GF acting distant - NC or breakup?


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

shorty i've been dating this girl about 4 months. I like her and the sex is great but i would not lose my sleep over her. For the past month or so she acts kind of distant and we rarely see each other. She has some personal issues(no other guy, trust me on this) but seeing her once every 2 weeks is a joke. I would prefer to keep her as sex is great, but i am also fine with losing her if she would continue to act like this. So what would be the best move on my side?

1. NC and see if she starts to chase
2. Break up with her and see if she comes back, but if she comes back she knows i wont tolerate this ****, if she doesn't so be it - next one
3. other ideas?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
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She needs to be put in her place. Most women today are selfish hors who will try to use and abuse anything we have to offer. Leave her before she leaves you. Personally anytime a woman plays games like this gives a major red flag. Dont make the same mistake that many of us made (myself included) into believing that if you dump her you wont get any more tail. Theirs waay too many woman out there in the world. Cut her off man up and move on bro.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
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(no other guy, trust me on this) but seeing her once every 2 weeks is a joke.

1. NC and see if she starts to chase
2. Break up with her and see if she comes back, but if she comes back she knows i wont tolerate this ****, if she doesn't so be it - next one
3. other ideas?
No, trust me when I tell you that you have no idea whether she's fvcking other dudes or not, and to me it sounds like she might be. Girls are waaay better than guys at manipulation, so she could literally be getting ran through by the local football team and you would have no idea about it. I'm not saying she is cheating, but a girl who really cared about you wouldn't dare give off the IMPRESSION that she might be cheating on you, because she knows that you might assume the worst, and it seems your gf doesn't care to do you this common courtesy.

To me it sounds like she has a guy in her hometown she's seeing, and she's keeping you around for insurance. Whether she's cheating or not is irrelevant, as her behavior is unbecoming of a gf. I suggest you downgrade her to fvck buddy status. Continue to have sex with her every couple of weeks if you want, but definitely start talking to other girls as well. Also, only contact her if she's the one to initiate the contact.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Its pretty clear she's checked out of the relationship. Continue having sex with her if you wish but definitely start seeing other chicks. Like Danger said there's no point in throwing away a good fk buddy.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2013
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JoeMarron said:
Its pretty clear she's checked out of the relationship. Continue having sex with her if you wish but definitely start seeing other chicks. Like Danger said there's no point in throwing away a good fk buddy.

I don't know how to explain it and don't know if you've been in such situation but i see it as kind of a challenge. Her ex broke her heart and she is now afraid to fall in love and tries to keep it casual. This is why i see it as a challenge. I want to own this girl's mind. I would rather lose her than have sex once per two weeks. We guys are hunters and hunt girls, but this time i am more interested in owning the mind, rather than having some pvssy from time to time.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2012
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ConcernedLauries Bed w/ olivia...NY/SoFlo
ronjo said:
I don't know how to explain it and don't know if you've been in such situation but i see it as kind of a challenge. Her ex broke her heart and she is now afraid to fall in love and tries to keep it casual. This is why i see it as a challenge. I want to own this girl's mind. I would rather lose her than have sex once per two weeks. We guys are hunters and hunt girls, but this time i am more interested in owning the mind, rather than having some pvssy from time to time.

OK, First in order for someone to get over an EX you must greave your loss....closure comes from with are just serving a purpose of validation in my opinion...if a women likes u enough there will be no bullsh1t and excuses and i tell you for sure she wouldnt be distant..."I cant fall in love b/c i dont want to get my heart broken" thats BS and your falling for it...I think she just doesnt want to be "alone" no women does...I feel you are serving more of purpose for her then a "love interest" if you just want sex leave it be bang her when u want...

just my 2 cents


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2013
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j0504s said:
OK, First in order for someone to get over an EX you must greave your loss....closure comes from with are just serving a purpose of validation in my opinion...if a women likes u enough there will be no bullsh1t and excuses and i tell you for sure she wouldnt be distant..."I cant fall in love b/c i dont want to get my heart broken" thats BS and your falling for it...I think she just doesnt want to be "alone" no women does...I feel you are serving more of purpose for her then a "love interest" if you just want sex leave it be bang her when u want...

just my 2 cents
I completely agree. That's what i want to see - if i break up with her for example and i am serving a purpose she will prolly stay silent, but if i don't she will fight for me. Yeah, pretty much i asked what is the best way to see if she perceives me as serving a purpose or not.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Why believe women's bullsh1t sob stories so easily?
well she was seeing psychiatrist to recover and didn't have sex for like 8months. these are facts. now this doesn't mean 100% she is not bullsh1ting but still makes her story a bit more plausible.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2012
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ConcernedLauries Bed w/ olivia...NY/SoFlo
ronjo said:
well she was seeing psychiatrist to recover and didn't have sex for like 8months. these are facts. now this doesn't mean 100% she is not bullsh1ting but still makes her story a bit more plausible.
check ur pms

Listen dude im gonna be straight up with you...there is no reason why you should have to think and be driven crazy over this..."SHE IS NOT A BUEATIFUL AND UNIQUE SNOW FLAKE SHE IS THE SAME DECAYING ORGANIC MATTER AS EVERYTHING ELSE." how do you truly feel about you just want her to want you? if she doesnt want you are gonna want her more? you are not being 100% clear of what you want...Idk how you feel towards her basicly...Idk I prob would spin other plates if I where you...but U seem to have inclusive tag?? So "you are cheating" if you give us more info so I can properly help you...


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
ronjo said:
Hi Guys,

shorty i've been dating this girl about 4 months. I like her and the sex is great but i would not lose my sleep over her. For the past month or so she acts kind of distant and we rarely see each other. She has some personal issues(no other guy, trust me on this) but seeing her once every 2 weeks is a joke. I would prefer to keep her as sex is great, but i am also fine with losing her if she would continue to act like this. So what would be the best move on my side?

1. NC and see if she starts to chase
2. Break up with her and see if she comes back, but if she comes back she knows i wont tolerate this ****, if she doesn't so be it - next one
3. other ideas?

You have no idea if there is no other guy....especially since you hardly talk to her. Girls are distant for a reason...there is always another guy in the picture.

You say you won't lose any sleep over why are you so concerned about breaking up or going NC?

You have a good situation here....FREE SEX......why do you want to ruin a good thing?

Bang her when you can......start meeting new chicks to get something better....also to get some new plates going....simple as that!!

You can get the sex when you want from her while you're meeting new chicks!! Sounds like a good deal to me!! So do it!!