Girl coming over to "watch movie"....


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2011
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...and I'm afraid only that might happen! Although we made out and groped heavily on the last date, so she knows what's coming :)

I'm guessing my best bet is to make a move before we put the DVD on...she is a movie buff - and it's likely she might even get upset if I try to distract her in case she likes the movie, lol (girls are weird!).

Any thoughts on best approach of how to time it/go about it? Sorry for approaching it like some "formula"....I know i just gotta DO IT caveman style but just need to know when - not soon enough to appear like a hungry wolf as soon as she gets in and not so late that she takes it like an insult if I make a move too late...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2011
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The worse thing you can do is to immediately escalate upon seeing her. You have to set a romantic tone first and get her comfortable. I would buy a bottle of wine. Its always a sexual mood enhancer and then slowly but surely initiate kino and slowly escalate while you guys are watching the movie. Always works for me at least