Trust me, I don't have trouble getting guys. I have trouble keeping them
and then you say..
I said I don't want a relationship with him
my confidence level has been shot after the experiences I have had
you fell for an engaged guy and your worried because a player isn't using you as a sperm depot.
I want the regular sex we were having. He was great, steady sex and I want that And he's respectful (most the time) which is rare.
(is this what women mean when they say they love a bad boy but realize they can't change them so they settle for nice guys lol)...I don't buy it, you can great sex from most anyone for a long period of time
I'm here for the same reasons you guys are
sure for guys who don't get laid in the 17-24 age bracket maybe..but once you've been there and done that...its not about sex or insecurity anymore (rookie) so posting in the mature man forum i don't think you are here for the same reasons as some of us.
I hate how it works...wanting whatever doesn't want you.
It only works like that for people who are NOT worth much...and by working, i mean attraction through ignorance.
your stuck in a cycle of your own have low self esteem and bad luck with men because of your own flaws
Ugh, you men really know that??
maybe you should look at the quality of men you are attracted to and WHY you are attracted to them, more importantly maybe you need to look inside yourself 1st.
Atleast I know how it works now. have no clue nor will you ever for a VERYY long time, just by how you convey yourself in your posts. you will forever look at sites like this for theories and better ways to play the are the type of woman the media needs to fuel the economy because you don't see the bigger picture.....or maybe you know what the right thing to do is, but you love the drama, you love un-stable territory and constantly obsessing over men (or anything that distracts you from the real problem you are having.