Girl says she has BF-then gives number...


Don Juan
Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
I'm really into this chick that comes into my work regularly. A few months ago I engaged her and started working my game. Before she left i asked for her number, said we could hang out sometime. So she starts to give me her number and then says, "Well, I do have a BF".:confused: I said that was cool, and then asked if shes really had one. She says yes, she "REALLY" does- then proceeds to give me her number. This had me confused, and I thought she was actually into me. I called her like a week later to see if she wanted to come run with me and a group of other people (trying to keep it innocent, since she had a BF). She never came, never called back. I left it alone.

She comes in a few days later and asks me personally to help her out. During the encounter, she was super sweet, good eye contact, asking me about my life, etc. I thought I had turned a corner and she was game. I was wrong. The next several times she came in, she was a little disatant so I ignored her.

Then she sees me talking and fooling around with a hot co-worker of mine. On her way out the door, She goes, "bye, Handsfuuuuuull". All batty eyed, playing with her hair and sh1t. Then I see her today on my run, randomly. I just say hi, but she gives me an emphatic "Hi!" Huge smile, etc. i want to test the waters again, but dont want to fvck around with a chick that has a serious bf. If she just dating a guy, i dont care...

ANyone have success in this type of situ? I mean am I in the game or seeing something thats not there?

I know, I know- Y'all get y'all crystal balls out.

Thrill Seeker

New Member
May 2, 2012
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North Cackalack
Call her again if YOU want. You'll get your answer, even if she doesn't answer. But toss it this time if she goes ghost. Can't say from here whether she is into you or just wants attention. But if she does answer and she does have a boyfriend and you end up 'hanging out', before you go soft and catch feelings for her, just remember this saying..."She's not your girlfriend, it's just your turn".

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Attention wh0re, pure and simple.
A woman with a BF still craves male attention and she'll do everything except jump on a dude's dyck to get it.
She'll make eyes all night, flirt outrageously and get you to the point that you think her poon is just waiting for you to dive right in. Then BAM! The BF grabs her around the waist and takes home his prize.
You're left with frustration and confusion, she's left with a MASSIVE ego boost from knowing she can still attract a guy other than her BF.

Don't show this chick any attention. Withdraw. Be friendly in case she's looking to branch swing but don't go out of your way to feed her ego.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Greasy Pig said:
Attention wh0re, pure and simple.
A woman with a BF still craves male attention and she'll do everything except jump on a dude's dyck to get it.
She'll make eyes all night, flirt outrageously and get you to the point that you think her poon is just waiting for you to dive right in. Then BAM! The BF grabs her around the waist and takes home his prize.
You're left with frustration and confusion, she's left with a MASSIVE ego boost from knowing she can still attract a guy other than her BF.

Don't show this chick any attention. Withdraw. Be friendly in case she's looking to branch swing but don't go out of your way to feed her ego.