Dear Joe
First off i want to say Joe i believe your story .
I am 25 years old.
I live in Australia and the women here can be very violent.
Worse because of the places my friends and i hang out ( the streets ) we see a lot of what you have said in your story happen all the time.
A lot of the rough girls are from housing commission ( projects in USA ) background and have been brought up watching and experiencing extreme violence in their homes and have learned to brawl proficiently themselves.
I’ll just start with an example of how these girls work for the rich and over privileged dj's around here :
Girl walks up on the street to a group of 3 guys, smashes the one in the middle as hard as she can in the face , he grabs her to restrain her from throwing a second punch, the 15 guys who are with her approach and assault the 3 innocent men taking all their wallets, money and mobile phones.
i have lost count of the times i have seen b*tches beat men and the men could do nothing because as soon as they tried to defend themselves 20 guys would jump them.
Yeah i wish all girls were nice and proper and didn't fight.
My last girlfriend along with 4 of her FEMALE friends robbed people at knifepoint on Friday / Saturday nights outside the club district.
When i was in primary ( elementary ) school i was faced with a situation like Joe's i ran and she ran after me i was about 9. We were alone and she came at me in a psychotic rage i put my foot up to stop her from getting near me and as she was running at me full speed at the time it equated to a kick. she fell to the ground gasping for air.
I got in so much trouble for that even though i was the victim and in the principals office i was lectured on how serious it was to strike a girl/woman in the stomach because it could damage their ability to have children etc etc. When i asked them what could i have done to stop her ? All i got was you should have gone and told a teacher. Never around when you need them just like the police.
My last example of gang violence / street violence involving women is the time my female friend Jackie was attacked by 8 girls at once. They had one intent, to kill her. I along with 3 of my male friends did our best to stand around her acting as a barrier against her attackers.
Why didn't you just crush these b*tches ?
Because the fight was at the local hangout for young people in the 6th largest city in Australia, and the fight had gone on long enough that a MOB ( 200 people ) had gathered to watch my friend get kicked to death.
Yeah but why didn't you crush these b*tches ?
Well of the 200 or so people 70% were guys drooling at the prospect of one of us hitting the attacking b*tches so they could have an excuse in their cold murderous hearts to jump us as well ( liking the odds of 100 vs. 4 the cowards ). If we went down then who would defend Jackie ? She would have died. And we might have died too.
To stand by and watch evil b*tches, cold hearted murders, trying to kick your friend to death and the best you can do is try and hinder their path while your friend is screaming is a fu**ing DOSE OF REALITY some of you rich or whatever the f**k you are or wherever you come from NEED.
Ok Joe, sounds like you got it all sorted ?
For future reference
As a man who doesn't hit women lets look at your options :
1. Throw water, i have used this a lot and it actually works but depends on where the situation is i.e. unknown chick at party acting up.
2. Get some big bad a$$ chicks that you know to bash her senseless, actually my preferred option and I always advise in your DJ stable to keep a few b*tches on file who can crack skulls if you need it done, for free or for money as long as it gets done. I also advise seeking out the toughest and best girl fighters amongst the population at your school or neighbourhood, the other dj's might not understand this but in VERY ROUGH areas girls have a social hierarchy/pecking order of fighters and the good ones will have reputations that you can use just to frighten most girls off.
3. Hitting back. I advise STRONGLY against it. Two reasons Jail and the Hero factor. Prove she hit you first when all her friends where there when they singled you out away from any witnesses. Are the police going to believe you ? If your brother in arms ( dj's ) think you are full of sh*t wait to you deal with police. Ask a husband who has been charged for assaulting his wife when he didn't do it. Women own the court system mate you will not get justice. Ok the Hero factor, first the cops are going to see this HB10 and being an AFC's they will try and comfort her and get her phone number for police reasons of course while trying to score points with her by FU**ING YOU UP BAD !
Hey.... if i was the cop with a crying HB10 promising sex in her eyes i would charge you with assault, grand theft auto, littering and using an aerosol can in a manner other than directed and anything else so i could fu** her and so would you !
4. Run. Those who run away live to run away another day LOL
Well it will work in most situations but not in a work / school one so i advise against doing it unless absolutely necessary because to these TYPE of girl it is like waving a red flag at a bull.
5. Go to police make complaint. Takes time. Is worth pursuing if you feel you have no other options. It might scare her. It might not. These TYPE of girls have usually had dealing with the police all their lives and are not afraid of police or threats of police UNTIL the cops actually grab their wild a$$e$ and throw them in the back of the paddy wagon ( squad car ) then they break down and cry and cry until the cops feel sorry for them. If only i had a dollar for every time i see hood rat b*tches break in the back of a police vehicle
6. Get your crew in the mix. Good option if your crew are REAL FRIENDS. Turn the heat up not just with 5 as many as you can. Confront them with 20 against there 3 and make sure you got the guys worked up to back you up. All you got to do is FORM A CIRCLE AROUND THEM. Now this worries anyone as there is now no escape. Thoughts of Why have they surrounded us ? flood into their mind along with, if this goes down how can i escape ? Make sure your boys are VERY loud yelling at them from all sides all pushing and shoving, think 3 chicks being crushed in the middle of the crowd at a rock concert.
7. Black Ops : now this may get me in trouble off some of the dj's but i have had a hard life and there comes a time when the fun and games stop and it's time for someone to lose and eye. i will not go into exact detail some of the pretty terrible things you can do to people without getting caught. MIND GAMES. PM if you want them Joe but i doubt you'll need them now i have given you some other possible solutions. Lets just say you want to send a clear message to them : DONT F*** WITH JOE !!!! think horses head inside the bed in the movie the Godfather. letting them know the next step is THE END.
ok well there are enough options for you to work with in future Joe hope i helped.
As for dating her:
Bad move. You are rewarding her F***ED UP behaviour with YOU. Joe da man ! DJ extraordinaire !!!!
Joe i have been out with some straight up gangster b*tches let me school you on this
when you break up with her
Hunting season on Joe just resumed with INTEREST
You seeing her, she learns about you, where you work, where you live etc etc you a dead man now buddy.
KNOW YOUR ENEMY : rule of warfare
You beat her friends up ? so what ! these b*tches are PLOTTING ON YOU mark my words they are now playing the waiting game gathering their forces, setting it up and the signal to have you stabbed / shot / beaten / robbed is when HB10 loses interest in you.
i speak from experience buddy. That exact scenario played out after i broke up with a gangster b*tch
you ever heard the saying of the young chicks these days ?
NOT** If you love something let it go and if it comes back it's yours forever
IT'S** If you love something let it go and if it doesn't come back HUNT IT DOWN AND KILL IT
Lost In Translation
DJ IDOLS : Han Solo the Kino and Neg Hit King in The Empire Strikes Back
Captain Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind " frankly my dear i don't give a damn "