Girl wants to bang right away - Should I be happy or worried?


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, fl
Ok A short treatise:

She found you attractive. She wants sex. From you. As an attractive male. She wanted it when you met. She threw the "you're attractive" out there so you can move on it.

Second date, she wanted it, and she was trying to serve it up to you in the best way she could. She basically told you she wants to fùck, or as close to it modern woman can usually get. It was a layup pitch, and due to FUD, you wiffled it.

She's in the hopsital, she's sick. She uses those lines on guys to pull them into her orbit. "Care about me." This type of stuff speaks to the "protector" buried deep within us guys. She didn't want to tell you she was sick because deep down inside she knew it would draw you into the "care for me" orbit. She wanted to keep you the sexy man she saw you as. She wants the sex.

Since the 2 wiffles, she's not seeing you as much in the sexy man light. She's quickly pulling you into orbiter status playing on a man's innate sense to be a protector.

One should never put the cart before the horse. Back in my past, I've gone through something very similar. Couldn't believe that a chick liked me, so i thought it must all be a trap or a joke or something. Deep down inside, you're going to have to instill in you a sense of worth. You need to know deep down that women will want to fùck you.

So as it stands right now, she threw it out there, and you passed it up. She's now playing the symathy card to the hilt to get your attention. I don't really care what you do at this point, just realize the score. See what's happening. Mentally step away from the whole deal and look at this from a 3rd party perspective. No matter what you do, keep your eyes open, look at this all rationally and you will learn something new.

dark god

Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2009
Reaction score
StevieD said:
So last week I met this girl in a bar. She was very direct in that she thought I was attractive.. I'd say she was a 7.... definitely good enough to bang... So anyway we ended making out hardcore in the bar.... She was with a friend who basically left... I didn't try for the ONS, but I got her number When Girls leave their friends with Random dudes then my friend you hit the Slut jackpot. You shouldve rode that lass like a wild bronco.

So we been texting everyday.... yesterday we met up again for a drink. She told me she was drunk and horny the night we met... and if I asked her too she would have gone home with me. She then kept making sexual references and flat out told me she loves sex... and thinks about it all the time Broads got itch that needs to be scratched and you're Pullin a barabra walters and asking 20 questions.

I ended up making out again, and felt her up a bit.... but I decided not to do her that night cause I didn't want to sleep over her place or vice versa...HUH?! I not only wouldve went to her house and Bottomed out on that snatch i wouldve rented porn on her TV when she fell asleep and seen what she had good In the fridge.And then tried to bum money for lunch the next day when she woke up

So obviously she wants to see me again and she looks like she is willing ready and able....

The thing is when girls are coy and throw **** tests I hate it... but now that this girl is ready I am kind of skeptical...

Should I just be a man and enjoy this nympho?


Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies all. I think its a moral thing now... she has this Multiple Sclerosis.. I had no intention of LTR or even STR with her... I just wanted an FB... I know she likes me for more than that.... I read about this illness and it's really bad... she has suffered enough you know... she is texting me like everyday now..... I guess either way she is going to be hurt... so maybe I should just go ahead with it??

What is the right thing to do??? I am sorry if I sound like an AFC chump right now...


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, fl
StevieD said:
Thanks for the replies all. I think its a moral thing now... she has this Multiple Sclerosis.. I had no intention of LTR or even STR with her... I just wanted an FB... I know she likes me for more than that.... I read about this illness and it's really bad... she has suffered enough you know... she is texting me like everyday now..... I guess either way she is going to be hurt... so maybe I should just go ahead with it??

What is the right thing to do??? I am sorry if I sound like an AFC chump right now...
Well you got the emotional support down. Did you buy her the bear or flowers yet?

You are an AFC chump. The score: after 2 dates and no lays with this chick, you're head over heels


Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
scrouds said:
Well you got the emotional support down. Did you buy her the bear or flowers yet?

