Girl asks for my number, now acts strange

Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys,

a week ago a girl from my class I didn't really know sat across from me in the library and when I got up to go home she handed me her phone and asked me to put my number in, in front of her friends. We had some eye-contact and smiling during class before that and after I gave her my number we met at the library for the last days to study (we have exams tomorrow and on Monday so we really need to study).
I asked her if she wanted to do something outside the university and she was happy and said yes, but since we're both busy with studying we decided to do it probably after the last exam.
Two days ago I asked her again "so when can I see you outside of here?" and she said that it's a bad time but on the other hand she could use a little distraction from studying, but her best friend (guy) comes over for 2 days so she'll be busy (he left today).
I did some kino on her and she seems cool when we meet, but she acts very strange when it comes to texting. I texted her yesterday evening that I'll be at the library today and if she'd come, she didn't reply. I chatted her up on facebook cause she happened to be online just a couple minutes ago and she didn't respond, even tho she is at her computer (posted a comment somewhere).
What is up with her? Did I already lose her after a couple of days?
One of her friends, guy, seems to be into her, he touches her a ton, they went for a walk etc., but she doesn't initiate any and I think he's LJBF for her (he also has a girlfriend), but could it be because of him?

I was sure she was attracted after smiling at me in class and then asking for my number, but now I'm a little confused with her not replying. Maybe I should go a little more into offense, escalate more kino? I wonder if I came across boring since all we did so far was study together and have a cup of coffee at the library cafe (always with that other guy present).
I didn't do anything AFC I think? What's wrong?


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
It's just simple low IL. A girl who is into you will not turn down your offers to spend time with her. Nor will she bring along friends. But you didn't necessarily do anything wrong.

The most realistic explanation is that she just wasn't that into you from the start. It is rare for girls to initiate, and so the fact that she did so infront of all her friends just makes it seem like she was trying to show off for them. I don't think you did anything strikingly wrong enough for her IL to drop due to your actions (you've barely spent much time with her anyways).

I doubt her guy friend is what is causing the low IL. Usually guy friends are just AFC orbiters.

Increasing the offensive will definitely not increase her IL. You did what you needed to do. Leave her alone, spin other plates, and if anything ever happens with her it will be because she contacts you - not the other way around.

I'll also give some feedback. I'm not saying any of these caused the low IL, but take a quick look for future reference:

- Your first (or second, or third...) meeting/date with a girl should not be studying at the library. The DJ goes out with a girl because she is an object that will help satisfy his desire to have fun - and that certainly isn't going to happen in a library.

- You don't ask a girl if she wants to do something with you. You tell her that you are doing so-and-so and that she should come along if she wants to have some fun. The DJ is the Great Catch and doesn't bother with asking because he knows all girls want to hang out with him - and if they don't they are stupid and don't realize what they are missing. And anyways, the DJ doesn't care if a particular girl doesn't show up because he has a ton of girls just begging to replace her.

Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
She's not the type to show off. I wouldn't say she's alternative, but she listens to rock music, goes to festival and doesn't dress fancy, mostly jeans and a regular sweater. She works as a model sometimes (beautiful face) so she knows she's hot but doesn't show it off at all, she never uses make-up etc.
She also told me that she noticed me at the university's film festival where a few hundred people gathered and that was early in the semester and we had nothing to do with each other.
So looking at all the IOIs I can't imagine she really has a low interest level.

Regarding your feedback, I just thought since we all (her, her friends and me) would come to the library for the next 1 1/2 weeks why not sit together and have a chat in the cafe during break. It wasn't really a date.
Your second point is good, I realized it when I was about to ask her if she'd come to the library today. I changed to the text to "I'll be there in 1-2 hours, you coming?" I'll have to keep it in mind tho as I'm likely to fall into that trap again.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Studying in the library with a girl is actually good once you've had a few rocking dates with her... it shows her you are studious/responsible. But do it too early or too often and she will identify you with boredom.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY said:
Two days ago I asked her again "so when can I see you outside of here?" and she said that it's a bad time but on the other hand she could use a little distraction from studying, but her best friend (guy) comes over for 2 days so she'll be busy (he left today).
Studying, having friends visit, and other small things will not stop a girl from spending 2 hours on a date with a guy she is interested in. It's not like you're asking her out for a weekend getaway.

I did some kino on her and she seems cool when we meet, but she acts very strange when it comes to texting. I texted her yesterday evening that I'll be at the library today and if she'd come, she didn't reply. I chatted her up on facebook cause she happened to be online just a couple minutes ago and she didn't respond, even tho she is at her computer (posted a comment somewhere).
What is up with her? Did I already lose her after a couple of days?
So after she ignored your text, you fed more attention to her by pursuing this girl on facebook.

what do you think of that?

I was sure she was attracted after smiling at me in class and then asking for my number, but now I'm a little confused with her not replying. Maybe I should go a little more into offense, escalate more kino? I wonder if I came across boring since all we did so far was study together and have a cup of coffee at the library cafe (always with that other guy present).
I didn't do anything AFC I think? What's wrong?
This girl has ignored your attempts at communicating, and your strategy is to "escalate"? That is where you're looking like an AFC. You're way too interested in pursuing a girl who has given you no reason to pursue her.

Stop giving her attention, and walk away from the situation. If she wants you, she'll find out. You've made your move and she rejected it.

Find some new women and stop worrying about mixed signals from some girl you haven't even had sex with.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Texas said:
Her best friend (guy) comes over for 2 days so she'll be busy (he left today).I didn't do anything AFC I think? What's wrong?
* He's her best friend alright. When you go down on a girl you have a friend for life.
* He left today, but his sperm is still there.
* You didn't do anything AFC except write this OP.
* What's wrong is that you can't see how AFC you really are.
* Guys, when you are writing more than 4 paragraphs and haven't scored, it's already a lost cause.