First, what exactly are you asking in your first question? I don't understand where it's coming from or how it relates to what this thread is about. Clarify.
However, it rarely matters what you say. What matters is how you say what you do. Your power will always lie in the meaning you give to your communication. Words mean nothing until you put your conviction behind them.
If a Nice Guy compliments a woman, he comes off desperate. But if a Cool Guy compliments a woman, she'll be flattered.
Second, if you want people to want your approval, you're seeking their approval. The only way to get people begging for your approval is to be indifferent about it. Really, it's when you could care less what other people think about you that others will start looking to you for approval.
Personally, I hate it when other guys look to me for approval. It's damn annoying.
In the feminized age that we live in, don't you think it would be unwise to take your masculinity half-heartedly? A man should take his life seriously. But that hardly means that it shouldn't be enjoyable and fun.
Look. What one thing does the effectiveness of an approach come down to? You. It's always you. That is why I focus on the thinking. If my thinking is organized and accurate, so will my actions. Approaches then happen naturally. And they're genuine because I'm authentic.
And when it comes to success with women (and life), it seems to me that there are two major battles. One war is the self dualing with insecurity. Yet where does insecurity come from? Doesn't it come from a guy's concern about how others perceive him?
That is why I stress needing no one's approval. When a man validates himself, he defeats insecurity. And because he looks to no one for permission, others sense it in him and want his validation.
And just because a man validates himself barely means other people's opinions become unimportant to him.
I never said that you should refuse to listen to other people's opinions. What I did say was that a man should refuse to accept any opinion others have about HIM. Why would anyone want to live their life by the image others project onto them? No! We create our own image, and bring it into the world we create.
But as far as listening to others goes, I listen only to those who share similar values. And it's easy to make that distinction. As soon as I sense someone has different values than I do, I shut the door. They no longer have a chance at getting my confidence.
By the way, who is Dr. Phil?
And h2o
I say qualify as much as you want. Or as much as you have to, to get what you want. When you know what you want in a woman, why settle for anything less? And to do that, it means qualify, qualify, qualify.
When you qualify, a woman will rarely lose interest. If anything, it will go up. But if it seems like she does lose interest, all she's really done is given up on it because she thinks she has little chance with you.
My take, anyway.