Girl mad at me because I told her I wrote on FB fake relationship


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
Basically some random girl came up and told me that she needs to have fb relationship status fast. So I just gave it to her. Mostly because people keep stalking my profile and I wanted to mask my moves. Plus this was one hb8.5 .

So I told my gf/make out girl w/e that some random girl asked me and I wrote it on fb.

So here goes the text.

-she already didn't respond to my last text , some random start up convo about not going to school trip-

Me: Hey, some friend of mine asked me to write on FB we are in relationship. It's not real. Just wanted to tell you.

Her: " Yeah sure... I was with those unreal as well.. Just wanted to tell you. xD"

Me" You don't believe me? If you ask me, I have no fear of showing you the chat history. And second I don't even know who the hell and where the hell she is. "

Her" Yeah yeah. Nice friend. Have fun :p xD "

Me" What the... Oo If you really want to **** the whole thing up because of some random lame ass post on facebook ( for which I got proof it's not real.), go for it.

Her: "Relax'

Me: " ?"

Her " What now? Everything is okay"

Me" Hey, if you mind this, I'll hide it/take it away. It wasn't my intention to actually make you feel bad."

Her" No it doesn't. Relaaaaaaaax"

Me" No, seriously. Anyway I'd like to see you." (Haven't seen her 3 days)

Her: " No. It doesn't bother me. I can't tommorow. Sunday if you can."

Me" Ugh I can't on sunday. Going with my mother somewhere. Won't be back... Let's go now outside for half an hour."

Her:" I'm not near you... Will hear ya tommorow during the day to organize it..."

Me " Alright. :) <3 ( <-- This is me being a needy idiot in a momentum)
What was the beer like ? ( Few days ago she went with her gf's. Probably to brag how I couldn't get my **** up fully in the middle of cold ****ing winter with people walking every 5 minutes.) "

5 min later no response

Me" Whoho, ignore me xD !"


Now... Any ideas how to sort these things smoothly? I hate for even drinking booze a bit. I'm not drunk but I tend to be overly happy and helpful to everyone when I drink a bit of alcohol.

P.S. I'm retarded for even letting this crap happen.

I'm fully prepared to suffer the consequences for this crap I've done. This would result in me probably having a major red flag in my book. Because of not asking for permission. But I don't know how to make up for my mistakes.


New Member
Sep 21, 2012
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Your first mistake was thinking it was something bad, you told it to her like you were giving an excuse, you could have said something more like "this girl that spoke to me on fb is completely nuts, she just asked me to put her on a relationship on fb to make something". You shouldn't ask for permission, neither feel ashamed of it.

Second: when you told her and she said relax, just do that, if you think she is mad, what's the problem? it's not like you made something wrong, just act like nothing happened, and if she tries to make you feel bad for it, just deal with her in this way:

Third: I don't know if she always behaves a lot more cheerfully, but to me the way she said she was occupied sounded honest, but even if she was just mad, you could have told her something like: "ok, I guess I'll get something to do, see you next week :)" and wait, curiosity and knowing that you are not following her game will get her to try to get with you.

Now that you've done all this your best bet would be talking some to her telling her you'll see her next week and leave her be for a while.

PD: Even if she tells anyone about your incident, you should not feel bad and if she is the kind of girl that does that, then dump her and find something better.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Step 1. Delete Facebook.
Step 2. Why the fvck did you blow up on her? Ghost for 5 + days.
Step 3. Relax and take life less serious then text her/let her text you
Step 4. Take her out and have a good time
Step 5. Win.

Enough said.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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Ummm where did she get mad @ you?

All I saw was you being extremely apologetic for NOTHING and even after she said its not a big deal, you kept apologizing and qualifying yourself to her.

In women speak you basically just told her how much of a chump you are..... seriously.

Add that to the fact that you couldn't get it up and this isn't looking like a good outcome.

You need to be more like her; aloof, mysterious and letting her come to you. Instead you have been needy, clingy and are text who-ringg way too much.

Unless you change your behavior with a quick 180 NOW, she will be long gone in the near future.



New Member
Sep 21, 2012
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Pimp-sicle is right, your mistake was making a big deal out of it, it was not wrong, and even if it was, it was small.
If she does gets mad at you (which doesn't seem like) then you should take it easy, laugh a bit, like you don't believe anyone could take this so seriously.
If she doesn't want to talk to you is not because you got her mad, it's because you lost her interest, act like it's no big deal, be relaxed, and patient, she will come to you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
I found it out as a big deal because this happened to me with my ex. And it was red flag all over the wall, she indeed cheated me with that guy. So I reacted like this.

Thank you for help guys.


Actually I've been cold, and distant the whole relationship.

I see what I've done. Went into subordinate form because of little thing. (Not wanting to look like a man*****)

She started teasing my **** in park and being a virgin I am got extremely nervous, it was cold, and her 'handjob' was more like a hell. It hurt as bloody ****.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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You were really, really uptight and making a huge deal out nothing when she was perfectly fine with it. She told you to relax like 10 times. Calm down


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
yuppaz said:
You were really, really uptight and making a huge deal out nothing when she was perfectly fine with it. She told you to relax like 10 times. Calm down

ScottMustaine said:
Her: " Yeah sure... I was with those unreal as well.. Just wanted to tell you. xD"

Me" You don't believe me? If you ask me, I have no fear of showing you the chat history. And second I don't even know who the hell and where the hell she is. "

Her" Yeah yeah. Nice friend. Have fun xD "
I read that as sarcasm. As in " Yeah right, whatever I'm gone, now have fun with her xD "

That's why I hate texting. You don't know what was the actual message.
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Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Aaaaaaaaaaand that's why I've been saying for a month now, texting KILLS relationships. This would've been a 2 minute or less phone call.

