Girl tearing my mind apart


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
well, we all know that girls are supposed to be nothing to worry about, its something that will happen when its ment to happen and it should go as smooth as you want it to and blah blah blah, thats what i was fed since i was a little kid. and i didnt like it.
i started reading alot of books about relationships and getting the message accross and all the DJ related E-Books i could get my hands on. all that was because i decided that ive been single for too long now and that im not missing a brain or the looks to get what i want.
im 20, i go to this university where alot of hot chicks roam. but there was this specific woman that you could say caught me from my ballsack. it took me a while to get myself prepared to go introduce myself. i always had this self esteem thing that always held me back making me think that im either too good or im too proud to go over and say hello. back to my story. she takes the same class, so i attend, the class time is up, people start to leave, i walk in a faster pace catching up to her and her chick friend, then i get close enough and say hello and stretch my arm for a warm handshake. then right after the introduction i spill out that i want her help with studying, she declines it, what i know i should do is quickly make a transition between this boring topic and another nice one, but that seemed impossible, so i just say "well, ok. urm, ugh thanks for the help, if i dont understand anything in specific i will get back to you" bla bla that was VERRY pathetic. although as i was leaving i started remmembering the things that were actually said and done during the conversation. the hot chick was alittle shocked. she smiled acouple of times and i actually remmember her say "you make me laugh" in the middle of my crisis conversation.
then comes the next day i walk up to her like a rusty robot and go again with the bull**** "i realy dont like asking people's help alot but i do need your help with my studying for tomorrow's exam" that blunt ***** replied with "i still didnt study but why dont you go to the professor and let him help you out" and so the conversation goes on the same rythem. i threw in the middle "when are we going to start to catch up" i got a nice reply with a cute blushed smile, she acted stupid though. then i asked for her phone number in an (i dont expect NO for an answer) and so i got it. but i thaught that it was a blunt way of giving it, then i give the boring farewells and leave the area.'
dont you think thats some pathetic bull****? im normal with everyone in my life except with hot chicks that "i want to get with". to be honest. im only normal with girls that i know are taken.
i have a long ass list of things i cant make out what they are, i could keep going on with my story structure but it will be one long read, so i will just put some points down.
after my last conversation with her about the studying i sent her an sms saying "so yeah, i know ive been a complete ass to just come over and throw a load on you of my laziness. that was pretty selfish of me. i will do well on the next exam that comes. good day. {my name} "
then the day ends, knowing what an ass ive been and how wrong everything went with that chick i had my plans laid on. then comes the next day. i ignore her at uni. then go back at my friends house, chilling. i wanted to make sure of what material to study for this other exam i had the next day and guess what?! that same chick takes the same class, i call her once. no answer. 1 or 2 hours later i call again. no answer.... 3rd time in another hour and no answer. omfg? am i that disgusting? 1 minute later she calls back. first she didnt have my number saved. then when i tell her who i am she goes like " oh hello" i get to the point. then transit from that topic of studies to how she did with her previous exam and then with how i handled my studying concerning the exam i failed at. i heard some laughs from her then as we were closing the phone i hear a "Take care" so stupidly i rush back with a "you too" . that phone conversation held my hopes up high again. i felt that i made everything go wrong befor and then that call came and got a smile on my face again. and i sleep confidently.
now for the last part :D today, i go to my sexy uni. all nice and clean as usual. a flashy new hair cut that ive recieved many complements about earlier in my life. im walking arround with a buddy and i see her sitting with someone, friend or lover i dont know. i pass close ( as i had to pass that way because thats where im going) and i get no reaction off her, not even eye contact. i let it go and continue with where im going. then came the class we are with together. i go, stand outside in the hall waiting for the doctor with my buddy then she passes by with her friend all cold and ****ing icy. passed straight infront of me and no eye contact again. although her friend had a deep look in my eyes. it was quick. as that horrible chick passes i let out a low hello, it was ignored. half the lecture time passes and her and her friend slip out of class. i waited till the class ended and then gave her a call.
i greeted her on the phone with a nice fun vibe. hey wats up. she didnt know who i was so i told her. then i said strongly that she should save my number with my name and then i started: "so yeah, i finished the class waiting for my car to reach uni. i got time to kill, where are you." and i get almost nothing. then i go " so where is my invitation " and that ***** goes "i got a class in acouple of minutes" then the call slowly dies (in like a split second) and a bye slips my mouth.
ive never talked freely about something that personal in that much details. im sure to many of you that was an intertaining read. if i was a i would have enjoyed it too. it would be great if all my mistakes were pointed out and clerified. i already do so almost all the time but i cant find a solution to my problem. its getting lonely and punani is a must! ;) what the hell is that girl playing at? one second i feel anger towards that person having all the negative thaughts i could ever have on a person deciding that i wont subject to this bull**** treating me as if i were her ****ing pet or something. i dont know. im sure as hell that im not her pet but i cant stop thinking that i might be acting like one. where am i going wrong? + ive noticed that i dont remmember half the **** that has been said on either phone calls OR face to face conversations. its like my head was somewhere else. but i know its not. my head is everywhere that has to do with that chick. i do feel pathetic.
i forgot to add that befor i approached that chick there was something going on between us. and i felt that if i approached her every nice thing i see will collapse down to horror and not getting what i want. and so thats what i think is happening now.
the sumup of what i want is: how do i get that foxy chick. i want to sweep her of her feet. i want to draw her attention, and i want to get her into me.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score
I only date women I can manipulate and control...

