it reminds her of her past or some ****.
She's the perfect girlfriend other than this, I get sex and handjobs and stuff pretty regularly and she is a good person.
But will I ever be able to get BJ's out of this girl? If so please tell me how, we almost broke up cause of this