Girl Flaked on me


Senior Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Age: 36
LoneWolf said:
I don't think she's interested. It's happened to me many times and from experience she's just using you for attention. She's not serious about you man. Go out with the other girl. Just cause it seems like she's flirting with you doesn't mean she likes you. She's just playing with you. She's bored. I bet she will flake again but if you must, set a date RIGHT now .. time, place etc. If she fuks up one more time. NEXT!
I completely agree. TBH her behaviour has put me off her quite abit now and Im not sure even if we did have a date I would be interested in her. Ive not really got time for women who play games and show weakness of character so easily. Do women not realise that as men we will have encountered similar behaviour before and therefore it seems rather shallow and pathetic.

Ive cut all contact with her now (txt, fb etc) and gonna just leave it at that. If she calls or txts me asking for a date thats cool and I'll reply but otherwise Ive not got time for her.

Will be interesting to see how she behaves from now on. After yesterday she must think my interest is sky high (it shot right down once she flaked on a date again and gave me a blatantly false promise of one) so Im willing to bet she will think she can still use me for attention.

TBH her behaviour is so similar to a flake I encountered a couple of years ago that shes given herself away, I almost feel as if Ive 'won' because Ive seen right through her BS.

Th irony about it all is that she was the one who initiated contact with me and suggested we go out.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
bunjy said:
I completely agree. TBH her behaviour has put me off her quite abit now and Im not sure even if we did have a date I would be interested in her. Ive not really got time for women who play games and show weakness of character so easily. Do women not realise that as men we will have encountered similar behaviour before and therefore it seems rather shallow and pathetic.

Ive cut all contact with her now (txt, fb etc) and gonna just leave it at that. If she calls or txts me asking for a date thats cool and I'll reply but otherwise Ive not got time for her.

Will be interesting to see how she behaves from now on. After yesterday she must think my interest is sky high (it shot right down once she flaked on a date again and gave me a blatantly false promise of one) so Im willing to bet she will think she can still use me for attention.

TBH her behaviour is so similar to a flake I encountered a couple of years ago that shes given herself away, I almost feel as if Ive 'won' because Ive seen right through her BS.

Th irony about it all is that she was the one who initiated contact with me and suggested we go out.
You didn't really listen to any of the sound advice that was given on here though did you? I've done the same but hope you won't be repeating this over again.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Happens all the time man. Girls trick you thinking they're interested ... but you're just one of the hundreds of guys she's playing with. She isn't thinking about you at all. If she was, you would already be having dinner with her. It's that simple... if she was so interested, she'd make it happen. She's not. Fuk her off until she actually contacts you for a date.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Age: 36
Yo'Mama said:
You didn't really listen to any of the sound advice that was given on here though did you? I've done the same but hope you won't be repeating this over again.
Not true indeed I did take on board much of the sound advice on here. The advice Ive been given helped to keep things in perspective e.g. the fact she should be asking me for another date etc and the strong possibility that shes just an AW.

True I went against the advice here and contacted her again but nonetheless advice given helped me to keep my head above water and not get caught up on this one chick.

All round decent advice from fellow DJ's here and was much appreciated (even If I have a lot to learn).


Senior Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Age: 36
LoneWolf said:
... if she was so interested, she'd make it happen.
Pretty much sums up (and provides a solution to) the whole problem with flaky chicks.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
There's a quote "If she's interested she'll move mountains to see you."

Believe it goes like that, and the principle is sound. If she really is interested she will make it happen.

And if she flakes whilst being interested she will give a solid counter offer.

Any flake with no counter offer or apparent interest for further correspondence is a write off.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Yep. I got flaked on last year by this girl but she was always straight up and never played those games. She flaked via text but counter offered straight away and all was fine... well until she broke up with me (cries) :p


Senior Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Age: 36
Well said flake txts me lastnight, just a boring 'Hey' txt. I didnt txt back.

Now shes writing on my fb wall, shes saying some BS about 'Hey I noticed you like Z, I like Z too!!' Ive not replied or acknowledged her. I figure if she is interested (highly unlikely) and is just being cautious she will bottle it and offer me a date as its obvious my interest has shot down.

WTF is wrong with this woman, surely shes got better things to do than waste time bothering someone who has a) gotten bored quickly of her games b) she has no real interest in.

Surely by now she must know that Im tired of her games.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
She got low self-esteem bunjy. She desperately needs validation. She's confused that you aren't a chase'n AFC beatch. She doesn't know what to think.

