Girl hard to read


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
So I went out with this Thai chick this past Saturday. We nuged eachother's shoulders and exchanged some kino. She was with two friends because it was the first time she met me. We met at a resturaunt and went to a theare afterwards...unplanned they asked me to go. During the movie, her friends went to the front of the theatre to let us sit alone though all I did was touch her knee once and sked her if she was frightened by one particular scene. So when it was over...boring movie...we headed ot the parking lot where I asked her if she still wanted to teach me to cook Thai food and she said maybe but she might not be a good teacher and if she wanted to do somehting next weekend. She said maybe again. I awkwardly one armed hugged her (thais are funny about touching in public) and said bye to her and her friends.

Two nights later, I texted this:

Hey, I was thinking about your chopstick skills and have a great nickname for you.

She responded the next morning (today) with .....You also have great skills. What is my nickname?

So I waited about two hours or so and texted back with will let you know later. Hope you are having a good day.

Well, I didn't get a response to that which is no big deal, but I was wanting to call her tomorrow night. Am I being too cautious here?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
It's not looking good dude.

Dinner and a movie? Seriously?


Classic mistake.

AND her friends left you two alone, adding a bunch of pressure on her. You shouldn't have let them do that, next time have them stay, and have fun with three chicks dude!

Should have done something more exciting. Ballroom dancing, art gallery/show, festival. Every dumb*ss takes girls to dinner and then a movie. Don't be that dumb*ss.

She nudged your shoulders though! That means... nothing.

One arm hug? Holy crap dude, I would have just walked away after telling her and her friends goodnight.

Seems like you're boring to her. You think she would have given Brad Pitt an awkward hug, even after a boring date?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
zinc64 said:
So I waited about two hours or so and texted back with will let you know later. Hope you are having a good day.
why did you do this...its about as boring as you can get.
"hope your having a nice day" - you dont really care that shes having a good day, rather just have nothing better to say ,its better to say nothing else.

an example of how texting can kill the vibe

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry, guy, but you're OUT.

The fact that she wouldn't go out with you unless her friends were there already meant you were OUT from the beginning.

But it's all good - you, like most guys, probably went on this date thinking you'd score points with the chick by getting along with her friends, right? Lo and behold, most of what we guys think is a GOOD idea to get girls is usually a BAD idea.

Click on the link below for more insights about things you may be doing right now to GET girls that's actually causing you to LOSE them!

-Non Juan

Non Juan’s book, “The Non Juan’s Guide to LOSING The Girl of Your Dreams: Why Everything Men THINK They Know About Dating is WRONG,” coming soon!


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Well, I should have declined the movie because I hate seeing them at theaters in the first place.

If I had it my way we would have been having drinks at a bar or something. She is actually boring to me... doesn't like to drink or party. I just want to have a little fling with her.

The main point of the text was to arouse curiosity.

Maybe I should just next her. Is it really looking that bad? I'm used to just meeting women in causal situations and getting sexual fast without the first date crap.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Mr. Non-Juan said:
Sorry, guy, but you're OUT.

The fact that she wouldn't go out with you unless her friends were there already meant you were OUT from the beginning.

But it's all good - you, like most guys, probably went on this date thinking you'd score points with the chick by getting along with her friends, right? Lo and behold, most of what we guys think is a GOOD idea to get girls is usually a BAD idea.

Click on the link below for more insights about things you may be doing right now to GET girls that's actually causing you to LOSE them!

-Non Juan

Non Juan’s book, “The Non Juan’s Guide to LOSING The Girl of Your Dreams: Why Everything Men THINK They Know About Dating is WRONG,” coming soon!

No, it's common of Thai women to bring their friends with a guy they haven't met yet. It's a cultural thing. And I didn't know beforehand her friends would be there until I read that cultural piece on the net and assumed it. She didn't bother to tell me beforehand...guess it was assumed by her.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Thai women don't hug in public unless they are loose. That was a brain fart on my part. She also told me it's very bizarre to see people over here touching in public. Her body language was directed at me the entire night, though and she played with her hair a lot while giggling and laughing.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Well, I called her late last night...9ish and she didn't answer but send me a text the next morning around 7:20 saying sorry she missed my call , she went to sleep early. I then later sent a text message stating that I was going indoor rock climbing not this weekend but the next and asked if she would like to try it. She replied asking where and if I was going alone and said she wasn't quite sure if she had work or not.

So I just replied where it was and yes to her other question.

At this point, I am ready to move on to my next target and not contact this chick until/if she reaches out to me. I dunno, connection really established yet and if I wasn't trying to get over a divorce, I would completely write this off, though she could be a "nice girl" as she said the last guy she dated was several years ago. I read on a Thai site that many Thai women remain virgins until marriage. I dunno what to think about her yet.

My sister says I should call her tomorrow, but I think it could be a lost cause at this point....thoughts?

Well, on to the next target. This pretty hot Hispanic girl who invited me to an art show this Saturday. She sent a text earlier saying she was going to call me tonight. Whooopee doooo. It Sain Paddy's night....not sure if I'll be able to talk.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
zinc64 said:
Well, I called her late last night...9ish and she didn't answer but send me a text the next morning around 7:20 saying sorry she missed my call , she went to sleep early. I then later sent a text message stating that I was going indoor rock climbing not this weekend but the next and asked if she would like to try it. She replied asking where and if I was going alone and said she wasn't quite sure if she had work or not.

So I just replied where it was and yes to her other question.

At this point, I am ready to move on to my next target and not contact this chick until/if she reaches out to me. I dunno, connection really established yet and if I wasn't trying to get over a divorce, I would completely write this off, though she could be a "nice girl" as she said the last guy she dated was several years ago. I read on a Thai site that many Thai women remain virgins until marriage. I dunno what to think about her yet.

My sister says I should call her tomorrow, but I think it could be a lost cause at this point....thoughts?

Well, on to the next target. This pretty hot Hispanic girl who invited me to an art show this Saturday. She sent a text earlier saying she was going to call me tonight. Whooopee doooo. It Sain Paddy's night....not sure if I'll be able to talk.

The reason the first one asked you where the rock climbing would be is because you obviously gave off a bad vibe that made her nervous. :nervous: You sound like a loser who picks up just enough snippets of info about ethnics to try and bang them. No wonder you're getting turned down. They can see through your desperation and manipulation from the moment you open your mouth to speak. :rolleyes:

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
so u were calling on a tues nite, to ask her for a date in OVER A WEEK & A HALF AWAY? no good.