You are an AFC chump. The score: after 2 dates and no lays with this chick, you're head over heels
wtf are you talking about? I'm just asking if I should bang her or next her. If I bang her I'd be out but I can't help but feel its wrong because of her condition

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Waive off. IF she knew of her condition back when you met, she was in a weird place. Possibly trying to see if she,"still had it". Sort of like a Cougar that wants to prove they are still attractive. Ok so now where you are I'd say get your head together, be polite, but waive off. I've got a chick that I DHV'd and she's all about blowing up my phone with texts, photos, etc. I'm not even interested because of all her drama. It's your life my friend. I'm sure she has a support network of family, friends, etc. I wouldn't be the a$$hole, but I'd keep my distance and let her get thru whatever troubles she's in. You be the white knight and you'll regret it.


Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
I feel so bad now.. she really likes me... I am like in a catch 22. I can't let her know her condition is the reason I don't want her... that would make her feel worse. She has said she wants to be viewed as someone normal... I guess I could ignore her till she goes away.... or tell her I am involved with someone else which is true anyway..

I guess sometimes in life there is no way to do something without getting hurt.

Still the question remains on whether I should shag her?


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, fl
StevieD said:
I feel so bad now.. she really likes me... I am like in a catch 22. I can't let her know her condition is the reason I don't want her... that would make her feel worse. She has said she wants to be viewed as someone normal... I guess I could ignore her till she goes away.... or tell her I am involved with someone else which is true anyway..

I guess sometimes in life there is no way to do something without getting hurt.

Still the question remains on whether I should shag her?
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
StevieD said:
Plus can I even have rough sex with her...... gosh there is always a catch whenever I get lucky.... welcome to my life :(
This comment really p!sses me off. :box:

You are worried about not being able to have rough sex and YOUR poor luck?!!!!?? This girl has just been diagnosed with a serious disease!! Pretty effing cold dude.

There are a lot of stupid a$$ comments throughout this thread. Some of you guys really need to grow up! Any of you ever know someone with MS?

The Highschool forum is over there boys. You need more time to figure out there is more to life than your tiny d!cks.

StevieD my advice to you is stay as far away from this girl as possible. She needs genuine people in her life at this point. You aren't ready.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, fl
Slickster said:
This comment really p!sses me off. :box:

You are worried about not being able to have rough sex and YOUR poor luck?!!!!?? This girl has just been diagnosed with a serious disease!! Pretty effing cold dude.

There are a lot of stupid a$$ comments throughout this thread. Some of you guys really need to grow up! Any of you ever know someone with MS?

The Highschool forum is over there boys. You need more time to figure out there is more to life than your tiny d!cks.

StevieD my advice to you is stay as far away from this girl as possible. She needs genuine people in her life at this point. You aren't ready.
The white knight force is strong with this one too.

Yes my aunt you douchebag. And I care about her because she's my aunt. I don't give 2 shiits about some random chick off the street, and neither should stevieD.


Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
samspade said:
That sucks about the MS. Tough hand to be dealt.

I wouldn't recommend shagging her. You've already allowed yourself to be consumed emotionally with the decision. And the thing is, she probably is emotional now too, and will see sex with you as a major emotional bonding event and a way to help her "get through it." Of course, there's a chance she'll take the opposite tack - casual sex as a form of release and a way to feel alive and healthy. But you run the risk of joining her in her drama, which is what her friends and family are for. And it doesn't sound like you want to be the guy who pumps & dumps her either. So just don't do it - problem solved. You'll have sex with someone else; have a little perspective.

Thanks samspade. I guess that is the right call here. It really sucks because I was/am attracted to her and she is very sexually charged/open... It is rare I meet a girl that wants to jump my bones so fast and is overt about it...



Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Slickster said:
You are worried about not being able to have rough sex and YOUR poor luck?!!!!?? This girl has just been diagnosed with a serious disease!! Pretty effing cold dude.

There are a lot of stupid a$$ comments throughout this thread. Some of you guys really need to grow up! Any of you ever know someone with MS?

The Highschool forum is over there boys. You need more time to figure out there is more to life than your tiny d!cks.
This forum is, admittedly, not for everyone. You'd probably be happier at Loveshack.

I couldn't help but notice all those green squares though. It's a bit late for you to be discovering what we're about here, isn't it?

Don't get me wrong. There is a time and place to care for our fellow man (man, meaning man and woman). The "place" is definitely not here though. He hardly knows this chick dude. So now that she has MS, you think she wants him to just go running away because he can't/won't provide emotional support??? Why can't she choose choice "C", and get emotional support from some people, and some sex from this guy? That last question was rhetorical in case it wasn't obvious to you.

