Girl that likes me will not directly answer my questions?


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
hi, im in a bit of a predicament here.

i went to a house party a couple of days ago. when i arrived i was already drunk. i met up with my 4 friends. this chick i was seeing a couple of weeks ago sent me a nude picture to her cellphone and for some reason the picture appeared when i pulled my phone out and my friends caught a glimpse of it. then my friend gabe took it out of my hands and showed it to a girl named C. she laughed, said she looked beautiful. little did i know, C was the roommate of the chick i landed myself with at the party.

i then met C's roommate. she was beautiful and i immediatly approached her and started talking to her. she was pretty drunk already as well. i flirted, she flirted back and next thing you know it we're on the roof of her garage making out. i take her back to her room. she didn't want to have sex because she wanted to take things slow, so we made out and i fingered her. i thought for sure this was going to be a one time deal, but then she took me outside again while everyone was in bed and she said how much she liked me and wanted to get to know me.

i for some reason started falling for her. first time ever this bad. we went back to her room, made out some more and we fell asleep. half way through us sleeping she woke up, jumped on top of me and started making out with me where we played around some more. then she told me she's not looking for any commitments at the moment but she still likes me? huh?

so, we wake up the next morning, we're both hungover as hell. she jumps on top of me and we make out again til the afternoon, just chilling in her room. she takes me out and buys me breakfast. i ask her if she wants to go see a movie with me on monday, she immediatly says yes. i then part ways with her 'cause i have to go to work. she gives me her number and tells me to text her.

i get to work and i text her (yes, stupid guys i know), tellin her to meet me at the theatre at 7. she never replies. i then find out i lost my debit card, so i tried to call her but the phone was cut off half way through. i need my card because i am a chef and needed to buy supplies ASAP, so i texted her saying i lost my card. she immediatly replies saying, "yeah, ill look for it hopefully we find it."

i text her back thanking her saying i always lose my card and if shes still up for monday (my gut is telling me somethings up). she replies, "yeah, ill let you know if i find it or not." umm, is that a trick answer? shes not saying yes to hanging out with me? or is she? i text her saying if she does find it to just bring it with her to the movies on monday. haha

she never texts me back at all, so i have to ask her again if she found it after 6 hours. she asked me if i wanted to go camping with her the night before, so i asked her if she's still going. her reply, "yeah, i couldnt find the card best go to your bank."

why in the hell is she not directly answering my questions? i realize that i came off a little strong with the texts (4 of them) but if a girl likes you this much it shouldn't matter, right? could it be that her roommate told her about the nude picture? at the same time, what does it matter especially when she said she wasnt looking for commitments. i told her im dating women, just none at the moment (i lied to her).

my good friend is friends with her as well and he just told me she broke up with her boyfriend 2 months ago (apparently he was a prick.)

now before anyone says anything, i do realize i looked a little insecure by asking a second time if our date was still on. i know i screwed up there.

should i ignore her? or act as if the monday date is still on and go there and wait? i do have a backup plan as i dont have oneitis, if this chick dosent pull through ive already made plans to do the exact same thing with another chick on the same day actually, so in the end im not really upset about it, just more confused. never had a chick like me this much and within 2 hours of me leaving have her ignore me and not directly answer my questions.

might be a test, im not too sure. hopefully you guys could be of some help. thanks so much.
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
Fudge the date. You better get your card back. I'd be upset. I'd call asap for he card. Personally I wouldn't even bring up the date. If she is into me, she'll make it happen. I don't know how you acted before you made out with her, but you may be able to toss some dj stuff at her to reignite your guys' connection.

Don't make a big deal out of it. If anything, get another girl on the side. Then your desire for her will die down.


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
That's the thing, I don't know if you read everything or not but she said she has no idea where my card is. Yeah, im pretty pissed off that's shes not giving me a straight answer.
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Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
no ****, im being a wuss. good enough. i dont know what the hell is wrong with me, normally i wouldnt call or text for a couple of days. special case i guess.
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