Getting rid of illegals, how it is done in Russia


Nov 2, 2011
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Statute 322.1 Illegal border crossing either into Russia or out of Russia can result in a fine of up to 200,000 rubles or money earned for the entire period illegal worked here (up to 200,000).

322.2 Illegal border crossing into Russia by persons who are prohibited entering Russia (repeat offenders) is punished by a fine of up to 300,000 rubles or work duty for up to 4 years or imprisonment for up to 4 years.

322.3 If 322.1 or 322.2 was done by a group of people or was preconceived imprisonment for up to 6 years.

In other words, if you by your lone self traveled from Alaska to Russia by ice you could be fined up to 200,000 rubles if you get caught when entering our border. If you were leaving our country and got caught or was caught inside country and it was proven that you crossed the border illegal (which is obvious), then you could be fined up to 200,000 rubles or all the money that you made here could be taken from you (up to 200,000 rubles).

If you didn't learn your lesson and still walked here over ice from Alaska, then you could be fined up to 300,000 rubles, or you could sweep sidewalks for 4 years, or you could be imprisoned for 4 years.

But fvck boy! If in either case it was proven that you planned to enter Russia illegal, and not just got lost in a blizzard then it is prison for up to 6 years.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
Easy solution to this problem.

1) Guest worker program.

2) Make being in U.S. illegally a federal offense punishable by five years in a fed pen and possibly fines.

3) Stop giving entitlements to those that are here illegally.

4) If there is something legitimately wrong with the process migrating to the U.S., let's fix those problems and expediate the process without jeopardizing national security.

5) Stop giving federal funds to sanctuary cities and states.

6) If an illegal is in the U.S., and is caught that individual will be forever barred from migrating to the U.S.

7) Fine companies heavily for employing illegals and investigate the company owners and C level officers for tax evasion, then jail them.

8) End birthright citizenship.

9) Have the border patrolled by drones, mined, and give agents the authority to shoot anybody illegally crossing the border.
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Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Easy solution to this problem.

1) Guest worker program.

2) Make being in U.S. illegally a federal offense punishable by five years in a fed pen and possibly fines.

3) Stop giving entitlements to those that are here illegally.

4) If there is something legitimately wrong with the process migrating to the U.S., let's fix those problems and expediate the process without jeopardizing national security.

5) Stop giving federal funds to sanctuary cities and states.

6) If an illegal is in U.S. illegally an is caught that individual will be forever barred from migrating to the U.S.

7) Fine companies heavily for employing illegals and investigate the company owners and C level officers for tax evasion, then jail them.

8)End birthright citizenship

9) Have the border patrolled by drones, mined, and give agents the authority to shoot anybody illegally crossing the border.
All you need to do is void the US Constitution, dismiss Congress and the Supreme Court, declare yourself President for Life and all sorts of things would be easy.


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
Easy solution to this problem.
9) Have the border patrolled by drones, mined, and give agents the authority to shoot anybody illegally crossing the border.
Shoot on sight is too much, and drones are expensive. United States really has a small stretch of border with Mexico where it needs to use electronics to catch people. Just 3,145 km, whereas Russia has 20,002 km of border with all the countries of the world - damn Earth is just around 6,371 km in radius. It all comes to down to your laws which at present time allow good living for illegal migrants and if someone gets caught he is just send back.

Why do you think migrants use Russia as middle point to travel to Europe? Because in Europe they get paid to be illegal and they don't have to do sh1t just can sit on their butts. There are conditions for illegal immigration in Europe (and United States). Which is better?

A. Enter Russia legally and work your ass off and get paid less?
B. Enter Europe illegally don't work and get paid?

Both Europe and United States invite illegal immigration.
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