Girl Giving Mixed Signals please help!


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Mar 11, 2011
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I recently went to the movies with 4 guys and 2 girls....this one girl i was kinda interested in and have been texting her alot lately. Anyway we got in there and she was talkin with me and my other friend alot and was laughing at jokes. We get into the theatre and she wanted me to sit next to her so i and her were talking in there a good amount and made her laugh. Then we get out and she was only talking to my friend and then i aksed her a couple of questions she sort of laughed and then she told my friend individually goodbye and then went to the others which included me and said bye what is going on what is she thinking? does she have ANY interest in me? how should i talk to her to let her know im interested to be more than a friend?


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
Mixed signals=There's another guy. Don't ever forget that formula. Sometimes, things have nothing to do with you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Falcon25 said:
Mixed signals=There's another guy. Don't ever forget that formula. Sometimes, things have nothing to do with you.
Can anyone else back this up?

Not necessary doubting you bro, but looking for others to respond.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
GeraldHenderson15 said:
I dont get what your tryin to say
Hes saying if a girl is giving mixed signals to you she has another guy on the side or on her mind. Hence not knowing what she wants.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Crissco said:
Can anyone else back this up?

Not necessary doubting you bro, but looking for others to respond.
Usually when a guys is having mixed signals, its just that the guy is reading the signals wrong. It doesn't matter why, it just means something in your game fvcked up or as Falcon said there is another guy the girl is going after.

Classic case I always see and hear about:

Guy talks to girl
Girl is nice and polite to him and actually talks with him
Guy either inexperienced or oblivious takes it as flirting and tries to amp up, setting up dates etc..
Girl rejects advances but still continues to be nice and polite
Guy: I'm getting mixed signals!!!

or the closely related case, guy games girl, girl not interested but polite, leads to the same i'm getting mixed signals.

But in OP's case I really didn't see any concrete signals that she was interested in you at all.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
My case is a bit diffrent.

Im a complete d!ck, to the point where I tell her, shes annoying, I dont want to talk to her,
She called 4 times day, texts 4 times a day. I dont answer
She wants to give it a shot with
Finally opened up to me crying her eyes out, told her ex-bf ruined her, her brother died and parents split up around the same time.
I told her ill text her tomorrow, she said no need

To me this is simple, shes using me as shoulder to cry on. Fu(k that. I should of kept it at I dont want to speak to u anymore, I actually felt bad for the girl.

Sorry to hijack your thread OP, just a bit pissed right now. All good though, nothing I cant handle.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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GeraldHenderson15 said:
I recently went to the movies with 4 guys and 2 girls....this one girl i was kinda interested in and have been texting her alot lately. Anyway we got in there and she was talkin with me and my other friend alot and was laughing at jokes. We get into the theatre and she wanted me to sit next to her so i and her were talking in there a good amount and made her laugh. Then we get out and she was only talking to my friend and then i aksed her a couple of questions she sort of laughed and then she told my friend individually goodbye and then went to the others which included me and said bye what is going on what is she thinking? does she have ANY interest in me? how should i talk to her to let her know im interested to be more than a friend?
I don't see anything mixed about these signals. It's not like she sucked your c0ck and then got pissed at you.

What I get is this:
-You two text a lot (like friends do)
-She laughed at your jokes (like a friend)
-You went out as a group (friends)
-Wanted you sit next to her (sometimes a sign of interest, but in this context it's more like you're great friendly leaning on material)
-She says bye guys (the friendly thing to do)

She might like your friend or she just said bye to him individually cause she was talking to him a lot at the moment and she didn't feel like going off a list of 4 other people to say bye to.

In any case, from what I read, she doesn't seem into you. In fact, you seem hardcore friendzoned.

how should i talk to her to let her know im interested to be more than a friend?
Why would you want to let her know this if she's not interested in you that way? You think you telling her your "feelings" will magically change how she see's you? It doesn't work that way. Go date other chicks and start treating her like a little bratty sister. That's what might make her develop interest in you. Emphasis on the "might".


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
Crissco said:
My case is a bit diffrent.

Im a complete d!ck, to the point where I tell her, shes annoying, I dont want to talk to her,
She called 4 times day, texts 4 times a day. I dont answer

She wants to give it a shot with
Finally opened up to me crying her eyes out, told her ex-bf ruined her, her brother died and parents split up around the same time.
I told her ill text her tomorrow, she said no need
This is win.

