girl behaving suspicious


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
I met this chick 24 years old HB6.8 some weeks ago. We've been on five dates and we had a good time each time, making out etc.

BUT, last night we went to a salsa club because we both dance and once we got there she bumped into her salsa partner, a guy who is her 'friend', he is younger than her, very tall, really thin. She introduced me to him etc but I started to see many things I did not like, for example:

- she hugged him many times, and he did the same.
- they did some some sexual jokes or sexual comments in a funy way.
- the guy suggested that she should act like his gf because there was another girl that wanted to hook up with him and he did not like her (all this in a comical way but still).
- since they were kind of 'acting' like a couple in order to avoid this other girl, she told him that she was there with me, so this guy said that we should do a threesome, but I replied: no way, you should go find another fantasy mate.

My date, this chick, danced with me, caressed me, hugged me and kissed me a few times in the club but I did not like that 'game' going on between them. It looked 'friendly' but weird and out of place, mainly because of those two or three sexual comments or jokes. There were times when she hugged him and me at the same time but I created some space cause I did not like it.

I did not see or I did not sense any attraction on her part but it's just inconsiderate and kind of disrespectful. (they could have been FWB or something in the past, or nothing, who knows right?)

I think a 'normal' girl wouldn't have behaved that way with her friend/dancing partner if me, her date, is present. I dont care how they behave if Im not there, but it just makes no sense to behave that way when you're date is with you, dont you agree?

Its weird because I feel this girl is a bit of a slut (she says she loves sex, she has too many guy 'friends', says she's been hurted too many times...etc), but on the other hand she's trying to go slow with me and she's told me that she's been with just four guys in her life, which I doubt.

I'm confused now, because in the last few years I've met some girls that really looked like a slut but in the end they were not, and another one that looked like a virgin, and she was a cheater and a wh-ore.

So I dont know how I could clasify this chick...


since I've seen several things about this girl that I do not really like (too many guy friends, almost hyperactive, loves to party...) I dont think I want any LTR with her, but as a FWB it would be fine.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Always trust your guts


judge her based on her acts, not on what she's saying

Go ghost. Things will get clear


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
1. How old are you?

2. How many other women are you sleeping with?

A simple answer is to be easy going like the other guy and have her as one of your 3 FBs.

In the situation you described it looked you were a reactive/annoyed third wheel that was not on the in (pun intended)

A way of having fun in a situation like that in the future is to thank the guy for taking her off your hands, now you'll have more time to get another girlfriend. Then dance with other women and create a role play with them, tell them the girl your with is into you but your not feeling it and have her pretend to be your new gf.

Your not doing the above to get back at her, your doing it because it's more fun than standing around being a third wheel not on the inside and you may meet another FB to add to your roster.

Just some ideas


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
You've only been seeing her for a few weeks. DO NOT take her too seriously yet. Girls these days change like the wind. Start being a little more "busy" and put her on the back-burner. When she asks what's up, say a friend of yours, a chick, has some issues and you helped her out. Just basically do the same thing she does, ans see how she reacts. If she's into you, she won't like the taste of her own medicine. If she's not into you, she won't care, in which case you drop her or bang her every now and then. Demote her ass to FB status.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
Im 29, and I was not any third-wheel there. We had fun, she danced with me, hugged me etc, but the thing about including her daincing partner was disrespectful.
I know I've just been on 5 dates with her so last time I was just observing how she behaved with her dancing partner and how she behaved in general. I was not upset or anything, and I did not tell her anything either because I wanted her to feel 'free' to do as she wished so I could get a real view of how she interacts with guys etc, you know?
I give them freedom to see how they are, and if I dont like how they are, they become FWB instantly, nothing else, but I dont say anything.

I even thought about saying yes to that threesome comment the guy said just to see if she agreed, but I did not think about this answer at the time.

Im not sleeping with any other women now because I dropped a plate some weeks ago.

Anyway, this behaviour just shows she's not very very high quality because who on earth would act that way if you're with your date? just dumb, slutty girls...

