Getting girls on the dancefloor.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by myself (R3N3GAD3) on the forums located at


One girl / Group of girls (bigger then 2) - Walk up. Put your hand on her shoulder (kino), smile (make her feel comfortable). In a seductive voice (attraction), ask her if she wnats to dance (sexual). Asking means, "Do you want to dance?", not "DANCE WITH ME *****!".

Two girls - Walk up, hand on each of the girls shoulders. (IE: Get between them = comfort). "Hey girls, you look a little lonely over here dancing by yourselfs Lets dance ", and then grin (more comfort). If they respond how you want, put your hands around each of their waists, and then get them facing you (attraction). Then, dance like you've never danced before, and show them who's big papa! (sexual).

*You MUST talk to them while your dancing. If your grinding, whisper in her ear so she can hear it, but do it extremely seductively.

**Tips for grinding (both facing forwards): Right hand around her waist, left is on her thigh. Slowly move up so your between the line where her groin area meets her leg. LEAVE IT THERE UNLESS SHE MOVES IT CLOSER FOR YOU!. Put your chin on her neck, and remember to talk to her. Your crotch must be implanted into her ass. Massage her thigh while your dancing, as well.

***Tips for grinding (facing each other): One hand on her upper back, other just (JUST) above her ass (where it starts to HOLD HER CLOSE, massage just above her ass, and make sure her tits are pressed against you and if possible her waist as well. TALK TO HER BY WHISPERING IN HER EAR!!) If she likes it, move the hand thats just above her ass, onto her ass, and slightly massage it. Continue on if she likes that too.


APPROACH WELL AND BE REWARDED WELL (Yes, you know what I mean!)


New Member
Dec 27, 2003
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Nice post. I'd wish I saw this yesterday before I went to the club.


Don Juan
May 12, 2003
Reaction score
You need to do what is right for the time/place/crowd you are at. Sometmes grinding and not talking is good, sometimes just dancing, and sometimes you can practiclly finger a chick with her pants still on. It depends a lot on many factors and their really isn't a playbook. Personally I can hold a great conversation but would rather say very little in a club, even if I dance with you I may not even know your name.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by tx_xp
You need to do what is right for the time/place/crowd you are at. Sometmes grinding and not talking is good, sometimes just dancing, and sometimes you can practiclly finger a chick with her pants still on. It depends a lot on many factors and their really isn't a playbook. Personally I can hold a great conversation but would rather say very little in a club, even if I dance with you I may not even know your name.
I'm hoping your a girl :p

Anyways, regarless of my age, I've never been rejected in a club scene, even by girls that are 16/17, and some may very well even be 18. I don't know about the older club scene, but I find it works EXTREMELY well for me.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
They don't. It's all in his head. It's somewhat tough to break groups of girls. Girls feel guilty leaving their friends for a guy. Most girls do not want to grind with a guy at first, especially pimple-faced 14 yr olds. Try to actually dance with them first. You sounded so BS in this post; I had to bash you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
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,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
Originally posted by Runna13=)
They don't. It's all in his head. It's somewhat tough to break groups of girls. Girls feel guilty leaving their friends for a guy. Most girls do not want to grind with a guy at first, especially pimple-faced 14 yr olds. Try to actually dance with them first. You sounded so BS in this post; I had to bash you.

Please field test your "tip" before actually posting it. Not all theories pan out in the real world.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
I know you're lying as soon as you say you've never been denied. It doesn't matter how much game you have, and how good looking you might be, you WILL get denied in a clubbing situation. There are simply too many variable.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Of COURSE I've been denied, for god sakes. I was making an exageration to prove a point.

Let's get one thing straight. ALL of you, have biases against me because of my age. You'll never treat me the same way you would if I had of put my age as persay, 21 or 25.

The truth is I HAVE been to clubs, and I HAVE tested out ALL my CONCEPTS (not theories). For ME, they work. I don't know about you, but for ME they do. This is a tips section. C/F doesnt work for everyone if its fake, just like what I do won't work for everyone either.

