Girl Refers to us as a friendship

Jan 20, 2007
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So this girl I like, she knows I used to be a nicer guy than I am now, but lately this year I've been coky and funny with her, and we've hung out. She usually IMs me and intiates the conversation, but I usually make the plans for us to hangout with friends. She says she is having a party tonight, but does not invite me. I've invited her places and hung out with her but she is not asking me to do anything...

Also, she refers to us as a friendship--is that what she really thinks of me as just a friend? I don't want to be thought of like that with her, but deep inside me I do think she wants to be friends; although we love to flirt back and forth...She also asked me for a guys SN tonight, which I gave her a tough time about, then gave it to her. (Which is probably not good news)

So do I have any chance with her? Does she see me as a friend and that will be all forever? Why does she not invite me to hang with her and why do I only ask her to hang out with me and friends??


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
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Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
That's a good question, drop contact with her and see if she starts inviting you to stuff. if she IMs you keep the answers short "yes" "no" should do fine

but there are already too many signs of LJBF, so I'd drop if completely if i was you.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
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Chicks Just Dig Me said:
She says she is having a party tonight, but does not invite me. ??
She talks about the party and doesnt invite you? Either she's mean, or she wants you to chase her.

"She also asked me for a guys SN tonight, which I gave her a tough time about, then gave it to her."

She wants you to be jealous.
-"Which i gave her a tough time about"
She wins.
Jan 20, 2007
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She is good. She got the best of me tonight. Yeah, she is having a party not inviting me, but I dont want to just show up? I asked her friend for her and the girl I like to hang out this weekend. The girl I like was mad because I did not ask her personally, even though I was going to get to her.

I waited one week from the last time I asked her and she has not asked me yet. She is getting the best of me and I know it. So once again, I asked her to hang out one of the nights this week, I'll let you know what happens...

She flirts back with me, but she did not hug me last time we met. I think she wants ot be friends, I am hoping not. And her asking for the guys SN made me think I am in the friend zone--forever...

I do not want that and will not settle for that--I've been there my whole life. One more thing, in high school once you are in the friend zone wiht most girls, you are pretty much stuck there...
Jan 20, 2007
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Nah, I wouldn't say that. I think shes more playful and I think she knows/thinks she has the control over me...

She flirts with me and touches my coat and my clothes, in which I add some C + F. Sometimes, I get mixed signals from here...I don't just want to be friends, but do not know how to change it. She didn't even invite me to her party that she had to tell me about.
Jan 20, 2007
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Guys, she lied to me--there was no party. She sat home, while I went out and hung with my friends. I went from being really dissapointed and her having a very good night, to totally opposite.

Why would she do that? Lie to me like that? She IMed me when I got home ot talk and I caught her red handed lieing to me. I wasn't really mad at her, but she is getting to be hard to figure out?

Kevin Cass

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
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analyzing your situation

i have some things to say

"""She says she is having a party tonight, but does not invite me."""

why wouldnt she invite you. your her friend right. and you invite her to places. so why didnt she invite you to that party. i think its pretty messed up that you invite her to have fun and go out. but she doesnt. think to yourself reasons that she might not have invited you.

= she might think you might get jealous if she dances with other guys or talks to them.

"""Also, she refers to us as a friendship--is that what she really thinks of me as just a friend?"""

if she tells other people "no he isnt my boyfriend he is just my friend. or something along those lines then THATS WHAT SHE THINKS OF YOU. JUST AS A FRIEND. nothing more. but first tell me if you heard it from other people or you heard it coming from somebody else's mouth. if its from her mouth then she only thinks of you as a friend. but if somebody else said it then they might be messing with your head. its really hard to go from boy thats a friend to boyfriend. but its possible. proof is my current gf.

"""although we love to flirt back and forth...She also asked me for a guys SN tonight, which I gave her a tough time about, then gave it to her."""

some girls just like to flirt. it doesnt mean anything to them. its just fun flirting.
she asked you for another guys screen name. this means she has no feelings for you. why would she ask a guy she is atracted to for another dudes info. she isnt attracted to you.
giving her a hard time isnt doing anything. you shouldve just given it to her and thats it. what did u gain from keeping her away from the sn? nothing you actually lowered ur value as a friend to her. she might thought.

