Getting Fed Up with People


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
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BigWillyStyle said:
Ice882, you're a dumb c*nt. Rather than hurl virulent abuse, how about just sticking to answering my questions. Better still, stick to the highschool forum, boy. ****ing little idiot.

Everybody else, thank you for your comments.
Everyone else said the same thing, bud.

"Social anxiety"

those are things that you should get help for.

Let's see what I said....

"Get help". Seems pretty consistent.

Also, way to be far more hostile than I was in accusing me of being hostile.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
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Also, remember the more haters you have, the better. If they considered themselves superior to you, why would they bother to hate on you? What would compel them to do so? Appearances aside, the vast majority of guys in the world are AFCs in all walks of life: professional, women, everything.

When a man makes up a mind to rise above, he also becomes a target. Remember the "barrel of crabs" analogy?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
I can relate to the OP on this.

Miserable b.astards will always try and drag you down to their level. It's quite funny as when you are really having a bad day you will tend to get left alone.
I find that when you're in a good mood, some tosser will try and mess with you. Usually they'll say something like; "Cheer up, it might never happen", or some s.hit like that.

Also it can work the other way around too. Like when you get some over the top, and obviously faked happiness from some self proclaimed 'wacky' idiot in an office. And the rest of the staff are rolling their eyes and thinking, oh please f.uck off with your false positivity, you're bringing the rest of us miserable f.uckers down with it. :D


zekko said:
It's hard to believe you're complaining about other people being hostile when you do something like this. Sounds to me like you're the hostile one.

Basically all the girl did was give what you interpreted as a dirty look, and you cuss her out like a psycho. You have no idea what the girl was actually thinking or what she and the other girl were discussing. Sounds to me like you're paranoid. Even if she was glaring at you, she did not deserve the treatment you gave her. Not acceptable social behavior.
What the OP did is something I capable of doing. I've actually spat at a girl in a nightclub knocking her drink down my back and then laughing about it, I don't think that makes me a pyscho and neither is this man, he just needs to do what I do now and have happy thoughts, soaring doves and the usual works. He's got social paranoia though, I recommend you look into this OP:up: