Does anyone else get sick and tired of eating all this protein every single day? These super high protein requirements? Even with bundling protein with nice foods, it can be difficult to hit some of the recommendations I’ve heard.
Instead, I began to follow the Greg Doucette recommendation to hit .5-1 G of protein per pound of bodyweight. I’m going for .5 specifically. When I aim for near that low end, 100-120 G of protein a day, my diet is super enjoyable. I eat a lot like Kinobody. I can stick to the diet because I don’t have to eat 5 small meals a day(I do Intermittent Fasting) and I don’t have to eat assloads of protein. I feel way better on the lower protein diet.
Those are the two reasons my previous diets failed. I had to eat these small little meals 5-6 a day and hitting the protein was just obnoxious. So I’m putting together a plan that solves those issues and makes adherence effortless.
Whenever I try to go higher in protein, the diet becomes just not fun. Even with IIFYM, I have to end up slamming chicken breast, egg whites, protein shakes, and ground turkey every single day to hit that protein requirement. Even with "fun" protein foods like Built Bars, protein pancakes, Anabolic French Toast, and so on, it's just not enjoyable having to eat such a high amount of protein every single day. I feel way better on 100-120 G. Going lower in protein also allows me to eat like a normal human being and enjoy my life, because I have more room for fats and carbs. I’m satisfied on the diet, all while still hitting my macros and staying in a deficit.
I was making strength and muscle gainz on the .5G of protein per day as well, even when cutting. It's not “optimal” according to the research, but on it I feel great and I was making awesome progress. Some days I would go as low as 100 G of protein, and I was still progressing in the gym. I just start feeling sick when I try to eat more protein than that, and I hate being on my diet. Then I get these wild cravings, I’m never satisfied, and I end up cheating. I could never stick to the diet because of that high high protein count.
So basically, am I screwing myself over like this? Or can I just eat lower protein like this and keep progressing? It makes the diet infinitely easier to stick to. I love this lifestyle fitness type approach.