sans the "I only like good looking people" I agree with her. I don't like fat people either. And I've been fat.
If you cut teh political correctness aside and asked mot people to a man they would probably tell you that they feel some type of spite or hatred or something for obese people and that obese people would tell you themselves they aren't very happy with themselves.
I don't really see why you are giving your GF any slack over this with all the posts on this forum about women "MAKING US TAKE FAT WOMEN AS THE NEW SKINNY" **** i see everyday and here is a woman who is saying no, if you are fat you suck at life, and you are saying you have a problem with that too you can't have your cake and eat it too.
guess what, WE ARE SHALLOW. the quicker you can accecpt that we live in a shallow society and that you are just as shallow as everyone else, the happier and more peaceful your life would be. You wouldn't be talking to your GF now if you didn't think she was hot i don't are how "great of a girl" you think she is and she woudlnt' be talking to you if she didn't find you attractive
you can either create this virtual non existent world where the state is predisposed by toughly feely hall mark cards and where the only thing that counts is the inside or you can embrace reality and accecpt that your Gf is just being dead honest and i applaud her for that.
I don't so much HATE fat people hate is a very strong word I don't even hate white supremacists, and I don't think she HATES fat people either i thin it's a bad choice of word, i think discontent is a better word. I don't accecpt fat people for just "being who they are" i was fat and i know that it took like 2 years to get up to 235 pounds and that's 2 years of looking in the mirror and not doing **** about my appearance while stuffing my face with all types of food in the meantime
I don't care for fat people, I have a very active lifestyle, fat people are lazy. fat people are generally big on talk and small on work. they would rather tell you about how they are going to lose weight while stealing snickers out of the grocery store.
I don't like fat people beucase fat people are the worst pull you back in the crab bucket types on earth. espeically when it comes to women. fat guys will white knight, **** block, do whatever it takes to keep you from
eing happy beucase they aren't happy and they want company. they need someone else to cosign their miserable nature.
I can't stand fat people because I hate people who refuse to fix problems. That and I've never met a "clean" fat person in my life. Being fat is a tale tell sign of being flat out lazy. family member or not and i've got some.
I don't like fat people because fat people don't even care enough about themselves to take er of their own body. I admit to being quite shallow but i'm honest about it. and i'm at peace with my "shallowness"
I mean, with all that said I don't go trollin the streets of southern California looking for fat people to spit on or anything. i've said it before my wife, who isn't quite as shallow as I am, has 2 overweight friends and htey are over here alot (more than i would like honestly) and honestly i don't see what she sees in them. they pretty much fit the fat woman stereotype to a T but she loves them and even though they don't add anything tanigable to her life she keeps them coming over, but they are more than welcome to come over whenever they want. I'm not mean, but I don't have to like them either.
and even with my wife, her 2 "fat friends" aren't even real friends. they are her gossip buddies but when it's time to go on a vacation or have a girls night out, or go on a double date with one of her friends with me and her she doesn't want anything to do with them they are a drag on her and their *****ing and jealouness nature