Getting Rid Of Toxic Woman


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
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hi guys

i recently went ghost on my ex, who had become a real problem in my life..

she was a defo cluster b... passive aggressive.. man what a nightmare it was...

anyhow i woke up this morning & a realization came to me..

what the f@ck was i thinking... this girl should have been nothing more than a regular lay to me... i f@cked up because i developed oneitis for her!

seriously she did not have anything to offer me other than her being attractive & good sex

the negatives out weighed the positives by a TON

this woman had lots of baggage... 4 kids, age 46, she is too close to her ex for comfort... no chance of her giving me kids, so no family of my own, her friends all trashy woman

and to boot, her bad attitude, immature, passive aggressive, lies a lot, constant mind games & arguments... i don't trust her either

not really the ideal long term partner... what was i thinking

anyhow, how many of you got rid of a toxic woman & then realized she should have only been a play thing???

also are you glad it ended???

do you look back & feel a sense of relief even tho you did not get a better looking woman???


Dec 19, 2013
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Just let her go. She obviously didn't see high enough value in you.
Dec 10, 2013
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I had the same kind of woman once except she was younger. She also didn't want kids, she wanted to adopt, she kept "missing" her ex and talked about him all the time even in front of me, she had no sense of self worth too and had been around the barnyard and back, constantly seeking drama and arguments. Too much to mention.

She broke up with me several times but I would always beg her. Literally for days I would beg her then we would get back into the same toxicity. Eventually, she broke up with me and I just said "Okay". Few days later, she texted me "Telling me she's sorry, please come back. I'll be depressed if you don't talk to me and I'll kill myself...blah...blah...blah"

Stupidly, I bought her bait and texted her back. We talked for a bit and she said she just wanted to start out as friend. I was okay with it until I started seeing her flirting with other guys and realized that I was just an emotional fall back in case she didn't land anyone. I immediately told her that "You know what? I don't want to be friends with you. I don't want to have anything to do with you".

She went off on me and ranted my head off. Talking about how she thought she could trust me, I was her best friend and I let her down...blah...blah...blah. After she finished talking, I just said "I'm glad you understand, stood up and walked away.

Anytime I see her, I feel no sense of missed attraction towards her. I'm like what did I see in this girl. She's not even fine, the sex was terrible and all she thought about was "me, me, me".

I'd much rather be with a less attractive girl any day of the week that values herself and me and doesn't have mental problems because at the end of the day when we all get old and wrinkly, you'll only have that person's personality to contend with and not how much makeup they can pile on their face.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
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DarkDetective50 said:
I had the same kind of woman once except she was younger. She also didn't want kids, she wanted to adopt, she kept "missing" her ex and talked about him all the time even in front of me, she had no sense of self worth too and had been around the barnyard and back, constantly seeking drama and arguments. Too much to mention.

She broke up with me several times but I would always beg her. Literally for days I would beg her then we would get back into the same toxicity. Eventually, she broke up with me and I just said "Okay". Few days later, she texted me "Telling me she's sorry, please come back. I'll be depressed if you don't talk to me and I'll kill myself...blah...blah...blah"

Stupidly, I bought her bait and texted her back. We talked for a bit and she said she just wanted to start out as friend. I was okay with it until I started seeing her flirting with other guys and realized that I was just an emotional fall back in case she didn't land anyone. I immediately told her that "You know what? I don't want to be friends with you. I don't want to have anything to do with you".

She went off on me and ranted my head off. Talking about how she thought she could trust me, I was her best friend and I let her down...blah...blah...blah. After she finished talking, I just said "I'm glad you understand, stood up and walked away.

Anytime I see her, I feel no sense of missed attraction towards her. I'm like what did I see in this girl. She's not even fine, the sex was terrible and all she thought about was "me, me, me".

I'd much rather be with a less attractive girl any day of the week that values herself and me and doesn't have mental problems because at the end of the day when we all get old and wrinkly, you'll only have that person's personality to contend with and not how much makeup they can pile on their face.

yes mate, we need to take the emphasis of there looks & see them for what they are .... toxic

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
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You can read this for starter.

Another things you should do is to cut her out of your life completely. Cut any kind of hope. Close all the doors. Burn all the bridges.

If you leave a little light of hope, it will keep poisoning you for a long long time. I'm NC for almost 3 months, and she dumped me 7 months ago. It still hurts.