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Shaka said:
Always trust your guts


judge her based on her acts, not on what she's saying

Go ghost. Things will get clear

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Glad to See You're Improving

First things first, she's not your girl so how she interacts with other dudes really isn't your business. If it's really bothering you, you can tell her that it isn't cool or better yet, holla at other chicks.

Also you need to post field reports on how you're approaching, opening these chicks, and how you're number closing them. Finally, holler at hotter women. Believe it or not, the time and effort that you're putting into speaking to these average looking chicks is the same effort that you would put into hollering at 8's and up, trust yourself and your game potna. Oh yeah, and make sure the chick has a place where y'all can indulge in coitus at.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Over the hills and Far away UK
Maximus Rex said:
First things first, she's not your girl so how she interacts with other dudes really isn't your business. If it's really bothering you, you can tell her that it isn't cool or better yet, holla at other chicks.

Also you need to post field reports on how you're approaching, opening these chicks, and how you're number closing them. Finally, holler at hotter women. Believe it or not, the time and effort that you're putting into speaking to these average looking chicks is the same effort that you would put into hollering at 8's and up, trust yourself and your game potna. Oh yeah, and make sure the chick has a place where y'all can indulge in coitus at.
You have been rex'ed

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
If it looks like a spade, smells like a spade and tastes like a spade, it probably is a spade.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
why should I post field reports? Im not gonna waste my time doing that.

And about her sexual attractiveness, yes, she's not very hot, but I dont think I could pull an 8; everybody knows that if your around a 7, chicks that dig you are either below you or on the same level of attractiveness, that's life, unless you have other factors going on like money, muscles, fame etc.

Anyway, I just posted about her because its the first time I find this weird behaviour in a woman. It felt really strange when she hugged me and hugged this other guy at the same time, or she held my hand while caressing this dude's shoulder...

Once I bang her if she keeps behaving this weird way with her dancing partner I'll tell her, but not for now.

We'll see how it goes...


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
She is behaving like that AT YOUR DATE FFS

Look, it's one of those 2 scnenarii

1/ It's a sh1t test to see how you will react. She is gauging your IL toward her.
By doing nothing, you're cutting of your BALLZ in her eyes and you'll be nexted

2/ She is playing games to get the power and to show you she has options
By doing nothing, you're validating it. And she is getting the upper hand

You have the option to talk about it with her, but it will appear too needy, because SHE IS NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND. So don't do it

yeah you guessed right, hamster will spin.
She will ask herself if our IL toward her is that low ? She won't stand it and she'll want answers and maybe start chasing you.
You build attraction, gain power and PUNISH HER for BAD BEHAVIOUR AT THE SAME TIME.
WITHDRAW YOUR ATTENTION, and salvage it later
If she doesn't react, then her IL WAS LOW TO BEGIN WITH, SO NEXT HER


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
HB 6.8

Two questions:

1) Is there the remotest chance you can possibly do better for yourself than dating a bird of this rating?

2) When did the visual analogue scale get reduced to decimal places?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
pyros said:
why should I post field reports?
The Selfish Reason

If you go back and read them, you might actually learn something your field reports. You'll be able to see what's working and what isn't working based on your interaction with the chick and the advise that you get other posters.

The Altruistic Reason

Other members of the forum are greatly interested in knowing how to cold approach chicks. Instead of going through the trial and error and finding out what works, they would rather tread a path that's already been blazed and seek the advice and counsel of successful posters.

pyros said:
Im not gonna waste my time doing that.
But ironically you're more than willing to waste your time posting questions about wack ass chicks. Also, Rex has to ask, are you asking questions about average looking fictitious women?

pyros said:
And about her sexual attractiveness, yes, she's not very hot, but I dont think I could pull an 8;
Rex is sorry to hear that you hold yourself in such low self esteem. The real question is why you feel as you're not worthy enough to have hot women around you and why you have put 8's and up on a pedestal.

