saturday night this mexican girl and her mother were standing in a coffee shop, I presume waiting for their coffee to get ready. I talked to the girl who barely speaks any English. conversation was brief, asked her where are you from, is that your mother, what do you do, do you want to exchange numbers? I also asked her mother, whose English was worse than hers, what part of mexico are you from? just to build rapport with my mother in law.
I got her number and she also took out her phone to get my number. I told her my number and she tried dialing it. I didn't have reception in that location so my phone was not ringing, she tried dialing it over and over again. I guess she thought it could be a fake number.
the next day she texted me herself, hi, it's me from the coffee shop. we have been exchanging
texts regarding time and day for date. we have yet to come to an agreement since the times she is busy I am not busy and vice versa.
what concerns me is 1) the conversation was too quick, why is she so desperate? I asked her 3 questions and she gave me her number? I like to see a little hesitance? 2) she is not asking any questions about me, not what do you do, not where are you from, nothing? am I right that these are all red flags or am I just being paranoid?