It's a hard thing to do, specially so early, but you have to move on


Don Juan
May 9, 2013
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Be glad you realized it before it got worse. I married mine, haha. Classic BPD but back in my captain save a hoe days I thought I could make things better and show her what a good man was and how to treat her.... Nope 10 years and tens of thousands of dollars she spent and wasted, all the while accusing me of cheating and frying my nerves, I got divorced, but still had a hard time letting go.... Yep the sex and beauty were amazing, but what I realized was that was all they have to offer... They know they have to keep their looks and screw your brains out to keep you around. So sex and beauty is what they trade in. I'm happier and healthier without her, and not walking around on egg shells worrying if she was going to blow up and ruin a perfectly good time. End of the day keep your mindset, they are play things and those sincere feelings they are trying to project is just a way to hook you. I've found it's best to just keep your distance once you see the red flags, just not worth the possibility of falling in the trap and repeating the cycle...


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
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Lotus Effect said:
You can read this for starter.

Another things you should do is to cut her out of your life completely. Cut any kind of hope. Close all the doors. Burn all the bridges.

If you leave a little light of hope, it will keep poisoning you for a long long time. I'm NC for almost 3 months, and she dumped me 7 months ago. It still hurts.

It's a hard thing to do, specially so early, but you have to move on

yeh man, i cut her out of my life completely... no way exposing myself to that thing again... i,m glad i went ghost on her
Dec 10, 2013
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Lotus Effect said:
You can read this for starter.

Another things you should do is to cut her out of your life completely. Cut any kind of hope. Close all the doors. Burn all the bridges.

If you leave a little light of hope, it will keep poisoning you for a long long time. I'm NC for almost 3 months, and she dumped me 7 months ago. It still hurts.

It's a hard thing to do, specially so early, but you have to move on
Wow! This is a GREAT article. I already mentioned in my post how f**ked this girl was in the head, she threatened to kill herself if I didn't text her back. Funny enough, in that article, suicidal expressions are a trait of BPD women. Go figure. I always knew that girl was one mental nut.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
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lol why cry over a sl@t

there was never going to be a disney land ending with these type of woman... they cannot be fixed

they are the way they are... it's best to listen to your gut.. you see them red flags... forget getting all mushy on her...

keep her for sex, then let her go... always listen to your gut


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Just dumped mine a couple days ago, seems like for good this time. Mine was of course one of the prettiest things I have ever seen and the most damaged too.. lol go figure. Textbook cluster B (histrionic, narcissistic).

Sucks, there's this side of them that kinda gets whats going on with them and really wants to try to be normal. This one really liked me alot but she just couldn't control these little fits she would get for nothing at all. This time around she started thinking I was cheating on her, admitted to looking through my phone. I looked through my phone and really couldn't find anything that would set her off. I honestly wasn't messing around behind her back! At any rate I was done being accused for stuff i'm not doing.

I'm gonna miss the BJs every morning. :(


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
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SgtSplacker said:
Just dumped mine a couple days ago, seems like for good this time. Mine was of course one of the prettiest things I have ever seen and the most damaged too.. lol go figure. Textbook cluster B (histrionic, narcissistic).

Sucks, there's this side of them that kinda gets whats going on with them and really wants to try to be normal. This one really liked me alot but she just couldn't control these little fits she would get for nothing at all. This time around she started thinking I was cheating on her, admitted to looking through my phone. I looked through my phone and really couldn't find anything that would set her off. I honestly wasn't messing around behind her back! At any rate I was done being accused for stuff i'm not doing.

I'm gonna miss the BJs every morning. :(

hey man it's the sex that we miss.. these girls are okay to keep around for fun, but nothing more than that...

you can't marry or live with crazy b@tches like this... once they got your weakness, they will ****ing steam roll you

i,m going to miss the damn threesomes with her mate!!!! grrrrrrrr


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Lotus Effect said:
You can read this for starter.

Another things you should do is to cut her out of your life completely. Cut any kind of hope. Close all the doors. Burn all the bridges.

If you leave a little light of hope, it will keep poisoning you for a long long time. I'm NC for almost 3 months, and she dumped me 7 months ago. It still hurts.

It's a hard thing to do, specially so early, but you have to move on

Thanks for posting that link...