Also, her opinions on the opposite sex are most likely cynical. Run.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
MyTeamSupreme said:
This is win.

Also, her opinions on the opposite sex are most likely cynical. Run.
I know believe me bro. The red flags all over. Her views arent cynical on guys, not that she shows on the outside, or that I know of. For one she said to me, she saw a niceness in me one night and she wants to make it work...The only 2 things that keep me coming back are shes a hot blond lol and I haven't fu(ked her yet. I probably shouldn't, in all honesty it would probably make things worse.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Falcon25 said:
Mixed signals=There's another guy. Don't ever forget that formula. Sometimes, things have nothing to do with you.
This has also been my experience in the past.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
I have a series of questions.

GeraldHenderson15 said:
I recently went to the movies with 4 guys and 2 girls....
1) Why are you going to the movies with girl you're not in a LTR with? Why are you going to the movies in a group of people where the men outnumber the women?

GeraldHenderson15 said:
this one girl i was kinda interested in and have been texting her alot lately.
The phone is analogus to a hammer. It's a tool with a specific purpose in mind. That purpose is to arrange a time and place to have that woman meet you at some in the near future, perferably that day. The phone IS NOT TO BE USED TO HAVE LONG A$$, MULTIPLE CONVERSATIONS, ESPECIALLY VIA TEXT.

See Jerry, may I call you Jerry? Anyway dude, you're like an alcoholic or a drug addict. You have a problem, it's texting. Until somebody proves to me otherwise, I'm firmly in the camp that texting DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR GAME! I believe that dudes are using texting as a means to avoid getting the chick on the phone. There are certain things that just cannot be ascertained via text messaging, things that are pertinent to making the necessary adjustments and improving your game.

This is an intervention Jerry, you have a problem, you're a texter and you need to stop it. From this moment on, any woman you trying to game, needs to speak to you on the phone. Period, point blank.

GeraldHenderson15 said:
Anyway we got in there and she was talkin with me and my other friend alot and was laughing at jokes.
What does this mean? What was the details of the conversation? Did you neg, disqualify yourself as a suitor, kino, DLV? Sounds to me like you just had a mundane conversation.

GeraldHenderson15 said:
We get into the theatre and she wanted me to sit next to her so i did.
Attention withdrawl and sh*t test. She was suffering from attention withdrawls. She also gave you a sh*t and you failed.

GeraldHenderson15 said:
Then we get out and she was only talking to my friend and then i aksed her a couple of questions she sort of laughed and then she told my friend individually goodbye
Why did you focus all of your time on this one chick? What was your friend doing that you weren't that gave him individual attention from this chick?

GeraldHenderson15 said:
what is going on what is she thinking??
She was probably thinking about Justin Bieber.

GeraldHenderson15 said:
does she have ANY interest in me? ?
The question isn't does she have any interest in you, (she probably doesn't), but whether DID YOU GIVE HER A REASON TO HAVE IN YOU?

GeraldHenderson15 said:
how should i talk to her to let her know im interested to be more than a friend?
You holla at chicks hotter than she is, have sex with them, them reopen this chick with the skills you used to get the woman that was hotter than her. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
GeraldHenderson15 said:
I recently went to the movies with 4 guys and 2 girls....this one girl i was kinda interested in and have been texting her alot lately. Anyway we got in there and she was talkin with me and my other friend alot and was laughing at jokes. We get into the theatre and she wanted me to sit next to her so i and her were talking in there a good amount and made her laugh. Then we get out and she was only talking to my friend and then i aksed her a couple of questions she sort of laughed and then she told my friend individually goodbye and then went to the others which included me and said bye what is going on what is she thinking? does she have ANY interest in me? how should i talk to her to let her know im interested to be more than a friend?
Your problems in red.

If you're interested in this chick, you gotta close.

Edit: Oops, looks like I was late to the party as MR already has it covered. Also, this whole post reeks of reading too much into her actions. Maybe she's just friendly, huh?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Dude you're new here. Here's an assignment for you that I recommended to another poster:

Stop being a "nice guy."

