Not true.
Diet gets you CLOSE, but it doesn't cut you up or control it. Diet provides the mechanism, Cardio, mod. to low intensity provides the final cuts.
Its alot like creating a sculpture. The diet chips off the big pieces and creates the basic form, especially if you were pretty fat. As you get skinnier, caloric consumption provides the control, while cardio provides the "fine-tuning."
Thing is people mistake the purpose of cardio. They go WAAAY to intense, like they would as if lifting, and burn tons of carbs during their 45 minutes, or worse, expend the muscle glycogen and amino acids after a workout.
To kick fat's arse, you have to stay as if you were going just a bit faster than walking. ALL the bodyfat in the body could take you over 100hours to burn off, due to the caloric density of fat. Whereas, carbs are meant for short bursts of energy and could be spent in under an hour. You could literally walk 100 miles on the fat we have, and only run 1 mile on the carbs we have. It's pretty amazing when you consider it more indepth.
This is why women don't really lose alot of fat, and sacrifice their curves. They don't lift to maintain their figures (since it is muscle that provides shape), and they do too high of an intensity during fat buring. Initially, about 30+% of a workout in 45 minutes to 1 hour is burned as fat. It increases from there as longevity goes, because it's best source for that sort of energy.
Hence why, if you do low - mod. intensity in the morning, or post workout, you're ahead, because if you're jammed in the belly of carbs and you're juiced in the muscle cells with sugars.
Now I offer this suggestion, cardio does the fine tuning when cutting down, and cardio does the control when you're bulking, that is if you're eating, 3500+ cal, on up to the 4000+cal.
What I refer to is the really cut, under 10%, and even to break barriers, because the best method is to ditch 250 calories over your daily total, mostly from carbs and some fats. And then work off 250 calories. This would amount to 1 lb per week, plus the water weight associated with the carbs, so about 2lbs. If you go 500cal, you risk going into starvation mode. And without dipping deep enough into shaving calories, you won't make much progress.
The cardio assures you that you're losing, because you're not PRECISELY measuring your calories each day, you could throw it off anyday by improper measurements. On the other hand, if you eat your protein, get some fats, and round out with good carbs, you can guesstimate how much work should be done on the treadmill.
That's why dieting isn't and can't be a perfect science, because you're life is unpredictable, as are your energy requirements. BUT, if you focus on just a few basics, it simplifies the process and leads to greater success.