Worse, though, is the fact that you even agreed to it in the first place. The girl could've just posted up an "In a relationship" status on FB without linking it to anyone in particular. Or, you could've just said "No, I have a gf and she might feel some kind of way about it, why not find another guy who's single to do this with?" Not very sensitive on your part, guy.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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Whenever some stupid bytch asks me to assume a faux boyfriend role, I playfully reply: "So, does that come with full boyfriend privileges? If not, sorry, can't help you."
Don't be a bytch, OP. Most of that text exchange was bad. She threw out the bait and you took it and went all needy on her.

And you still seem hung up on your bad experience in the park. Don't stress so much, man! And if she's telling her friends about it, she's just proving her worthlessness. But, as has been said, women often see a man's failure to perform as a failure on her part, so I'd be surprised if she was advertising this fact to everyone.
Now you need to be cool. Make jokes about this whole situation next time you see her. Say something like: "I wasn't surprised some random chick asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend. I mean, look at me. What woman wouldn't want to be associated with me?"
Good luck man, and hang around. There are a lot of people here trying to help you and we all want to see you succeed.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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Greasy Pig said:
And you still seem hung up on your bad experience in the park. Don't stress so much, man! And if she's telling her friends about it, she's just proving her worthlessness. But, as has been said, women often see a man's failure to perform as a failure on her part, so I'd be surprised if she was advertising this fact to everyone.
that's the real problem here. and the part about chicks blaming themselves is also true. but seems like you are messing things up on purpose so you can get out of this situation. or why else would you pull sh!t like this?

stop that nonsense, get over it and make things right. it doesnt make you a man to get it up everytime, your true colours show when you cant and have to handle sh!t.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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Here's the thing I've noticed about women...and it's too bad that it's in a thread like this and not in an original post. But ANY TIME a woman exaggerates, like, drags out letters in her words, makes you out to be coming on too strong, etc, she is losing interest...FAST. If you EVER see a text message where she is like

"No it doesn't. Relaaaaaaaax."

You need to stop talking to her. Literally give her a week or two. It's her way of saying "back off." Trust me, this is the type of language that will kill you if you keep talking to her.

PM me if you want some advice on how to progress...I check every 3-5 days.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
I'm not doing these things on purpose. I'm just still unexperienced and got used to nexting out really, really soon. Minor thing gets into something, I next and go on. So this minor thing I've done became a gigant and this happened.

Yeah. Still kind of feel retarded. But I've made friends with my neighbour. I fixed his computer and he offered me to give me his keys of his room.

Are you sure ghosting will work now ? You know, in my point of view this will look like I'm 'trying to go away' from relationship. Or my eyes can't see the colours at the moment ?

Thanks a lot guys.

P.S. Somebody said it's not nice of me. Yes. I've done the greatest jerk thing ever to a girl who was nice and great to me all the time.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth

SO her text after last night

"Sorry. Was on some gig, which sucked, and when I went out I was lazy to answer (lets not lie.).
Got up now. What beer ? "

1. She let me down when I invited her to go with me on a gig. Obviously no counter offer.
2. She doesn't even remember. She clearly said "I'm going out with my girlfriends for a strawberry beer in a pub. "

I'm not answering this. First because now I don't have time to talk. And second she's either lying or disrespecting. Please note that she went on a gig before I sent her message before FB thing. Disrespected first.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Second update. Went out with some friends. Saw her from distance but couldn't see whether that was her ( blurred vision).

So I send her text, she confirms and I tell her to come up at the entrance as I want to see her.

Seen her. God she dressed classy and hot. So nothing really happened. Kissed as normal, asked her what's up, she said she was sorting out photos with her girlfriends which are going to be posted on facebook which not. 100/200 will be. Said it was cool. She asked me what am I up to. So I answered I went out to chill with the boys and just wanted to see her how she's going. Told her I gotta go as I don't want to interrupt her and to have fun.

She had a bit sad face and we kissed and went.

Sent her later text to tell her we should come back together when our friends go back to their homes. (Since we go with same bus back to home.)

Her " Im going to sleep at my friends house tonight Sorry :) "

Cooled it off.


There was some strange thing. I don't know whether they were on one of those two chairs sitting in park. There was some guy who was clingy , close to some black headed girl. Hugging etc. Wasn't sure wether it was my gf or not. Few mins later and those girls are gone ( just like my girlfriend ). Dude was alone with some girl kissing.

Next table to them were actually some of her girlfriends. Now I'm not she was in that group (1st one with girls, her best friend was in there.) or the one near them ( with the guy). When she said she was going to her friends house ( reading text) I saw three girls going out of the entrance of the park.

Probably false alarm. Though my gf had past history to just go away from relationship( actually it never was defined whether it was making out only or relationship) and hook up with some other dude. Though, back then she didn't have so much interest...
