Ghost of Cinco De Mayo Past


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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So yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, which is a Mexican holiday but honestly it's just an excuse for Americans to drink excessively in May before the summer season hits. I ofcourse participate, concidering my LONG history of alcoholinomics. Last night was an out of control good time that I won't soon forget...well until tomorrow when the next out of control good time eclipses this one! If you don't want to read the body of this post just skip to the last few lines.

First let me say that I'm NOT psychic in anyway. But some random ass sh*t happened which made me feel that way (that and the alcohol). Right before I got of work I was thinking about Amy, who is the girl who brought me to this website nye on 3 years ago. I'm thinkin "man I haven't heard from this girl in ages I should take her number out of my phone as it's about time for me to clean out unused numbers". So taking her number out of my phone is on my list of things to do. Then I remember Sarah. I've got to admit, If I were going to have onitis it would be for this girl. She's an inch taller then me, killer looks (in my eyes), and a hard core ***** (a turn on for me). I took her number out of my phone a while ago because I thought she left town.

My room mate calls me after work and tells me the boyz are waiting for me at home so we can go to this house party. I check out of work early and rocket home. I change close and have about 7 shots of cuervo in an hour. On the way to the party Amy calls me! She's really cool again just saying hi and we should get together. I just tell her okay that's cool I'll call her later( not likely) AT the party i SEE Sarah!! I can't f*ckin believe it. She tells me she just kinda never left town. I'm really happy to se her but I've got to game it right so I go talk to another cutie at the party (most of the chicks are wearing bikinis at this venue) and game her. I hear her story what she likes blah blah blah I'm really keeping an eye on sarah out of my periferal vision. Mind you I'm pretty wasted so my better judgement is in the back seat. Still my B game is sufficient enough to accomplish what I'm trying to do here. I see sarah rolling out of the party and I hesitate for just one moment. Fortunately she and her firend are trying to help out this dude who vomitted in his back seat and is now sleeping in it. A perfect opportunity for me to play hero and help the dude inside. I help the guy up and bring him inside, with only a little vomit ending up on my hand (smelled like fajitas) Sarah is glad I showed up and is more then happy to give me her number...again. We made out for a bit before she bounced out. I guess I'm going to call her some time this week but I'm not sure when. After sarah left i saw the girl I was gaming as a decoy to spy on sarah. I made out with her as well and she told me to call her but that I have to think about.

Weird! I thought about then saw the two girls I've written about most on this site then heard from/saw IN CONCECUTIVE ORDER! Life is a bizarre rubics cube to say the least and things happin in the most random order for sure!
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
at least you did something and went to a party, I freaking passed out at 6 oclock in the afternoon and didnt wake up till this morning..damn it! i was supposed to play bingo damn it!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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Big ups on a good night bro!! Life works out in strange ways sometimes. Keep that pimp hand strong and bang 'em both....:yes:



Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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I just found out there's going to be another party tonight and Sarah's going to be there!!!!! I'm defintely excited, but definately cool calm and collected. I definately gotta get my A game ready for this one and drink only a little bit (not sloppy like last night). I'm definately going to either take her home or go to her house tonight, mark my words.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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I like reading PRMoon's posts because he lives in one of the coolest cities in the world, so his FRs have to be 10x weirder then anything else another person would post, so when I saw the title of this thread, I expected a good sleazy vegas cinco de mayo story, but all i got was a "to be continued..." ending.

you better finish this LR, and if u get reattached to one of your oneitis'es, i want my 5 mins back.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Man I was HUNG OVER on Saturday. Tequila shots are not meant to be drunk that fast.

Anyway saturday night started off pretty much the same way friday did. I was at my desk tapping my pen getting towards the end of my shift. Around 9 my room mate sends me a text confirming we're going to this party that our other friend had set up. Honestly I'm kind of struggling to motivate myself. That cinco de mayo definatley torpedoed my ability to part. I check out of work and pick up a 12er of Brahma, I figured a few brews at the home would proabably get me motivated. I got home where oddly enough there were two mysteriously small glasses with an amber...dear god more Tequila shots. My room mate was already dressed and ready to go. He spotted the beer, ripped into it and told me to be ready in five. Our other crazy friend was in route so I knew it was that time once again...a storm was eminant. I blast some wu tang as change from work gear to social gear. I get down stairs throw down two shots of tequila and open a brahma. We decided to take two cars this time because we had some girls coming with us. I being one of the most sober (and sane) people at the moment volunteer to drive after we mellowed out for a minute and got focused and waited for the girls to come to our house. I stop drinking (because I have to drive) while we wait. They show up at like 1150, it's some of our regular house girls who ofte party with us and two more chics I didn't know but I guess my room mate had met the previous night. In any event I'm driving with our crazy friend and my room mate gets the girls we thunder out of our neighbor hood to the party.

before we actually go inside, the friend riding with me pulls out a bottle of patron he lifted from the party we were at last night! At first i'm like oh no more tequila but for gods sake it's PATRON! The Stuff goes down like water! We drink an undecrnable amount of patron then head to the party. This party is actually bigger then the cinco party. It's a bigger house bigger back yard but no pool so no chicks in bikinis. We head right for the kegs grab some drinks, then go back inside to the where the hard stuff is. Good looking people there, real sociable friendly girls the usual. I meet some dude and head outside to the car for some more patron. I'm walking down the street when I see a car pulling towards me, It hits me that I haven't even called Sarah at that moment and like the strange bed mistress she is, this is Sarah and her mercades. I flag her down and say hello, she's been drinking (saturday was UNLVino which is like the biggest wine tasting on the west coast) I tell her we're on our way to my car for some patron shots and she agrees to follow us there and partake!! We get there and she's like "Nice Ride" since I'd gotten the GTS after i lost contact, she'd never seen it. The three of us sit in my car and have a few sips of patron before I send my friend back to the party. He's so drunk, he doesn't know what's going on and that made it easier for me to command him like a mindless drone. So sarah and I are i my car...alone...and intoxicated. Ofcourse we're all over each other in minutes. We make out in the car for quite some time. My phone is on fire with people calling me but I anticipated this and had it in the center compartment. When we come up for air sarah reminds me that she lives right around the corner from this party and I was pretty much the reason she came there in the first place. She didn't have to say anything else, I tell her to saddle up in her car and i'll follow her there. She leads me inside gets me some gatorade and water and says "you're going to need your strength. I'm going to tear you apart." while she's gripping my waste and holding me close.

The rest of the details I'll leave to your imagination but I only had about an hour of sleep before my work day on Sunday.