girl currently in relationship putting the moves on me


Don Juan
May 16, 2010
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So in one of my college classes I noticed the girl sitting next to me was just staring like there's something on my face until I looked her way and she immediately introduced herself. I played it kinda cool, we went outside for a cigarette on the break, chatted, nothing special. The next week (the class is on tuesdays) she was pretty obvious with the flirty looks, when I asked her out for a drink she asked what's my zodiac sign, and said my sign always gets her attention but they disappoint her afterwards and that it wouldn't be very nice of her to go out for drinks because she has a boyfriend but winked regardless when the class ended (we couldn't talk much really).

It's been a few weeks since that (she added me on facebook but no contact whatsoever) I saw her in passing waiting to take an exam she complained about failing multiple times so I figured I'd ask her how'd it go on facebook. After some flirting around, she went ahead and said something along the lines of being confused and sorry for not meeting me a year ago(when she hooked up with her bf I guess), that she was attracted instantly and it never happened to her before , and was looking for return info, like what do I think about her, do I ever think about her since we met, do I think she's crazy for talking like that so soon, I just kept on flirting, told her I like upfront girls and that we should meet up and talk. She refused because knows what will happen if we do and she needs to restrain herself from going out with me. I told her she should have more courage about things. :whistle: She kept complaining that I'm not opening up, even though she did, asked me some stuff like were you ever in a long term relationship (when I asked her what do you think?, she guessed no and was pleasantly surprised when I told her that one lasted 2 years), do I miss my ex (I answered I'm not that kind of guy really, which is as far as I went where opening up was concerned).

So let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's not playing games, because I'm in the middle of a hell of a dry spell but I know better than to lay all the cards on the table. So what's the move here to make something happen, other than playing it cool and doing whatever else until she makes contact again, anyone?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Reckoning said:
So what's the move here to make something happen, other than playing it cool and doing whatever else until she makes contact again, anyone?
These are my favourite chicks to have around. I simply put them on the backburner until they're single. Keep in contact, but not too much. Be interesting, funny and flirty, but don't ask her out until she mentions that she's broken up with the guy. Don't inquire about her relationship status, she'll let you know when she's done with him. When she eventually sees you as the better option, she will end her LTR and will (subtly) tell you about it.

Until then, keep approaching and dating other women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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Seems like she's bored in her current relationship and looking for a replacement. Like Des said don't give her too much attention and go on about your business. She'll let you know soon enough and give you the green light.


Don Juan
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice. I could probably start a women soccer team with the girls I got going around who are in relationships/have baggage.

There is this other girl who was in a relationship, cheated with me (no sex), said she liked me a lot, then broke up, we had a short relationship if that's what you could call it but she said she can't be with another guy right now (it was a 3 year relationship), still wants to keep in touch and hang out even though she's emotionally and physically unavailable. I said something like fine, whatever. Any particular thing I should be doing to increase her interest level other than being scarce?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
I would run away if a girl:

1. Is magically all over me outta nothing.

2. She regrets not meeting you an year ago.

3. Attracted instantly and it never happened before (wink wink)

Similar things have happened but these situations are a major turnoff for me, it tells me she is so wicked she cant even play the dance of love right so...

Diff peeps diff tastes, but too easy aint good, and you know this and want to use her just for sex, but when shes not on the same page you will get drama ;]