Hi All,
I met my girlfriend in November and we now live together, she says she loves every day and i brought up a few times that she is closed off and isnt very open. Shes told me that im the "one" all ready and we have a really good time together.
Whenever i say shes not open or tells me her emotions she says shes just been cautious because its only been a short time. But how can she say she loves and im the one etc and still be cautious at the same time. Ive told her that every step shes taken so far has been good for her.
Its really playing on my mind and makes me think she isnt 100% committed to the relationship and its starting to effect me and make me more open telling her how i feel almost over compensating for her lack of openness. Ive said to her a few times theres lots i could say about you but i dont because i dont want to spill everything out. I want her to tell me how she feels coming from her not because ive said something to her first.
Sometimes i feel like she doesnt care or is bothered because shes so closed off. I want her to relax around me and give 100% but its never going to be this way if shes holding back.
Were going on holiday soon and im thinking of saying to her i want 100% from you not 90%
I really know what to do about it please advise!
I have said this a million times on SS. Judge a woman by her actions, not her words.
Women talk... and talk... and talk. In fact, according to a recent study, women on average say about 5,000 more words than men every day. They have 5 times more practice than you, thereby you never know what to believe. So, you watch her actions. Actions are a true indicator and the bolded above indicates where she is at.
I hate to tell you this, but she does not trust you. A woman that trusts her man will be completely free, open, willing to try anything. She wont have reservations or need to guard herself. This lack of trust usually comes from a lack of leadership, but also could come in many different forms which is impossible to ascertain with such little knowledge. I suggest you read, do some soul searching, find your weaknesses, find the AFC, find the part of you that needs to grow.
And she doesn't know she doesn't trust you. It is in her actions. It could be a lack of self control? It could be a lack of safety and security? Maybe your emotional state is hindered? I would lean towards fixing your mind because you have asked her so much about wanting you more and being 100% committed.
She will say she trusts you, but she does not. And it has nothing to do with anyone but you.