I put my age as 14 (which I am), for this reason exactly. To see what kind of ignorant hostile responses I'd get. I havn't gotten alot, but the ones I have got (EG: this thread), could be toned down alot more to a certain level of maturity above a jealous 9 year old's.

Just because you didn't start as early as I did and most likely aren't even a DJ to this day (I'm not one either, but I'm sure as hell ALOT farther then 75% of the guys out there), doesn't mean you have to treat me like your doing right now.

Act your age.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
You dont know half the things your saying. You are 14, not being bias, u just lack experience. Be real and give it up YOU DO lack experience compared to other people who are older than you. I agree some are bias towards your age, but face the fact that you are only 14 and you still need much more growing up to do.

To say you are far ahead of 75% guys out there is an opinion of your own. You may be mature for your age, but none the less, you are only 14 and maybe years from now you will realize that yeah you thought you knew it all or many things, but you really didnt.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Your post is straight B.S. That is why I replied the way I did. You gave unsound advice because what you're telling people to do simply does not work. Maybe it works for the 18 and under club in the town that you go to, but for most clubs in the city. I would have said the same thing if you're 10, 20, 30, or whatever age you are. The connotation of your post helped you garner so much negativity. You should have used "for me," "I," or "try," instead of "MUST" and direct orders. Sure, maybe some guys acted a little hostile towards you. But by you retaliating the way you did in your last few statements, you have reaffirmed your age and lack of maturity. You sound like my friend's lil' bro who talks smack all the time.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Here's MY way of getting a girl to dance with me:

I would make eye contact. Show her some of my moves. Do a variation of a slide/c-walk towards her, smiling all the time. Then I would say, "Hey, let's dance,"<<<<not "do you wanna?, if she's not doing so already.

You are telling people to lay their hand on a girl's shoulder. How many girls want a stranger to walk up to them and lay their hand on them? I don't advise people to do this.

And like I said about splitting up a couple or group of girls. This is pretty tough to do. You can't take one girl away from her friend, and you can't really get your freak on with two girls at the same time (unless they're both drunk). It applies to groups too, but with groups its a little easier. I would do the same thing as if she was solo, but I would do so when she's a little detached from her group and when her friends aren't paying much attention.

You can't really grind with most girls at first. Depending on the girl, you have to actually dance with them from one min to maybe a couple. It all depends on the type of girl, how much she had to drink, etc. You'll feel her vibe though, and will know when she's comfortable.

And that talking seductively stuff. It's not necessary. The clubs I go to, no girl can hear if you whisper, no matter how close you are to her ear. I would have to raise my voice a lil'. Why mess up the vibe you and the girl are having through dancing just by trying to chitchat. Get "A/S/L" at most.

Here's my suggestions. Take it as you will.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
First and foremost, I DO live in the City, and OBVIOUSLY I go to all ages clubs and not 19+. The tips section is what works for us, not everyone. As I said before, C/F isn't pulled off well by everyone, just the people it flows for.

Anyways, the point that I'm 14 has no relevance to real life experience. Sure, theres alot of guys out there with more, but theres alot of guys that are in their 30's, on the computer all day wishing that they had started earlier and not let themselves get to 200+lbs at 25% bodyfat. See what I'm saying? I may not have alot of experience compared to some people, but to others I have a hell of alot more.

Based on your "clubbing techniques", I like it other then the c-walk (You'll get your ass kicked if any gang members see you do that. Unless your in a gang, haha. Just warning you), and how you dont put your hand on their shoulder. I know you say it's strange to have a stranger to that, but isn't it strange to walk up to a girl in the mall and start DJ'ing her? It's also strange to kino someone you don't know on the street, and it's also strange to pimping girls that you've never met before in your life. You have to do things that set you aside from the regular AFC crowd. Again, just so you don't go all anal on me, THIS IS WHAT I FIND WORKS FOR ME! Oh and, you can (at least I CAN) tell the majority of girls that would want to grind based upon their clothes and how their already dancing. Don't know about the 19+ clubs though :)