Seriously, though if wasting your time is of such concern to you, then why are asking questions about mediocre chicks? You don't need special game to attract 5's and 6's.

pyros said:
everybody knows that if your around a 7, chicks that dig you are either below you or on the same level of attractiveness, that's life, unless you have other factors going on like money, muscles, fame etc.
Women want good game in their lives, and the looks of the man that's giving them the good game is irrelevant.

pyros said:
Anyway, I just posted about her because its the first time I find this weird behaviour in a woman. It felt really strange when she hugged me and hugged this other guy at the same time, or she held my hand while caressing this dude's shoulder...
Again, she's not your girl. Listen potna, you need to work on your low self esteem and insecurity issues. Listen to this podcast, courtesy of Harry Willimington

Episode 37: Stop Over-thinking/Over-analyzing Her Words/Actions

pyros said:
Once I bang her if she keeps behaving this weird way with her dancing partner I'll tell her, but not for now. We'll see how it goes...
Question, why do you consistently give women passes on their bad behavior? And then you wonder why you're constantly being treated like a S.I.M.P., Somebody Idolizing Mediocre P*ssy.

From some reason, Rex believes that pryos looks like John Bradley (Sam Tarly) from Game of Thrones.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
I met this chick pretty easily: danced with her, talked for 5-10 minutes and got her number.

I dont have low self steem, but what I said about my looks and the probability of pulling an HB8, I just meant that there are two versions about this topic:
a) some guys belive that with 'game' you can pull any girl (which is false)
unless you include in your definition of game: status, muscles, skills...
b) others believe that, as I said, if you're an 7 you can pull chicks from 0 to maximum 8, with luck.

This girl is jus fine, very funy, seems to love sex etc, so why not?
Im not idolizing mediocre puss-y, LMAO. I mean, its like if I could choose to eat a slice of pizza or my favourite dish. Well, I prefer my favourite dish, but if the pizza is good, I'll eat it.

And definetely I do not look like that bag of fat from GOT, hahahahahhaa, but thank you lol, it just made me laugh because nothing could be further from the truth.

Im not overanalyzing anything, I just wanted to hear some opinions about her weird behaviour. Im getting the feeling that she maybe sluttier than what it seems. Maybe she's into swingers or stuff like that, which Im not, but Im curious. Or she is just inmature.


I agree with you. Ive noticed that she tries to get the upper hand.

For example, I say: lets sit here,
she says: I prefer over there ok?

I say: its getting cold lets go
she says: just 10 more minutes

she say: I dont know what to choose, what do you think?
I say: you should choose the soup its pretty good
she says: soup? yeah...well, no, Ill have an omelette.

She also told me two times that she likes to make the decisions when she has a bf. It seems we're gonna have a problem here. She said that she's pretty stubborn, me too, so...


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Ok I see

I'll repeat myself again, so bear with me my friend.

So she likes to be in contradiction right ?
and you're letting her.

What can you do ? What is your weapon ?
Yup, same old song again
Your attention is your weapon. Withdraw it. Don't let her drive you too much.
It's ok to let her do it sometimes, but you also have to step up man. It can't always be one directionnal.

She can't have everything, behave like that, making all the decisions and have your attention. If you let her, it's a matter of time before you're nexted.

So again, what to do ? withdraw you attention. It will teach her that it can't go her way everytime. She will start to compromise and chasing you. If she still persist, then drop her and find another woman

Best of luck

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis

countwoofoolah said:
You have been rex'ed
You have to elaborate on "being rexed," and is it good to be a verb.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
well I hope you op have other girl lined.

but in any case things I would do, since he said a girl was wanting to hook up with him I would have said, "tell her you are gay", though his convo with her looked like he was gay...(at least that is what I guess reading), other thing you could say too was " is she hot? if she is I can go hook up with her"

on that 3some I would even scale that up and says hey bring that girl who want you then we can do a 4some.

I try to never be fased with this and try to make jokes of it and try to scale it even more


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
TheMonkeyKing said:
HB 6.8
2) When did the visual analogue scale get reduced to decimal places?
Cosign. Anything beyond a .5 is getting too specific.