She was the archetype feminist character, strong, empowered, tougher than a MANDALORIAN [was even promised her own show].
Lets be honest here, if Mando was portrayed as a real bounty hunter or even a real man, he would've blown her head clean off at fifty paces for that amount of disrespect. I didn't like her character but I think its hilarious that the actress ended up being somewhat based. Really though, they've been inserting these 'ninja' women into movies and TV for the last 30 years, its nothing new. Bunch of leftards butt hurt that she got cut, against a bunch of leftards butt hurt that she doesn't pray at the church of woke. Is she an ally, the way Karen Straughn was? I don't think so. She's just a chick that showed some conservative leanings and because that is so rare today, people are going nuts.
If you want trad chicks, look no further than Asia.