Now, all of you. Calm down. I really should just make a new username and change my age to something in my 20's or 30's, just to see how you all react then. However I'm not going to because I'm trying to make a point with this one that, age is just a #. It's all about what you want to do with your life. Not sitting back and watching it fly past you.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
We have no problem with your age besides it being 15+, the only problem I personally have is you running every post like you know everything. I dont doubt your purpose, but the way you come off makes you sound like you know everything and that you are such a good person. You rate yourself over others because you have less body fat? More experience? Sorry kid, you are only 14 and maybe you should stick to hanging with friends and worrying about other stuff and have fun than what girls think about you at this age, or things of related to that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by playher
We have no problem with your age besides it being 15+, the only problem I personally have is you running every post like you know everything. I dont doubt your purpose, but the way you come off makes you sound like you know everything and that you are such a good person. You rate yourself over others because you have less body fat? More experience? Sorry kid, you are only 14 and maybe you should stick to hanging with friends and worrying about other stuff and have fun than what girls think about you at this age, or things of related to that.
I'll post what I KNOW and what I feel works for ME. If you don't like it? Keep it to yourself!

Don't hate.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Kids kids, calm down. Don't make me have to start modding this post. :D

The "Tips Forum" is for people to post what works...Whether it be for them or a new idea (see: Pook.)

Runna - Keep an open mind.

Playher - Don't bash due to his age.

R3n3gad3 - Don't get defensive. Of course people are going to bash due to your age. Just go out and do your thing.

Come on people...Can't we all get along?


Don Juan
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
seeing as how most of this thread has gone to the gutter, i'd like to draw your attention to the only solid piece of advise given, courtesy of Runna13=) :

Originally posted by Runna13=)
Here's MY way of getting a girl to dance with me:

I would make eye contact. Show her some of my moves. Do a variation of a slide/c-walk towards her, smiling all the time. Then I would say, "Hey, let's dance,"<<<<not "do you wanna?, if she's not doing so already.

You are telling people to lay their hand on a girl's shoulder. How many girls want a stranger to walk up to them and lay their hand on them? I don't advise people to do this.

And like I said about splitting up a couple or group of girls. This is pretty tough to do. You can't take one girl away from her friend, and you can't really get your freak on with two girls at the same time (unless they're both drunk). It applies to groups too, but with groups its a little easier. I would do the same thing as if she was solo, but I would do so when she's a little detached from her group and when her friends aren't paying much attention.

You can't really grind with most girls at first. Depending on the girl, you have to actually dance with them from one min to maybe a couple. It all depends on the type of girl, how much she had to drink, etc. You'll feel her vibe though, and will know when she's comfortable.

And that talking seductively stuff. It's not necessary. The clubs I go to, no girl can hear if you whisper, no matter how close you are to her ear. I would have to raise my voice a lil'. Why mess up the vibe you and the girl are having through dancing just by trying to chitchat. Get "A/S/L" at most.

Here's my suggestions. Take it as you will.

I've been going clubbing (19+ clubs) all christmas break, and i agree with everything said here. With *most* girls, it is NOT wise to come on strong and make physical contact with them....they usually don't appreciate that. Girls are there fending off guys all night long, and they don't want some losers coming and feeling them up. Sometimes with the average-looking girls who really like to dance, getting physical right away will work just fine -- but in my experience, with the good-looking ones, you have to almost always say something, or at least get their attention in a non-physical way before dancing with them. Once you have their attention, you have to come across as non-threatening, so dance at a slight distance for a bit before getting closer.

Case and point: A few nights ago I approached a very very good looking girl (maybe a 9), opened her with some spontaneous c&f, then got her dancing, and i placed my hand on her hip and got close with her -- she gave me a very "no-no let's not move so fast" look -- so i took it a step back and held her hands and literally danced with her at a distance for maybe a song or two, then graduated to the hip, and consequently more, all the while chatting her up with more material. Me and her had a great time together all night long after that. You have to ease into it...

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
I know this is controversial, but I think dancing is somewhat AFC

These girls know why you are asking them to dance - it's because you want to screw them.

Why not just be direct and bypass the dancing and run your game on them instead of beating around the bush?

To me, asking girls to dance is right up there with buying girls drinks and/or dinner.