getting in a bit of practice


New Member
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
First of all, I'm new at this and this is my first post. so bare with me. thanks

This is just a discussion I had on MSN/AIM with a cute blonde. fortunately I've hung around women more than men 4 most of my life so I know how 2 speak to them don't have much fear of them. I know over MSN/AIM it does seem pretty AFC. but with this, I was just practicing techniques on how 2 come across as more of a potential bf than friend just by the things I say.


J A K E: hey loser

(F)Jade: Hey um loserer than me??

(F)Jade: damn i suck

J A K E: lol

J A K E: how r u?

(F)Jade yeah im great thanks, you?

J A K E: very refreshed `

(F)Jade: haha, how come?

J A K E: slept in, played tennis 4 a few
hours, had a shower, then slept until about 30 mins ago

(F)Jade: wow, big day!

(F)Jade: so are you in year 10 this year?

J A K E: yeah

J A K E: r u?

(F)Jade: nah year 9

J A K E: at what school?

(F)Jade: Heathfield high

J A K E: I have no idea where that is..

J A K E: oh wait, is it in heathfield?

(F)Jade: hahaha yes *large smiley face*

J A K E: Genius!

(F)Jade: yep, its a hard one to work out ...

J A K E: *glaring smiley*

(F)Jade: :(

J A K E: haha, ur too easy

(F)Jade: lol only kidding anyway :D

J A K E: yeah, well, I bet ur crying inside

(F)Jade: yes... alot

J A K E: ooo.. thats sounded slightly sincere

(F)Jade: lol

J A K E: what u doing 2moro?

(F)Jade: um not sure... might go out.... how about you?

J A K E: probably go 2 the beach if the weather has improved

(F)Jade: ohk cool, do u like the beach alot?

J A K E: yeah

J A K E: hence my dp

(F)Jade: oh i see lol

(F)Jade: i better go.. seeya later! xoxo

J A K E: Ciao XoXo

(F)Jade: well i got bored so i thought id come back haha

J A K E: aww, miss me? :(

J A K E: lol

(F)Jade yesss :(

J A K E haha

J A K E: shux

(F)Jade: haha

(F)Jade: so what have you been doing since my leaving?lol

J A K E: thanking god that u left `

J A K E: nah, just listening 2 music

(F)Jade: haha thanks:cry:... ok coooll

J A K E: haha

J A K E: what did u do during ur absence?.. apart from missing me

(F)Jade: hahaha sure... um well went to sit on my bed... got bored and
came back on :S

J A K E: lol

J A K E: do u sit on ur bed often?

(F)Jade: :S ahh sometimes i guess... when im at home... ? lol

J A K E: oh ok, u said it like it was really fun and u really enjoy doing it

(F)Jade: haha i guess its fun? if i have nothing else to do...

(F)Jade: do u ?

J A K E: no.. I'm normal. I lie on my bed

(F)Jade: Lol... are you saying im not normal?

J A K E: *thinking smiley*

(F)Jade: im shattered

J A K E: pick up the peices

(F)Jade: theyll hurt me

(F)Jade: Im made of glass

J A K E: so, little miss glass

(F)Jade: Lol... ah

J A K E: ready 4 a really confusing question?

(F)Jade: sure

J A K E: how many 9's between 1 an' 100

(F)Jade: ahh?? that is confusing?

J A K E: ur counting aren't u? :~

(F)Jade: nooo...

J A K E: lol

(F)Jade: 10?

J A K E: no...

J A K E: keep trying

J A K E: and if u get this wrong after 3 goes then u have 2 give me ur
number lol

(F)Jade: lol...

(F)Jade: hmmm

J A K E: u really wanna get this wrong don't u. I can tell by the way ur
taking so long

J A K E: lol

(F)Jade: bahaha, no im acually thinking... lol

(F)Jade: so how many 9s beetween 1 and 100??

J A K E: sure u don't wannt give it some random guess

(F)Jade: ok sure... um im guessing more than 10, 18?

(F)Jade: lol

J A K E: just have 2 random guesses

(F)Jade: ok.. 16?

