Steam and Bronxtal
So true both of your comment.
Bayou, you said nothing about why do you wont this girl and do you really want her at all. But before you replay, let me worn you.
I think that one of the common mistakes people do is getting involved sexually with their coworkers, which is fun at the beggining, but usually leads to emotional involvement from one side or even both sides.
If any of sides want to stop,(and spending to much time together at work and at private, will speed up low interest process) the other ends up hurt, which is a problem for both of sides.
But this problem is hard to solve, since you cannot avoid source of it, the other side, bec you are working together.
I strongly advice not to involve with coworkers at all.
Same goes with a women friends.
You said you have been good friends for almost a year. From my experience involving with your friends is NEVER good idea.
Mostly because they already know too much of you and that kills the beauty of mistery that they love so much.
For some own reasons they might get involved with you anyway, but those reasons are never good enough to make them feel really strongly attached to you for longer period. So often I saw my women friends looking excited listening to their girl friends talking about new guy they meet, the mistery he presents and so on.
At those momet they associated the same feelings with mistery with the guy they are with right now and thats why they really like hearing stories like this. But since you never been a mistery to her at all (you were good friends), she associated those feelings to someone before you or someone she is interested at right now. That is moment when she will admit to herself low interest she has about you. Soon, she will start act accordingly to that feeling.
Women will not agree with me, but in many situations (including twice even my oven) the relationship ends in a way that women is not interested any more and the guy ends up dumped.
They insist in being friends after it (and they really wont to have you around, but not as a man), but if you really have a feeling for her, than you know its best for you not to have anything to do with her, bec it will hurt.
She said it herself that she dont wonna hurt you, so I think she already has a feeling where this might end up.
Do NOT go for it.
Many times in my life I was hooked by this words, and try to win them, but I was just playing their game.
So, if you really wonna handle this girl (unless you are totally in love, already), just NEXT her.
Not in just in the way you act towards her, but in your minds too.
Good luck