Getting her back


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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Ok Here Is My Story

I strted dating her late in the summer. We have known each other for years and always usd to flirt. when we started dating she was seeing someone else and hiding it so i did some investigating. now we didnt have an exclusive talk and the relationship was young. it still seems a little grimy to this day though. and he's still around. they are friends with the same friends.

I lost my cool drinking one night and scared her away. She doesn't like fighting and drama and she reached her limit. She also doesn't like to have serious talks so i get frustrated. She always thought I was this jerk like my friends. I spent weeks being her little puppy dog and we had another fuight and didn't talk for months. I was given a .000000001 shot of getting her backI spent months locked up in my apartment not eating but reading self help books which is good but denying everything elase in my life. It wasn't till I started enjoying life and living and growing that call it what you will abell went off in her head and she was back.

So I've learned from previous relationsips grovelling and crying and I will change and all that bull**** doesn't work. I send her a text message and say no hard feelings i will learn from this. Maybe I'll see ya around. Good luck. about about 3 or 4 weeks later I send her a text message saying hello. with a cute inside joke picture from the lion king. she said hello back. I wait another two or three weeks and say hello to her on IM short converstaion she didn't seem interested in. a few weeks later I send her an email a realy nice one apologetic and all that crap she replys with a smily face. My friends told me to take this as a hint she doesn't want anything to do with me but shes being polite. A couple weks later I take off for vegas with my friends to get her out of my head. She sends me a text message "I hate you for how you turned out"I replyed stop being silly and maybe get to know who i am now.I get home and about a week or two later i send Her a long pathetic email I mean Pathetic!All of a sudden........I am blocked on AIM by her. So I say the heck with it, I really messed up now.

A month goes by and all of a sudden my phone rings....its her!She thinks that I am randomly sending her messed up messages to her phone when in fact it was one of her ex boyfriends that I know. After convincing her it wasn't me and yelling at her because this is what it took for her to contact me her tune changes. I **** you not.Alll of a sudden shes texting me constanly. calling me. unblocked me on AIM. at this point I was realy indiffernt to her. I mean realy.I forgot to mention the first 2 months with out her...I didn't eat or leave my apartment. So its the holdiays now i hanging out with girls my friends what ever this girl is still calling me. And the more I'm blowing her off the more shes hanging on. Finally I say screw it and ask her to dinner. Long story short.IT took some convincing, and I also didn't put all my eggs in her basket. We start seein eachother again. Now, here's the problem.

She has an ex from before that still lingers. I drank again and gave her a hard time about him. She wanted to try a drug that I don't do and she used to accuse me of doing and I flipped on her. Now we go to new york and the sex is better then ever. we have dinner a few days later and she starts to act distant. I can tell she is brewing still about me yelling at her. but guys like i said before she doesn't like serious talks and it seems like yelling has been getting through to her up until now. I mean sometimes i'd bicker and then she'd ask me to come sleepover. The entire time this was going on, I was being told I would never get her back. Then we reached a milestone.Fast forward to today. Like I said before shes acting distant. Now I go out of town and my niece gets sick. Basically I have to fly back home and this girl doesn't have the time to talk to me when I'm upset. I always listen to her crap. To be honest I suspected she was hanging out with him.We have a humongous falling out. I mean I blow up on her on AIM and saying i never want to talk to her again.

Then shes calling me texting me leaving messages pressing my buttons. saying she couldn't wait for this day to come etc. etc. being mean. and then now I call her and fire back and she hangs up. Now shes not answering. Now I send her the meanest messages ever. I mean the worst things you could say to somebody. Now bare in mind it was this junk that made her call me again. NOT acts of kindness. Part of me says I resorted the other part says damn it I over reacted.Now I'm sending her emails calling her texting her for a week with no reponse!Shes has me blocked on AIM. I'm starting to feel like I'm herassing her.Here's the point gentlemen.This is why I think getting upset doesn't help. we are a team. we both have a common goal. to enjoy eachothers company and maybe even care for eachother. why was i attacking my teammate? My girl didn't like serious talks but it seems that ultimatly yealling at her didn't help either. It did over the holidays.

Frankly I think she was at a point where she was ready to talk. She was becoming comfortable with me. she wanted to experiment with that drug because she was feeling comfortable around me. I didn't read that.Maybe i should have just let her words go in one ear and out the other. don't get me wrong I know there is Jerry sPringer all out crazy *****es out there. well don't date them. I've found that whena girl attacks you with her words and you fire back it is no difernt then her slapping you and you slappin back.When I did get her back there were points where she was more into this then me. There were points where i was feeling suffocated.