(F)Jade: 20

J A K E: ahh.. well done

(F)Jade: yay

(F)Jade: :D

J A K E: haha. guess they'll b no number exchanging then

(F)Jade: awww :(

J A K E: lol

J A K E: ok, I'll give u another trick question

(F)Jade: Okk..

J A K E: try an' get this one wrong this time.. I can't stress that enough lol

(F)Jade: haha

(F)Jade: whats the question?

J A K E: if there are six apples and u take away 4, how many do u have?

J A K E: u get three guesses

(F)Jade: 2? lol

J A K E: nope

J A K E: 2 more guesses

(F)Jade: ahhh... 6?

J A K E: nope

J A K E: trick question

J A K E: 1 more

(F)Jade: dammit.. um

(F)Jade: 4

J A K E: haha, well done.. u were supposed 2 get it wrong though loser

(F)Jade: ahhh i got it haha

(F)Jade: ive got one for u then :)

J A K E: ok, shoot

(F)Jade: if i can remember one lol :S

J A K E: lol

(F)Jade: wait a minute im thinking of a hard one

(F)Jade: ok..

(F)Jade: if i had a peacock and the peacock layed an egg in your yard, who
owns the egg??

J A K E: u own the egg because u own the peacock. all I own is my yard

(F)Jade: nope

(F)Jade: 2 more guesses

J A K E: umm..

(F)Jade: hehe

J A K E: peacocks don't lay eggs!

(F)Jade: ahhh ur smart :D

J A K E: lol

J A K E: teehee

(F)Jade: lol

J A K E: how the hell am I gonna get ur number?

(F)Jade: ask me one more then ... well see teehee

J A K E: u know I could swear u were working against urself ;)

J A K E: lol

(F)Jade: Lol .. sure sure

J A K E: How much soil is there in a hole measuring one metre by one metre
by one metre?

(F)Jade: 3 metres?

(F)Jade: of soil?

J A K E: nope

(F)Jade: hmm...

(F)Jade: half a square metre?

J A K E: nope

(F)Jade: hmm ...

(F)Jade: im just gonna guess coz my brain is tired...

(F)Jade: none?

J A K E: lol that's right

(F)Jade: *large smiley face*

J A K E: u'll never get this one..

J A K E: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a
head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps??

(F)Jade: a river

J A K E: how'd u get that?

(F)Jade: im smart *large smiley face*

(F)Jade: and in 2 goes *smiley face*

J A K E: lol

J A K E: There was an airplane crash, every single person died, but two
people survived. How is this possible?

(F)Jade: they were a couple

J A K E: loser..

(F)Jade: am i right?

J A K E: yes

J A K E: lol

(F)Jade: ahhh

J A K E: um..

(F)Jade: u just cant beat me can u *large smiley face*

J A K E: oh, I will

(F)Jade: sure...

J A K E: ok, I've got one..

J A K E: if jades number starts with 04, what r the rest of the numbers?

(F)Jade: haha um 37715038

(F)Jade: dang

(F)Jade: u beat me!

J A K E: lol

J A K E: yes!

J A K E: genius

(F)Jade: haha *smiley face*

(F)Jade: i better be off.. seeya later xoxox

J A K E: ok

J A K E: Ciao XoXo


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score

I wouldn't have guessed half of those answers.

Liked the idea of playing that game.

Games are great with women, it keeps it playful and keeps them interested. The conversation itself was pretty standard, but still ok considering you are new to this, and is your first post, but i'm guessing it wasn't really a stand out and she has had these sorts of conversations before.

Maybe more ****iness rather than calling her a "loser" so many times hehe. I'm not sure whether you or her was the Prize in the interaction, you were directing it where you wanted it to go, so i gotta give you kudos for that.

Cut down on some questions, i always like to say the randomest sh!t online. I don't think msn is the greatest thing for gaming women, i'd rather go out, it's slightly different online, and harder to convey indirect messages.

Nice though, for a first post, and considering i got you into this about a week ago, keep it up.
