One more update
Mr. Merit described it exactly. Both "twins" were inserted into the conversation. Just wanted to give credit where it is due, and say this is exactly how it went down.
Anyway, later on in the evening, after having said my piece and going silent, I get hit with "I really hope this won't come between us as friends. I really want you, but like you said the timing is just off right now."
I'm already turned off enough as it is between 1.) Her being enough of a pushover that she would prefer the being with the break-boyfriend rather than deal with the inconvenience of thinking for yourself, and 2.) The LJBF nonsense. So I didn't much care and responded: "Yeah it's no problem at all. We can totally hang out and do lunch and walk my dog and everything. And afterwards you can go home and **** your ex. Sorry but I'm not ok with that. Gotta go."
Well that of course blew up and I got hit with nonsense about "Well I just want to be able to say hi to you without it being awkward blah blah blah". I ignored it and like the poster mentioned above, have been on radio silence ever since.
It'll be interesting to see how it plays out from here. I'm done with the whole thing regardless (went out with a plate last night after this nonsense), but if I were to speculate I give it 6 weeks of radio silence before I hear some bull**** about "Oh, just wanted to see how you were doing."
Thanks for all the input guys, both in showing me where I lost my balls and how to play things out. At least going foward now I'll know what not to do/say. Regards -Hansol