Girl keeps blabbering about guys that hit on her daily.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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People who do that are often very conceited, shallow, superficial, egotistical, and narcissistic. Big red flag. She's trying to "prove" how awesome she is, and is almost guaranteed to be deeply insecure and in constant need of approval. Girls like that go for guys who don't want them - due to these and other issues. This is common among fake *****es, skanks, etc. Very low self esteem, always bragging and boasting, in need of being above everyone else, etc. She'll probably try to bring you down below her - by nudging away at your self-esteem.

They often have no personality or character or depth whatsoever. Just a lot of hot this, and hot that. Just talk to her for a while. You'll see how annoying it gets, when she's constantly bragging about how awesome she is. The attitude usually matches their mindset - snobby, stuck up, bullyish, spoiled, high maintenance, etc. There's gonna be a lot of "I's" and "me's" in your conversations. I like. I want. I did. I have. I'm not. I don't. I was. I I I me me me. Shotgun. Face. Die.

Of course, I could be off. This is how it played in my one-sided relationships with these types.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
its getting really bad now, she's doing this daily and its not right?

Juan Don

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
Sometimes I'll just tell her that women hit on me all the time too.
i wouldn't go to her level and say it out loud. but, perhaps go to places that your girl friends are at or do something that grabs girls attention, like doing sports or be a musician. :box: trust me it works wonders


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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My BPD ex used to do this literally all the time. She was bangin, and I knew dudes would be all over her, but come on girl you don't got to flaunt it in front of my face too ya know.

The worst one was she sent me this message some dude sent her on fbook. She was in college and it was a dude from one of her classes. It was this poorly written profession of his love for hear beauty and gorgeous demeanor. He literally wrote a couple paragraphs on it.

I took it, put it in a word document, used the track changes function to edit his work, and sent it back to her. She got a kick out of it while I also came off as making fun of it/not getting jealous.

The very next week I went to see her and we went to some party. We played some pong together or whatever and had a good time, but inevitably she was hit on by a guy. Instead of whisking him aside, she started flirting with him good. I was like, aiight two can play that game. So I went over and found a pretty attractive girl to flirt with. I had high value because I came with a hot broad AND I told this new girl that I was single just to get a more involved reaction from her. She started touching me and grabbing me before I even upped my game. It's amazing what chicks will do if they think they have competition with hotter chicks. She was all over me. My ex came over, told the chick to back off, and started groping me in front of the whole party.

It's a fine line between flirting and overtly telling you she is flirting with someone or other guys are hitting on her. She is looking for a reaction out of you, no question. You need to ask yourself WHY she is doing it. In my case, the chick was just fvcking nuts, and nothing I could have done would make it better. I think for a normal girl it's either one of two instances: 1.) she is losing interest and she is just telling you about other guys because you are now "friends" OR 2.) She is very insecure and wants you to know she is wanted by other guys. Either way, I bet it doesn't last.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
next time she does it say " I don't blame him for hitting on you.. after all you are a desirable woman". That will really confuse her and give you the upper hand. Worst thing you can do is get jealous. If she tries to pull this stunt again be careful consider looking for another girl. She's immature and looking for attention Something is wrong with her deep down...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Its funny , just goes to show you everything's in the eyes of the beholder

First , all girls are attention *****s , second , when a girl sees you have value , she will start to qualify herself to you , interesting girls will state their schooling or that they know other languages , or that they have something of value about them , but stupid dumb bimbos will tell you crap like this , "omg this guy hit on me " or anything they can think of to tell you that their high value as well.

women read us well , so we convey that were high value unconsciously and they pick it up , our senses to this are pretty dull for the most part , so if a woman wants to convey value , she will say it straight up , and we usually take it the wrong way too lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Its funny , most of the people shouting "Drop her" are forgetting the fact that shallow women can have tight Pu$$7 too

In the future , when you notice a girl is doing this , you'll know not to let her past a certain level of importance.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Jariel said:
Classic attention wh0re....or sh!t testing you to see how you react.

Personally, I'd be very put off by it. It sounds like she's got a bit of an ego and as time goes on she's probably going to get more demanding and more annoying. It wouldn't surprise me if she flirts with other guys to get attention too.

