Girl has over 1,000 facebook friends


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
chad2k5 said:
Friends list means nothing.

A person's "Wall" comments is a better indicator of how many people someone actually talks to.

For example... I have a friend who only has 50 people on his list, yet all of those people comment on his "Wall". So I know he regularly talks to them.

I also know people who have over 500 friends yet I only see the same 10-15 people commenting on their Wall.
This is a brilliant example, also if the girl has said something on her STATUS, you can usualy see that its AFCs that respond /comment to it or "Like" it 9 times out of 10.

I just tried this method, this HB7 had 1,041 friends, but only 4 "MAIN" girl chicks, about 8 girl-linebackers /associates and the rest AFCs drooling like hounddogs.

ANOTHER thing you could do, is lookout for "attending events" on her wall or events column. I'm going to a Bar this bank holiday weekend to hopefully pull this HB7 or get a convo stiring.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Just don't communicate things to her through facebook otherwise you are going to be lost in the void of messages she gets from different people all the time.

Use your cellphone or face to face.

and yes she is an attention wh0re who is probably addicted to adding random people on facebook she just met, in order to stroke her own ego.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
You guys are ridiculous. I know tons of girls with high friend totals. Its the norm. Thats what Facebook is. I have 430 myself. I have people I don't talk too obviously because who has time to talk to that many people. Plus who knows...maybe you'll talk in the future. I added some people on there who I never talked too in high school but speak to regularly now. Adding people if you look at it another way it way of being social and meeting people. Obviously theres plenty of AW's who do this but most girls are like that these days. So my advice is add people.....add everyone...If half you guys were more social and less judgemental you wouldn't need this website.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
Reaction score
A verified attention wh0re I know only has a bit under 200 friends on Facebook. So I don't think it's a very accurate way to tell how many orbiters she has or if she is an attention wh0re.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Michele said:
You guys are fucking delusional brainwashed fags. I swear.

She's an attention *****? Why are you guys getting so mad and judgemental over this... about a girl you don't know, and a girl that's on facebook, a girl that's being a girl.

Jeezy petes. you guys need to get off SoSuave and get a life. You guys are just stating the obvious. OBVIOUSLY she doesn't talk to them all... the end.

Stop caring so much.
best post in this thread yet.

any girl you see with 1000 something friends you know 2 things about her
1. attention *****
2. has low self steam which makes her a great candidate for negs and some mind f***ng. Perfect victim for jerks and douchebags.

Obviously doesn't know 1000 people and probably knows in real life about 100 (im being generous). Attention *****s need constant approval/attention/ways to seem cool. What easier way than to add tons of internet friends and make yourself seem popular? Attention *****s are in constant need of approval from others and society. They are in constant need to fit in with the crowd and with trends. If you use their low self steam in your favor and put an end to their bs you will get in.

The worse thing you can do with an attention ***** is be nice to her. See all the attention hors hb 8-9's walking around college campuses dating the jocks/jerks? If you are nice to someone that is used to attention and being treated nice you are not going to get in you have to be the opposite.

treat them like s____


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Just depends on age, social circles, etc. For a young woman who went to a big school, works in a big company, has lived in a few different places, 1000 is fairly normal.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Number one, these aren't friends, they are acquaintances or loose social connections. If that's the definition we're going by then we probably all have many hundreds of loose associations. I've had people meet me at a party, we had literally 30 seconds worth of conversation, and here I check my facebook the next day and I have an add request from them because they saw me through someone else's page. Some people just go adding anybody they've ever said a word to in their life. I have exactly 100 friends on my account. I could have more, but tend to delete people after awhile if I never correspond with them. I just don't see the point in having hundreds and hundreds of "friends" on my page that I don't even communicate with on any normal basis. Now that facebook has more advanced privacy options, I stopped deleting people. I just made 2 friend lists, one for my close circle, they have access to my entire profile. And one list for distant people I rarely or never talk to that I don't need knowing all my business. I hide all my updates and notes and events stuff from the latter list.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Aw's yall

Fingerling said:
i'd steer clear from any girl that uses facebook too much. my ex used to be on it for 6 hours when she got home. too much hassle and to much distraction from other lads.
Damn 6 hours? I can see why she is your "ex" lol
I got 40 people as friends and half of them aren't really "friends"(maybe 5 or so)
I see chicks with a 1000 people, I talked to a co-worker and she says out of a 1000 people maybe 50 of them she might talk to, and man I meet chicks all the time on the field who are FB junkies, these chicks are logged on facebook while they dancing and drinking at the club:eek: !!!!

It's not that serious yo (well to me it ain't)



Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
yeah, in college i know plenty of people with over 1000 friends. pretty much every girl in a sorority has over 1000 friends. its really not that uncommon when you really think about it. theres her hs friends, her "sisters", her brotehr fraternity, and the millions of guys/girls shes forced to meet on a daily basis through exchanges, parties, and philanthropy.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
I stay away from facebook and trying to talk to her through it. Its so fake. People don't even TALK to half of their "friends" on facebook. On top of that all those fake "happy birthday from the guy you havent talke to in 3 years just so he can up his happy birthday count on his birthday bull****". Sadly my brother is one of those people. sigh.

I just try to get the number asap and follow from there.