Surely there's one of "them there" "social contrivances" that RT talks about that applies to your comment. Since he hasn't written his book yet, I can't give you a page number. ;-)


Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
azanon said:
This forum is, admittedly, not for everyone. You'd probably be happier at Loveshack.

I couldn't help but notice all those green squares though. It's a bit late for you to be discovering what we're about here, isn't it?

Don't get me wrong. There is a time and place to care for our fellow man (man, meaning man and woman). The "place" is definitely not here though. He hardly knows this chick dude. So now that she has MS, you think she wants him to just go running away because he can't/won't provide emotional support??? Why can't she choose choice "C", and get emotional support from some people, and some sex from this guy? That last question was rhetorical in case it wasn't obvious to you.

Surely there's one of "them there" "social contrivances" that RT talks about that applies to your comment. Since he hasn't written his book yet, I can't give you a page number. ;-)

Good point.... I'm back to being ambivalent..


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
SMFH @ the dudes trying to jump on Slickster for having some morale with a fatal disease.

If this girl was one of your boys and your homie fell for a chick who pumped and dumped him, youd be talking about it on this board in a nano second. Hell it could be some acquaintance who wasnt even one of your good friends, or just some random guy you heard of.

Point being is that with serious things like MS, this whole male vs female, and "sex above all else" view needs to take a back seat. The viewpoint needs to shift to a person being a person.

When someone has a fatal illness like this, you have to be considerate and very careful about their emotions. Have you read up on the disease? The girl wont have very much time to live her life like she is now, so that would easily push a person towards finding someone to emotionally bond with.

after several years her motor skills become crap, and she will be bed ridden. In that time I assure you anyone would want to have someone by their side to make them feel alright, not be pumped and dumped.

And from everything the OP has said, she doesnt want just sex. If that were the case, Id tell him to be VERY careful and considerate of her life situation, but to do it anyways. But since that is not the case, I dont think its smart to hook up with her. All signs point to it ending bad for her, and she does not need that emotional stress on top of what she is already dealing with.


Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Jaylan you are right...

Here is the thing though.... She is going to be hurt either way. She doesn't want her illness to make her not "normal" Maybe having sex with her though fleeting might at least give her temporary joy...

I guess what I need to figure out is what is my approach?

Just ignore her.. and let her flake out (maybe happening already)


Tell her I am not looking for an LTR, I am a player. If we do it, we do it...

This my dilemma


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
StevieD said:
Jaylan you are right...

Here is the thing though.... She is going to be hurt either way. She doesn't want her illness to make her not "normal" Maybe having sex with her though fleeting might at least give her temporary joy...

You know this is not true. And you know in your gut the sex is about you. Just be honest with her. Say, "I dont want to hurt you, and but im just trying to have fun right now and I wouldnt want you to get hurt" I usually tell girls this when I know they see me as relationship material. That way they cant say I lead them on, and they know I just want to date, but nothing serious.

I guess what I need to figure out is what is my approach?

Just ignore her.. and let her flake out (maybe happening already)

I wouldnt ignore her. Id stay friendly and try to be supportive but from a distance. If she starts to initiate less and ends up flaking out, so be it.


Tell her I am not looking for an LTR, I am a player. If we do it, we do it...

Dont say "if we do it, we do it" Because it comes off wrong and doesnt convey to her that you care about her getting hurt over this. Use what i said before.

This my dilemma

In bold


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
scrouds said:
The white knight force is strong with this one too.

Yes my aunt you douchebag. And I care about her because she's my aunt. I don't give 2 shiits about some random chick off the street, and neither should stevieD.
I'm no saint scrouds.

I do come here to help people though. What about you? You sound very selfish. Hopefully others will take note of your crappy attitude and heed your advice accordingly.

Interesting that you care more about some random dude getting his d!ck wet than a random chick with a horrible disease. Speaks volumes about who you are and what value you have to offer the world.

How would you feel about some random dude mindfvcking your aunt when she was down and reaching out for someone?

This isn't some random chick off the street. She is someone's daughter, sister, mother, etc. She deserves just as much respect as your poor aunt.
