Girl asked me to go with her to Pride party?


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Interesting. Once - maybe 15 years ago - I was at a nightspot that as usual had nothing going on, and I noticed down the street a place called "The Rainbow" that seemed to have a lot of attractive women walking around, so I decided to check it out (for whatever reason, I didn't catch on to the name). Of course, it was a lesbian place; perhaps it was also for homo men, but I didn't see any men in an embrace, so maybe not. In fact, unlike every other nightspot, there were very few men there - and also, unlike every other nightspot, there were a fair number of attractive women. Yes, I know that the stereotypical lesbian is ugly, but these women were easily on average better looking than what was seen at heteronormative places. I was so overwhelmed by how many attractive women were there that it took me a few minutes to realize that they were a lot chummier with each other than what is usually seen, after which, of course, I bolted. I wonder if the men I saw there were just hoping to catch on a lezzie that was feeling adventurous.
99% of lesbians are ugly

bi chicks however run the spectrum from amazingly gorgeous to butt ugly the same way women do (as in, sexy bi chicks are common, especially in something like a night club), in addition bi chicks are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more common than lesbians in females (in males, gays are vastly more common than bisexuals)

however the caveat is that the bi chicks could've been in a girls only mood that night or they could have boyfriends that let them play with girls on the side (or don't know that they play with girls on the side), or they could be closeted, or any number of explanations.

but yeah there's a high chance you could've scored if you did enough cold approaches in there