Chamber36 said:
That's why I'm trying to improve my game. I want to be more action, less doubt. Right now is very much of a learning process for me.
If you're sincere I have a reading assigment for you.


a) The DJ Bible and The Book Of Pook.

b) Read "The Game, Penertrating The Secret Society of Pickup Artists."

c) Read "The Mystery Method,"

d) Do the DJ Bootcamp.

e) Impliment the techniques and strategies

f) Be willing to fail.


Why You Need To Stop Texting​

Is it a generational thing, but I seem to view texting as a crutch and a cop out. For me at least, the phone is analogous to a hammer. A hammer is a tool used to build things. For a the phone is tool used facilitating contact with a chick so that make arrangements to see her at some time in the future. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not a texter and I damn sure don't want to get into long a$$ text conversations with females.

Reason being, is that there's certain subtle nuances and IOI's (body langague,) that can only be picked up in live interactions, also the same is true in for phone conversations to a lesser extend.

Yet instill I see guys on here trying to intrept and disect text messages. I see text messaging as a "virtual barrier," between myself and the target. Trying to run game via texting, doesn't mean anything to me, because it doesn't seem real. The text message doesn't respresent a person, but more of rainbow after a rainstrom. It looks pretty, but we can so wrapped into chasing it until it eventually disappers.

I need face-to-face contact. I need to see how you're responding to my game, I need you right there in front of me, so I see if I proceed forward, or make an adjustment. For all you guys that insist upon texting, could you please explain to me how, you can dicipher these subtlities, when all you have is words on a small LCD screem.

Also, I detect a slight adverision to cold approaches on Sosuave. If you guys aren't doing cold approaches, where the hell are you meeting woman at? It one of the fundamental premises of pick up is the ability to approach woman we have no familiarity with and get them to like us? If you're not doing cold approaches, aren't you SEVERELY limiting the woman of you're coming into contact with? How can you get better, if you're not approaching? Again, I need somebody to explain these things to me. Thanks.
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
To be honest with you dude,this seems like more of a misinterpetation or misread of this girl's behavior on YOUR PART than mixed signals from her.

Mixed signals is when a girl seems both interested and not interested. Well she doesn't seem interested to me,it just looks like you're seeing interest mirages. You think there's interest,but there's not.

Look at this....

GeraldHenderson15 said:
I recently went to the movies with 4 guys and 2 girls....this one girl i was kinda interested in and have been texting her alot lately.

she was talkin with me and my other friend alot and was laughing at jokes.

We get into the theatre and she wanted me to sit next to her so i and her were talking in there a good amount and made her laugh.

All of this seems like friendzone behavior. Look,there are only 3 WAYS that a girl responds to a guy who shows sexual interest in her......



3:SHE FRIENDZONES YOU (which is just another form of rejection)

One of these three things should have ALREADY HAPPENED by now. And if they haven't,then YOU are the one who screwed up.

You say that you and her have been texting a lot lately,have been to the movies with her and her friends,SAT WITH HER at the movies,and have spent a lot of time talking with her and making her laugh.

That's a lot of time together. So if you've invested all that time in her,and she's yet to do one of the three things I mentioned earlier,then YOU'RE THE ONE failing here. It's haven't asked her out yet,have you?

GeraldHenderson15 said:
so what is going on what is she thinking?
What's she thinking??? Dude,what are YOU thinking?

My gut tells me you haven't even asked her out. You claim she's giving you mixed signals. I'd say YOU are the one giving mixed signals.

You like this girl,right? But you've yet to ask her out. You haven't asked her out,but you keep hanging around her,via text,hangouts,etc.

You want to date her,but your behavior is that of a "friend". That's mixed signals.

The second you stop doing that,you'll know where you stand,or just to put it plainly....ASK HER OUT ON A DATE.

GeraldHenderson15 said:
does she have ANY interest in me? how should i talk to her to let her know im interested to be more than a friend?
Do you flirt with her? I mean romantic flirting.
Have you complimented her on her appearance?
Have you asked her out yet?

Doing these things will let her know you want more than friendship.

Personally,I think you're in the friendzone,but if you want to be 100% certain,then ask her out.


New Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Igetit! said:
To be honest with you dude,this seems like more of a misinterpetation or misread of this girl's behavior on YOUR PART than mixed signals from her.

Mixed signals is when a girl seems both interested and not interested. Well she doesn't seem interested to me,it just looks like you're seeing interest mirages. You think there's interest,but there's not.

