Girl has not talked to you yet after you play game on her...

Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
What up DJs,

If in a game you play with


hard to get - (I dont agree on everything what girls have to say, bully her all the time and feel a bit superior all the time),

ganji tactics: (after girls do a lot of favor on me, I just play moderate ganji game)

and girl seems like getting angry and has not talked to you yet, does that mean, she is feeling cheated or used or
does she think you dont respect girls or
is that a turn-off?

Appreciate your advice.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Yes, it is. Your wording doesnt make much sense. Elaborate so we can get a clear picture.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
I feel like you just depicted a f*cking video game.

Girls aren't swayed by tactics or games. They are swayed by able, confident and funny men who don't need games.

Let the women play the games. Wise men sit on the sidelines till they are over.
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score

Well, I have been into this game for a while. I have successfully blended the CFs, push&pulls, hard-to-get tactics, ganji games and so forth to get the girls. And, I am not the one that I used to be before. I admit I was an AFC, but I learned a lot from this site and implemented them successfully. And, I turned to a DJ.
However, I have one girl, whom I have applied these tactics well, I do not plan and do these tactics. They have now started coming spontaneously. But, still this "particular" feeling is eating me up, where the hell did I get wrong. Meanwhile, I do meet other girls, go out with them. But, when the girls i meet get attracted to me so easily, why not her?

The another complexity is that she stays in another city from mine. We exchange our conversations as suggested by I got a chance to visit her city one time and I had had kino with her and she didnt mind it and she was physical instead with me. But, touching her is hard with her because i know her for years and she wont let anybody touch her like that. But I did.

I am a funny guy (though I was a very boring guy few years back). SHe has seen the changes in me outright. And she sometimes asks me: "why are you so mean these days?" but still she talks to me as if she does not have a problem with my attitude.

I am telling you these things in detail so that you have a better idea about the situation. Also, I feel like I am a semi-stalker when I sit back and analyze because I go out with people, have fun, hang out with girls but just dont wanna go further than frens because at the back of my mind she is always there and a question keeps troubling me: what is stopping her to show her attraction towards me. If you dont have any, why does not she turn down my hints?

Now, how a confident guy handles this situation, when the matter is so close to decided?

Thanx, Master DJs


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
beginner_to_the_game said:

Well, I have been into this game for a while. I have successfully blended the CFs, push&pulls, hard-to-get tactics, ganji games and so forth to get the girls. And, I am not the one that I used to be before. I admit I was an AFC, but I learned a lot from this site and implemented them successfully. And, I turned to a DJ.
However, I have one girl, whom I have applied these tactics well, I do not plan and do these tactics. They have now started coming spontaneously. But, still this "particular" feeling is eating me up, where the hell did I get wrong. Meanwhile, I do meet other girls, go out with them. But, when the girls i meet get attracted to me so easily, why not her?

The another complexity is that she stays in another city from mine. We exchange our conversations as suggested by I got a chance to visit her city one time and I had had kino with her and she didnt mind it and she was physical instead with me. But, touching her is hard with her because i know her for years and she wont let anybody touch her like that. But I did.

I am a funny guy (though I was a very boring guy few years back). SHe has seen the changes in me outright. And she sometimes asks me: "why are you so mean these days?" but still she talks to me as if she does not have a problem with my attitude.

I am telling you these things in detail so that you have a better idea about the situation. Also, I feel like I am a semi-stalker when I sit back and analyze because I go out with people, have fun, hang out with girls but just dont wanna go further than frens because at the back of my mind she is always there and a question keeps troubling me: what is stopping her to show her attraction towards me. If you dont have any, why does not she turn down my hints?

Now, how a confident guy handles this situation, when the matter is so close to decided?

Thanx, Master DJs

that may have something to do with it?