Getting over fear of 'spectators'.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Hey, Mike here and I'm here to ask for help on what I like to call fear of spectators. For instance, when I want to approach a HB, sometimes I'll stop because of fear that someone might be watching, listening or overhear our conversation. I'm afraid that, if I mess up or pull a corny line and a spectator, such as, say her friend, hears it, they'll laugh at me, spread it around with their friends and in the end, I'll have a bad reputation. I started noticing this when alot of hot chicks where eating outside during lunch today and I wanted to approach them, but didn't because I was afraid that other people might be watching and that may have very well been so, since there were like 50 people eating outside today. Also, as if I'm not nervous enough approaching a HB, I only get more nervous when her friends/spectators are around. I can act as confident as I want, try to hide the best I can, but in the inside, I'm a nervous wreck and care alot about what other people think about me.

So, am I just paranoid? Or am I nervous or something? An answer is well appreciated.
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Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Sometimes I think the worst spectators can be your friends.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
just remember, if your friends make fun of you, at least you had the balls to actually talk to her. Your friends didn't. And personally i dont really care about what their friends think. If she ends up liking me then that's okay, if not then it's her loss. Just remember that at the end of the day you'll be a better person for actually approaching, even if you get shot down.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Dude your own friends may joke on you, but you know what those guys are generally the ones that dont get many girls and if they do, they latch onto them like freaking crab. I have a couple fo friends like this, and they are all *****-whipped with ugly girlfriends and are extreme AFC's. Then I have friends that dont make fun of me for it, and guess what they are semi-DJ's, and you know what esle, they get 10 times the amount of girls than the guys that make fun of me. Oh and they also get rejected alot. But lets put it this way, you talk to 100 hot girls, 95 laugh right in your face(and they wont if you just act yourself), but just think ABSOLUTE WORST SITUATION, you still get to go out with the other 5, or at least get their number.

You probly will get better percentages than that if your a good conversationalist, and you incorporate some of the tips of these message boards and the bible. But even if you were ugly and stupid as could you will at least get a few successes. So remember this and no matter how many times you get rejected, you will still get some numbers.

That is one of the reasons that girls go for older guys, most of the time its cause they have the balls to go up and not care what people think, cause they have confidence. So forget about your friends, almost all AFC's are ****-blocks, and either get new friends, or tell them to go **** themselves, cause who will be laughing when you get a number, even if its on the 20th girl, while the other 19 laughed.

After all of this who cares anyway who's laughing, you wont see most of these people after high school, and most hot girls in high school, the really hot ones anyway dont have any b/f's because people are so damn scared to approach them. I do recommend trying to approach girls not in a group of more than 2 or 3 at least without a wingman, becuase girls will generally be to nervous or scared to show they like you and critisized or influenced by their friends.

Oh and Girls will almost never just straight up laugh in your face no matter what, much less if your just talking to them, but even if they did remember that a few girls wont even if your ugly and you will get their number.