Point goes to bunjy.



Don Juan
Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Reminds me of a girl I was talking to recently. She was doing all that to me too on facebook. I kept replying but then one day I said let's meet up. She said that's not a good idea, I stopped talking to her after that and haven't heard from her since. So basically all that time she was just using me cause of boredom or leading me on. Your girl sounds like the same deal. Forget her... I'd remove her from your fb too. I did that. Don't ever add girls you're chasing on facebook ... unless they're your girlfriend. Even then is not the best idea lol. But I've learnt it's a bad idea. Then they know what you're doing if you post. Delete her bro, she has your number.

Professor Booty

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
She may be an AW but she might just be trying to get you to ask her out again. I would give it one more shot - just ask her out and if she flakes again then cut her off completely.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Age: 36
Thought Id give you a little update DJ's.

So since myt last post, Ive ignored flake and she has send me a txt saying how "she promises we will go out" and that "we will definetly definetly meet" and that I should 'Leave it with her'.

Ive not responded.

What is she playing at.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Age: 36
Professor Booty said:
She may be an AW but she might just be trying to get you to ask her out again. I would give it one more shot - just ask her out and if she flakes again then cut her off completely.
TBH Ive asked her out once (the time she flaked) and Ive suggested we go out soon after she flaked.

If I asked her again Id just look desperate and besides Im not really interested much anymore as her games playing has put me off her.

Ive done enough chasing/gaming on her now.

Professor Booty

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
bunjy said:
Thought Id give you a little update DJ's.

So since myt last post, Ive ignored flake and she has send me a txt saying how "she promises we will go out" and that "we will definetly definetly meet" and that I should 'Leave it with her'.

Ive not responded.

What is she playing at.
Sounds like she either has a boyfriend and is branch swinging and wants to keep you in her back pocket just in case. Up to you whether you want to write her off completely or not but definitely stay no contact until and unless she comes up with a definite date proposal.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Age: 36
Professor Booty said:
Sounds like she either has a boyfriend and is branch swinging and wants to keep you in her back pocket just in case. Up to you whether you want to write her off completely or not but definitely stay no contact until and unless she comes up with a definite date proposal.
No she doesnt have a boyfriend. I mention above that she was with a guy for 4 months and then he dumped her spectacularly (out of the blue) and when they had a date to 'reconcile' he stood her up.

4 days later she is msging me on fb. This is what had led me to think shes just an AW. Shes been badly dumped and is looking for attention to make herself feel better. Hence why she seemed to be keen and 'chasing' me.

On the other hand my friend (not a mutual one) just a chick I know thinks the flake may be being careful with me as she's wounded from her last relationship and doesnt want to be hurt again e.g. thats why she seems to be 'playing hard to get'. Flake did actually admit to me that she has generally had 'failure with men in the past'.

Either way Ive ran out of patience.

Professor Booty

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
bunjy said:
No she doesnt have a boyfriend. I mention above that she was with a guy for 4 months and then he dumped her spectacularly (out of the blue) and when they had a date to 'reconcile' he stood her up.

4 days later she is msging me on fb. This is what had led me to think shes just an AW. Shes been badly dumped and is looking for attention to make herself feel better. Hence why she seemed to be keen and 'chasing' me.

On the other hand my friend (not a mutual one) just a chick I know thinks the flake may be being careful with me as she's wounded from her last relationship and doesnt want to be hurt again e.g. thats why she seems to be 'playing hard to get'. Flake did actually admit to me that she has generally had 'failure with men in the past'.

Either way Ive ran out of patience.
Whatever she may tell you about her "ex"-boyfriend, I think there's a good chance he's still in the picture and that she's weighing her options right now. Maybe she still wants to get back together with him and is going keep trying but kinda likes you too and wants to keep you interested as a backup. In other words, she's spinning plates, as you should be. Just don't burn this bridge out of bitterness. Just go no contact until she asks you out, case closed. I'm willing to bet you she will ask you out, though, seriously. But you gotta maintain no contact until she does.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
I don't see why this thread about a girl flaking has to carry on 3 pages long.

Do you even know what NC is for in the first place?? Its clear you don't because if you really knew what NC was you wouldn't be posting every single update like those narcissistic pigs on facebook.

Do yourself a favor and learn that NC is a tool to help you move on, not to rekindle her non-existent interest and keep harping on her actionsnas you do now.

I'm betting my ass that he will re contact her again and start from square 1.