Went on a few dates with this cute blonde chick, had a great vibe, attraction on both sides, make out sessions, on the second date she grabbed my hand as we walked and asked if I would want to go to the county fair with her in a few weeks and I teased her and said only if you plan on winning me a giant stuffed animal, and she laughed and said she will try her best...
Everything seemed like it was going normally with a chick that was really into me, she was
texting me a lot after the date, saying we should do x,y and z sometime because it looked like fun.
Asked when she was free again a few days after I saw her and she gave me a list of days and
I picked Monday and invited her to come cook dinner with me and the chick seemingly freaked out. I mean I have invited women over for dinner on a 3rd date probably 50 times, and 48 of them accepted, the other 2 said they weren't ready for that yet and we did something else. None of them freaked out the way she did.
So she gave me an excuse that she wasn't feeling good and thought she might be getting sick, said she went and got a COVID test but it came back negative, blah blah blah. She said she wasn't sure where her comfort level was with all of this because she just started dating again and blah blah blah. She asked if she could take a raincheck and we would figure something out when she felt better.
So I told her to yeah no issues, feel better and we would figure something out then.
And that was the last I heard from her...it's been like 10 days, noticed she deleted me off the dating app, has not responded to either of the 2 messages I sent.
I mean there is an off chance that she might be really sick or something but I have a feeling she just ghosted me. Doesn't seemingly make any sense to me since we had such a great vibe, there was mutual attraction and we had so many things in common. It felt like a situation that I had been in 3 or 4 times before where things just easily progress...
Except this time I get ghosted...don't really get it but I assume there must be another guy in the picture or maybe she had a boyfriend/is still married and they found out...you never know these days.
Not the end of the world because I have several other women I am dating but she definitely seemed to have a lot of potential.
Just a cautionary tale...no matter how good it's going, never assume you will see her again in the beginning.