"why would my friend keep me away from guys..he's not my real friend. if i cant be with him then i cant be with no one. is he retarded? what a real friend he is hmph:mad: "

ok so i guess you will always remain her friend man. no doubt about it. please just forget her and find another girl. trust me it will ease the heartache. i can only imagine the pain your going through seeing her every day which is why i want you to do other things to keep her off ur mind. and talk to other girls...oh and dont ****ing analyze every single detail man. just go with the flow. you can use her to practice your techniques on other ddr or something


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
keep her on the side, but dont bet your life on it. if the location is right you could most likely get with her.
Jan 20, 2007
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Tonight is not going well. AIM is tough and she keeps telling me I am being mean and when I am mean, she is having no fun. I do not know if she is serious or not. Its tough because I used to be pretty nice to her back in the day, but now I am getting more ****ier and a little funnier, in which she is beginning to say I am mean to her...


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
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heres an idea.. you said she knew she had control over you somehow, eh?

how about you stand for yourself, control over you? seriously man, control yourself, its not just up to her, you can make decitions too, stop being afc and know that you also have control over this "friendship"
Jan 20, 2007
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So I flirt with her a lot in which she does back. How do I escalate it and make her show more interest in me. Kino is what ppl talk about, but I have rearely used it successful. So how do I escalate the feelings between me and this girl and give her more attraction towards me...Yeah, I know attraction isn't a choice, but I think I can escalate the emotions for her toward me...


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2006
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Nothings working, I think she cant read between your lines. I think you should just tell her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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I'm guessing you haven't had sex with her yet. It's possible for a girl to call a guy a "friend" and still be interested in sex with him. I currently have a girl that refers to me as a "friend" that I have had sex with. I asked her how are we friends if we have sex, and she said, "we are friends....with benefits." Maybe you can make her that for you.
Jan 20, 2007
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No, I haven't even mentioned anything about it with her. I honestly don't know if she even knows if she wants me or not. If you remember, I started out then nice and funny guy with her, then transformed myself over the summer, which is making her change her interest in little ways, in my opinion. I think she feels me more than she did, but I think she is unsure which is the real me. She says we are friends, but never asks me to do anything...I've asked her twice to hang out, in which we did once--the other time she had some religious class (which was true). But she never asks me to hangout with her, and I don't know how to escalate the things between me and her. I am stuck at the point where flirting is the maximum I do with this girl; I do not know what to do next.

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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With my parents
She's playing you like a muthafvcking guitar, bro. At this point, you just have to call her bluff and walk away. When this happens the girl stops being a total b!tch and comes running back to you...The main thing is, you have to be COMPLETELY willing to risk that she DOESN'T come running back after you walk away. Remember, if she doesn't, then she was never interested in the first place, so you just saved yourself a lot of time and heartache.
Jan 20, 2007
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So are we friends or not? I mean, it seems like she easily can go without me. She did ask me to watch a game with her, but probably used me as a moral boost. Sometimes, it seems like shes interested in me, and other times seems like she just plain out doesn't even care about me. She doesn't hug me, and even though she is very attractive, a lot of guys won't date her. She won't hug me, but she does hug a few of my friends. I am not getting it. She says we are friends, but has never asked me to hangout or what I was doing or anything? I really want a relationship with her, althoug that won't go my way I bet, and I guess she doesn't even just want to be friends...


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
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heres what you do, keep her on the map but stop being needy, go for other girls or whatever, see how it goes with this girl, youll always win this way, youll get interest in other girls and stop being needy, you wont care anymore and it might make the other girl jealous if there was any interest from her. I recently did this, worked out pretty good, now Im the one in power between 2 girls that like me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
She won't even hug you? Wow man, that's no good. A little tip cousin, age 19, brought a girl, age 20, to play pool with me, and the 20 yr old girl also brought her cousin with her, 18 yrs old, to play pool with us. Me and my cousin are talking and he says he is cold, so I say to him, "is that your clue for wanting to get a hug, to say you're cold?" Then he told the 20 yr old that he liked, that he was cold and to give him a hug, so she did. Then the 18 yr old asked me if I needed a hug, and I said yeah, and got a hug from her. It's not that hard to do if they like you at all to get a hug.