Girl hanging out with ex-bfs. Do I have a right to put my foot down?


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score

She sent me an email today saying that she cancelled her plans to hook up with this guy because she still loved me and did not want to hurt me.

She then gave me some BS excuse that the reason she's been thinking about other guys is because before she left for her country she saw that my eyes are still cold and she was not sure about me so she wanted to stay in touch with her ex boyfriends in case I broke her heart again. And when she is "sure" about me, she promises she will not talk to other guys.

She then claimed that she has been faithful to me and she was talking to these guys on the phone because they are her friends now and she doesn't have any feelings for them.

Unfortunately I don't know any way to block her emails so im ignoring and hoping she'll get the message.


Don't you have a spam filter or junk mail folder? How about changing your email address? How about just deleting her messages without reading them?

She is spinning you a web of sh*t here to try and get you back, do not reply to her or take her back, stay strong, stay firm and find someone else who is mentally stable. :up:


Don Juan
May 22, 2009
Reaction score

A few months ago, my gf of two years cheated on me. I promised myself that I would nevre let that happen again.

I've been sring a new girl for a little more than two months. One night her ex bf from sends me an IM telling me that they hooked up and that my gf is "wild and unsuspecting."

She completely denies ever hooking up with him and tells me that he had always tried to hook up with her. (keep. In mind, she hasn't seen him since before her and I started dating.)

The weird thing is, I've seen messages he had sent her. He would write her poems saying how much he loves her still, and it really upsets her.

I'm thinking he is trying to make himself look like the good guy when its actually him with the bad behavior. I told him off and haven't talked to him since. Do you think he was just trying to make me jealous or upset so that I would end thing with her? He seems a little obsessed with her.