@SW15 @f(x) @BackInTheGame78
What’s you alls experience or opinion on the after work activities when you’re building yourself up to be really successful in the corporate world? (I’m at a smaller company as well so the people actually know each other.)
I genuinely enjoy my job. However, my biggest gripe so far about it is the amount of effort it takes me to make it to the after work activities. I know it’s good to make them.
For my workplace, we have karate twice a week. (I know, interesting activity right

The issue is: after working a 10 hour day, I am DEAD. Like stick a fork in me, I’m done lol. I know it’s probably not good to skip the after work activities all the time but…
I’ve also accepted that when you work a corporate job, you’re not going to have much time to chillax.
I end up missing a lot of sessions because I’m just so dead after work. Like after work, the last thing I want to do is get dressed, jump in my car, and have to use my brainpower to memorize and remember different forms. Hell, I even do all of my workouts in the morning because I just know that I’ll be too tired to do anything after work. I just don’t have the mental energy.
It’s not that I don’t want to go lrit’s just that I’m so toasted after work. Either that or I’m out gaming in a bigger city that same night haha.
My boss is really insistent about people going. He’s even jokingly been like: “Ok, let’s see if Nick is gonna flake on us today!” I know he’s joking, but that’s still probably not good lol.
Have you all had experiences with the after work activities in your professional lives? How do you handle it? What do you do with it?
I’m starting to think that I may need to take a very quick nap after work, and force myself to go. Just consider it the second part of my job. I know he’s (halfway) joking, but I don’t think it’s good for my boss to be making comments about how I’m flaky or how he has to beg me to come out lol.