So now I have sent her a text message a few weeks ago. I have no ties to you and we are not talking, maybe time will bring us another milestone. be well.Let me tell you something boys My ego wants her back. I have unfinished business with this girl in the bed in the heart and in the head. And man i miss her and the fun we have together.And frankly...i care abouther deeply.Ya know what during the time we were dating I gave her a couple outs cause she would get scred or I would feel she should go see if she has anything left with this guy. but she didn't want it.

I'm hitting the gym. I'm working on myself harder on my flaws and I am enjoying life. When I am 100% again maybe a month or so from now when she has cooled off and realizes maybe she misses me. And i have grown more and enjoyed my life. Maybe I'll contact her. maybe the next time around will be better. if it comes we'll see. till then I gotta do what i gotta do for myself. in the end maybe it will wind up being for her.

Now you gusy might say geeze, didn't he learn his lesson? the last time he drank and got mad she left, why did he do it again? frankly i got mad at her drinking or not this time around because i care about her and it seemed like the only way to get threw to her. Yes this is a problem we struggled with before but trust me we comunicated allot better this time around more often then not. She drove me to a boiling point and even though i shouldn't have blown up she shouldn't have antagonized me. If we have another shot I will not yell at her if she doesn't want to talk i will walk away. And she will have had to made some changes of her own as well. OUR story is complex I’m learning about better techniques for conflict resolution and also more more importantly how to avoid them. Shes gotta want to play ball to though.

I'm going to work on how I comunicate and react to things so i wind up not being the bad guy. So I don't cancel out what they did. Maybe a better me will inspire them not to do those things.I'm gonna get in shape, accomplish soem goals. Get my slef into a realy good place mentaly spiritualy physicaly career whatever. maybe then she will be ready to talk and have grown some as well.

if not then skies the limit.

This girl is an impossible nut to crack and i did it. shes very headstrong about who stays in her life and who doesn't. In the end was it my insecurities with er that drove her away? I don't know maby it was a factor. When she seems flaky maybe i should have just let it go.

The thing is at this point I'd realy like to just **** her again. Make her *** harder then she ever has. Screw it if its an ego thing. I'm mean i'll admit i kind of care about her. But this seems like a great challenge to pull this off. Iwant to have the chance to make this chick squirt. So right now I figure continue to get in shape get my head right and ducks lined up. Maybe try to contact her or bate her some how towards the end of the month or begining of May. And of course start nailing other chicks again. It can only help bring her back right?

anyways what do you guys think would be a good way to bate her and get the ball rolling on her wanting to pursue me again? I somehow at some point have to open the paths of communication.

Now I know some of you are gonna say just nail other chicks forget about her. But thats easy. there's no chalenge in that. Lets see if i can pull this off. it couldn't be crazy to think its possible if i've already done it before.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
It took 26 posts to come out and introduce yourself, and I am not reading that novel up there. Most guys come out with their story first.

Most GUYS...


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
I don't think I'll be reading that tonight.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

maybe I should start a seperate thread with a shorter version. Just figuered details are important


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Misery loves company.

Never more evident than this thread here. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but it's the goddamned truth. I call it like I see it. You will never get some syrupy, sugar topped, watered down version ofthe truth fvrom the K-man. Never.

That said, you two are really enjoying making each other the center of each other's world. You're texting cutsie little gems and she's replying back in anger. Then replying back that you're "texting her to check on her" (common sh!t test with insecure, attention seeking men ans women.

Here's your remedy.

Every scrap of paper she wrote to you - throw it away.
Every text you have saved - throw it away.
Every email, IM, skype, answering message, picture, poem, thought, idea of getting back together, every pair of her crusty panties - THROW IT THE FVCK ALL AWAY.

Make no more room for this idiot in your life because to her you're just something to pass the time in between the guys she will afford her attention.

You stay and you'll end up more sullen and depressed and feel even more victimized. More vengeance intent.

Choice is yours.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

KarmaSutra said:
That said, you two are really enjoying making each other the center of each other's world. You're texting cutsie little gems and she's replying back in anger. Then replying back that you're "texting her to check on her" (common sh!t test with insecure, attention seeking men ans women.



Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score

yeah i hear you maverick thats what worked the last time. the tricky part is finding a way to open comunication again.