Girl Next door (continued)


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score

my first post about this isn't really important. Just this girl that lives next door to me i had never talked to until this year and i did't know what to say to her and all that bull****.

So i told another one friend of mine about her he has her in a class. So he told her that i thought she was "cute"(wtf?) and i guess she flipped out and said "OMG thats awesome, i think hes cute too!" So then that day that same friend told me this and at first i didnt beleive him, cause he lies to motivate people and **** like that. So the next day i was looking for her to talk to her cause she wasn't on the bus and then i didnt see her all day. but at the end of the day one of her friends came up to me and and said

"Becca had to go home but she told me to tell you she said hi"

then i asked her why she went home and she said she couldn't tell me. but i talked her into it because this girl just so happens to like me. so she whispered in my ear

"she had to go because she was having her period"

I had a good laugh and waited till the next day.

So the next day she wasnt on the bus again. but before 1st period(hehe) i was sitting talking to my friend and i saw her standing at the door waitng for me to come talk to her. so i get up and walk over there.

me"where were you yesterday, i heard you had to go home(haha)
her"oh.. i got sick and was throwing up and stuff so i went home"
her"Yea..Hey did Craig say anything to you?"
me"Uh, no"with a very confused look on my face
her"oh cuz he said he did"
then the bell rang and we said bye and i walk in and my friend had a very wierd look on his face cuz he works with her stepmom

then....(i know its long. sorry!)

well that same day was half day at our school and i got off the bus
no becca. so im walking up my street and there she was walking towards me.

me"hey! why werent you on the bus?"
her"i got a ride from my friend, but i have tomake it look like i just got off the bus cuz my parents dont want me riding with guys...even though i left my stuff at my door and there not home"
( :

me"oh yea"
then we said bye and i go to my house and five minutes later she shows up at my door and says shes locked out and if she could use my phone. so i let her use it and she called her stepmom

Oh i forgot to mention that her mom died of cancer last year and her stepdad had to move out and her dad and stepmom and there new baby had to move in with her and her 2 younger sisters

any way

so she got off the phone and said thanks and bye and walked back to her house

So that was Thursday and there was no school on friday


Im sitting at home and in my pajamas with nothing to do.
Around 3:00 my stepdad comes into my room and starts yelling at me cause i "Couldnt' hear them shouting at me from downstairs" then he hands me the phone

her"Hey its becca!"
me"Whoa, hey wuts up?"
her"well i know its kind of random, but can you hang out? Im wicked bored."
me"Yea, im pretty bored too i've been sitting hear playing guitar all day" : )
her"you play guitar! Thats wicked cool!"
So we talked for a little while and decided we would just walk downtown for a little while. so we did that and then she invited me back to her house. so we went to her house and i met the family and stayed there for an hour or so. then i left and went home

so thats the backround

NOW heres the new problem

So the next day im waiting at her busstop cuz she wanted me to
cuz i went to one tht was further away cuz thats the one i went to last year before she was in HS

So im there and i see her and shes walking across the street and she sees me and i wave and she waves back. but that was it! she didnt say a word. So theres like 3 other kids that wait there

So to break the silence

me"wow its pretty quite at this bus stop"


I wasn't sure if she was joking cuz she had a little laugh in it but i wasn't sure

so im kind of mad so i sit down on the bus and she walks by me and sits somwhere else

so i dont see her all day and shes not on the bus home.

then yesterday i wait at the bus stop and she doesnt even look at me and goes to the end of the line of kids that wait there (yea these kids dont talk to each other for some reason)

so we get on and same thing as the other day.

So its third block and were reading in class and the fire alarm and the power go off. To make a longer story short school got cancelled and we went home early.

so the buses came and no becca

I get off the bus and there she is at the end of the street with her friend. im walking toward them and she runs up to me

her"Hey what are you doing now"
her "do u want to hang out with me and andrea"
me"yea, sure.. i thought you like hated me. you didnt talk to me today"
her "no im just not a morning person i dont talk to anyone in the morning "
me"oh good"

so i dropped my stuff at my house and go to hers.

so we watched "Dazed and confused"
the whole time she was like talking to me through her stuffed dog or something. Shes weird like that, but it was pretty funny and she jumped on me a lot so it was alright.

Then the three of decided to walk downtown.
Now shes really all over me. Grabbing me by the arm, spanking my ass, pushing me, hugging me, all that ****.

so then we walked to her friends house and watched tv. shes still flirting with me. so then her frinends dad drove us home and shes still grabbing me and putting her hair clip on me and that fun stuff.

So we got out of the car and and said bye.

So today she got to the bus stop and we actually talked a little.

And on the way home on the bus. She sat in the seat next to me and we talked for alittle while. She had these rediculsly(?) big headphones that i made fun of. She said she thinks there cute and to not not make fun of them. She wasnt mad this time though. So then she wanted to listen my mp3 player. so she sat next to me and grabbed me a few times while she was listening to it.

then after a while she got up and moved back to the seat next to me and put on her headphones and looked out the window and didnt say a word. Then we got off and and it was like we had never spoken.

I dont know what to do know. is she playing games or something? I dont know. Any advice would be appreicated. Thanks

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
dude chill. Stop AFCing. So what? she didn't talk to you until a couple days ago, and now your offened because she didn't confess her undieing love for you on your way home. You NEED! to make the moves. If you want to talk to her grab her shoulder and hold her close. Right now your falling into the friends zone buddy and thats a black hole even the best can't crawl out of. So tomorrow make a move.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
hey man you need to read the bible again or something, there are TONS and TONS of AFC things that you are thinking and doing in here


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Well, you're her best friend at the moment.

Have some friends and do things with them!

You need to have activity in your life that doesn't have her in it.

You know, right now she knows that she has you wrapped around her finger, right?

Well, you need to unwrap yourself by acting more independent. Women are attracted to independence like bees to honey. Read the bible and learn how to become ****y and Funny, learn how to converse with women on a level that triggers attraction and not affection.

attraction is when a woman likes you as a boyfriend, affection is something that she has for her "friends."

While learning those things, learn about the element of mystery because it'll take you a long long way in the attraction game.

Good Luck :cool:


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
very long post. do what disaster and neon said to do.make subtle moves like putting your arm around her, until you learn the rest.

Don Pablo

Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
This is just conjecture, but it looks like you should go for a kiss, or lest you be doomed for all eternity.


Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Ooh reading ur story feels like de ja vu coz i have a neighbor i went after also. This was years ago tho when i had no clue what the hell i was doing and completely AFCed my way to rejection. Hopefully u get this 1 tho coz gaming ur neighbor is prolly the most awsome thing that could happen. U r so close to each other that u could sneak over to each other house at a moments notice. That is very good when u have ******* parents like mine who wont get u a car...