Seriously dude, I know you want a challenge, just wait till you have time, like then you are 30. For now just date women that will worship you. Yes... Lower your standards...


Don Juan
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Your over thinking the game. And you put too much stock in one woman. Charge her to the game and keep it moving. You may be best suited studying the canned PUA stuff (I dont know if Id get banned for saying the guys name who wrote that book so I wont). The canned stuff seems to be the best for intelligent guys, in my own opinion.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
You blew it all kinds of ways, and permanently.

You asked her to help you study? You NEED her HELP?? Not DJ is it? Why would she want to do that?

As far as I can see she has given you no signs of interest other than politeness. 'Take care' is not an indication of interest! So you should have nexted her then.

Instead you ignore the signals and pester her until you get shunned. She'll be telling people you're a stalker next, if not already, so quit it and find someone interested.

And calling her a bitch and hating her for not responding to your lame advances? Weak.


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
You blew it all kinds of ways, and permanently.

You asked her to help you study? You NEED her HELP?? Not DJ is it? Why would she want to do that?

As far as I can see she has given you no signs of interest other than politeness. 'Take care' is not an indication of interest! So you should have nexted her then.

Instead you ignore the signals and pester her until you get shunned. She'll be telling people you're a stalker next, if not already, so quit it and find someone interested.

And calling her a bitch and hating her for not responding to your lame advances? Weak.
damn straight thats what im talking about. if you look at it from the bright side, that chick was pretty self centered with little things i felt about her, for all i know she seems to me that she is nothing more than a show.
i tend to call *****es *****es because at the end thats what they are, they will show it sooner or later.
thanks for that blunt reply, i agree i got carried away, my head tends to slip every once in a while.
scorched, thanks for the reminder, i think i just noticed a girl learking on the side that would provide me with what i want for the time being ;)
as for PUA stuff im going through all i could find off Ebooks and such, thanks for the course.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
let this be a lesson in what NOT to do...

the only thing you did right was probably approach the girl, and then all downhill after that...

you need help? why would a girl you barely know and has no connection with you help you? do yourself a favor and erase her number.. as she obviously wants nothing to do with u...

just let it go, act cold to her and dont give her any attention, if she comes back, take it from there (if you want to) if not.. well then, good riddance and move forward.. :)

good luck,


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Your main problem is you were just plain BORING. Well done on approaching her, even though what you approached WITH was very weak (and boring). But you then carried on and on and on about studying/exams/school -- BORING.

From "boring", you then moved towards "creepy". You have creeped her out man. She wants nothing to do with you.

Oh, and what you are feeling is a classic case of "oneitis".

At this point man, absolutely the best thing you can do is chalk this one up as a loss, learn from your mistakes and move on. You're only gonna be wasting time and mental energy to keep thinking about this one because you've got NO chance with her (not for at least about a year anway, and only if you manage to make sweeping (and visible) personal changes in that time).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
you sound like one of those guys who reads all the knowledge he can get but hasn't taken the time to actually process it all let alone practice it. To sum up your problem be confident, and don't care what the **** happens in the end when it comes to you and this girl. If you have the attitude of I like this girl a lot and I’m going to do what I can to hang out with her when I can, she'll see your desperation and no interest will escalate.

However if you have the attitude of a confident guy who is inviting her into his reality and your welcome to join the ride and if not then I’ll find someone who will then yeah she will defiantly get interested in you. Change your mindset bro, and read the dj bible here and only absorb as much info as you can. First start off with getting rid of your general fear of anxiety. I'm not going to go into detail but you need to learn to take baby steps before you can walk, but hell in your case you need to learn to crawl first.