Getting it from your GF?

jack knife

Don Juan
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Potbelly said:
wow he's asking a damn question. not for you people to judge him. he did what he did great. agree if you want, disagree if you wan't but this political bullshat is stupid. iraq is a stupid war. waste of tax money, troops, and fuel.
Most people are talking about war in the general sense. Whether or not the Iraq war is justified is irrelevant; men are still going over there and risking their lives. Men over there think of home every day, and think about the loved ones they long to see, and that hope is what gets a lot of them through the hardships they face. This guy will have an idealized image of his girlfriend in his mind, which will come to a shattering end when he comes home and hears of what she's done. This is the last thing he needs after coming back from a war that this his own country doesn't even support.

Read The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien. It talks a lot about what goes through men's minds in a time of war.

Have some respect for those who fight so the rest of America doesn't have to. In 2003, they tried to re-initiate the draft, but it didn't pass. If it wasn't for people already in the armed services, then maybe it would have...


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score

Come on man...

You know your looking for trouble on these forums when you tell us that you wrestled her away from one of our soilders in Iraq.

have some intelligence to know that there will be people who will get upset and curse you out, like I am about to right now.

If you wanted a nice response you should have left that part out.

About taking the girl away from a soldier, how dare you. forget karma.

Your a sorry piece of sh*t and I would say it to your face too.

Our boys are fighting over there so you can sit here and be in peace and technically Iraq possed no military threat to us, so right now you can say WHAT freedom WHAT DANGER.

but you can bet you aS&S that if china attacked us tommorow it would be the same boys in those foxholes protecting you so you dont have to get hurt.

Next time have some more respect. Thanks for listening.

But I agree...women will cheat and it is just as much her fault for being such a stupid who&re, no one is the wiser.