One way you can deal with this is with textbook reverse psychology. When she brings up a guy hitting on her, you should say something like "You should've got his number. It never hurts to have options" or "You should've gone for a drink with him. You never know where it could lead" or just basically act as though you're pushing her towards these guys.

I've used this kind of thing many times before and it drives most girls mad and showing that you don't care helps put you in control of the situation.
Best answer!


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
I've been in the same situation. A chick that was into me did this. She was really cool at first, so i called her up asking her out to dinner. We were out together like 4-5 times in groups so during our first real date together she talked about all the guys that hit on her and she dates casually, etc. told me she wasn't looking for anything serious and not to fall in love with her basically (i was like wtf, we haven't even touched each other yet).

Eventually i get into her room and i'm on her bed next to me but i'm soo turned off i decide to leave. Next time i saw her, her ex bf flew all the way from cali and was treating her like a slvt. Smacking her ass in public and hitting on other girls infront of her. Never talked to her again since.

Stay away from girls with drama.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
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SoSuave666 said:
My BPD ex used to do this literally all the time. She was bangin, and I knew dudes would be all over her, but come on girl you don't got to flaunt it in front of my face too ya know.

The worst one was she sent me this message some dude sent her on fbook. She was in college and it was a dude from one of her classes. It was this poorly written profession of his love for hear beauty and gorgeous demeanor. He literally wrote a couple paragraphs on it.

I took it, put it in a word document, used the track changes function to edit his work, and sent it back to her. She got a kick out of it while I also came off as making fun of it/not getting jealous.

The very next week I went to see her and we went to some party. We played some pong together or whatever and had a good time, but inevitably she was hit on by a guy. Instead of whisking him aside, she started flirting with him good. I was like, aiight two can play that game. So I went over and found a pretty attractive girl to flirt with. I had high value because I came with a hot broad AND I told this new girl that I was single just to get a more involved reaction from her. She started touching me and grabbing me before I even upped my game. It's amazing what chicks will do if they think they have competition with hotter chicks. She was all over me. My ex came over, told the chick to back off, and started groping me in front of the whole party.

It's a fine line between flirting and overtly telling you she is flirting with someone or other guys are hitting on her. She is looking for a reaction out of you, no question. You need to ask yourself WHY she is doing it. In my case, the chick was just fvcking nuts, and nothing I could have done would make it better. I think for a normal girl it's either one of two instances: 1.) she is losing interest and she is just telling you about other guys because you are now "friends" OR 2.) She is very insecure and wants you to know she is wanted by other guys. Either way, I bet it doesn't last.
But she has been slowly doing this since the start of the relationship!

Originally Posted by Jariel
Classic attention wh0re....or sh!t testing you to see how you react.

Personally, I'd be very put off by it. It sounds like she's got a bit of an ego and as time goes on she's probably going to get more demanding and more annoying. It wouldn't surprise me if she flirts with other guys to get attention too.

One way you can deal with this is with textbook reverse psychology. When she brings up a guy hitting on her, you should say something like "You should've got his number. It never hurts to have options" or "You should've gone for a drink with him. You never know where it could lead" or just basically act as though you're pushing her towards these guys.

I've used this kind of thing many times before and it drives most girls mad and showing that you don't care helps put you in control of the situation.

Best answer!
I have done this already and it does not work! I know she loves me!

So I decided to get her back and this was by checking out a nice woman looking at me. Soon after the woman follows me into the shop ,we exchanges looks again and stare at each other and my GF saw this, seconds later she started almost crying, and stormed off angry saying "you dont love me...blah blah"??

days later,she tells me she thinks a man friend of hers fancies her but he has a GF and she only thinks this because he had invited her out, and she does not want to go out with him! The next day we see each other, she tells me that she went out with the same guy and her friend we both know.
I personally felt heartbroken although I'm pretty sure nothing happened but very confused and suspicious! She could have done something with him!? and the hell will I know?

I don't want to acuse her and be wrong!? I'm happy she told me she went out with him, but why the f*** did she do it! after telling me the history! knowing I would suspect her!?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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NC, Next!