Look at this....

All of this seems like friendzone behavior. Look,there are only 3 WAYS that a girl responds to a guy who shows sexual interest in her......



3:SHE FRIENDZONES YOU (which is just another form of rejection)

One of these three things should have ALREADY HAPPENED by now. And if they haven't,then YOU are the one who screwed up.

You say that you and her have been texting a lot lately,have been to the movies with her and her friends,SAT WITH HER at the movies,and have spent a lot of time talking with her and making her laugh.

That's a lot of time together. So if you've invested all that time in her,and she's yet to do one of the three things I mentioned earlier,then YOU'RE THE ONE failing here. It's haven't asked her out yet,have you?

What's she thinking??? Dude,what are YOU thinking?

My gut tells me you haven't even asked her out. You claim she's giving you mixed signals. I'd say YOU are the one giving mixed signals.

You like this girl,right? But you've yet to ask her out. You haven't asked her out,but you keep hanging around her,via text,hangouts,etc.

You want to date her,but your behavior is that of a "friend". That's mixed signals.

The second you stop doing that,you'll know where you stand,or just to put it plainly....ASK HER OUT ON A DATE.

Do you flirt with her? I mean romantic flirting.
Have you complimented her on her appearance?
Have you asked her out yet?

Doing these things will let her know you want more than friendship.

Personally,I think you're in the friendzone,but if you want to be 100% certain,then ask her out.
I started talkin to her on like wednesday?....Im gonna stop texting her...she was touching her hair alot when we talked...but still.....youve opened my eyes man....thanks im clueless


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
GeraldHenderson15 said:
I started talkin to her on like wednesday?....Im gonna stop texting her...she was touching her hair alot when we talked...but still.....youve opened my eyes man....thanks im clueless
She might have had some interest, but that's when you DO SOMETHING. That's your window of action. Even if you misread her interest, it shows you're a man of action and is 100 times better than doing nothing. That's why we ASSUME attraction, because sometimes that is what CREATES it.

Is there any reason when you were sitting next to her at the movies that you didn't put your arm around her? Maybe even kiss her on the cheek if she responded well. Had you done this you would've been the one getting a personal goodbye hug and a text later saying she had fun with you and you should hang out alone some time. You have to be bold and even more importantly know WHEN to be bold. You hesitate too long and your boldness will just come off as a last ditch act of desperation.

It might be too late already, but call her and ask her if she wants to hang out (not in a group). There's your answer.


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
ArcBound said:
Usually when a guys is having mixed signals, its just that the guy is reading the signals wrong. It doesn't matter why, it just means something in your game fvcked up or as Falcon said there is another guy the girl is going after.

Classic case I always see and hear about:

Guy talks to girl
Girl is nice and polite to him and actually talks with him
Guy either inexperienced or oblivious takes it as flirting and tries to amp up, setting up dates etc..
Girl rejects advances but still continues to be nice and polite
Guy: I'm getting mixed signals!!!

or the closely related case, guy games girl, girl not interested but polite, leads to the same i'm getting mixed signals.

But in OP's case I really didn't see any concrete signals that she was interested in you at all.
This is dead-on right. The worst case scenario of mixed signals is:

Guy talks to girl
Girl is nice and polite to him and actually talks to him
Guy sets up a date
Girl goes on date
Guy gets laid
Girl disappears for a month
Girl sets up date with guy
Guy gets laid again a few more times
Girl says she's not interested in having more sex with him even after it's obvious he got her off several times each time they had sex and connected well with her


New Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Chickfight said:
She might have had some interest, but that's when you DO SOMETHING. That's your window of action. Even if you misread her interest, it shows you're a man of action and is 100 times better than doing nothing. That's why we ASSUME attraction, because sometimes that is what CREATES it.

Is there any reason when you were sitting next to her at the movies that you didn't put your arm around her? Maybe even kiss her on the cheek if she responded well. Had you done this you would've been the one getting a personal goodbye hug and a text later saying she had fun with you and you should hang out alone some time. You have to be bold and even more importantly know WHEN to be bold. You hesitate too long and your boldness will just come off as a last ditch act of desperation.

It might be too late already, but call her and ask her if she wants to hang out (not in a group). There's your answer.
I didnt wanna do anything cuz we were with a group of people