Getting dismal and depressed.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
I'm starting to feel my old sentiments resurfacing....that I wish I didn't have to be attracted to women or anyone sexually and that somehow I'm not meant to be the consummate seducer no matter how much I think I can charm and woo or how much momentum it seems that I'm gaining in the right direction. Just yesterday and today I've swung back to my old dismal self (that I never thought I'd be and don't want to believe IS me) from having an almost narcissistic flare just a few days ago when I felt capable of making a hot chick melt before my eyes. I've been talking to a few girls online but it just appears that each situation is slowly coming undone as I have come to expect. I never know when to eject when I have them at a peak and now I feel like nobody's really that interested. I notice I have a bad, almost irrepressible habit of talking sexual on the phone/im until it starts turning the other person's as though I really have no game and am socially inept so I say a lot of stupid things but not all the time.

I talked to a hot chick online and exemplified everything I want to be in my seduction style (of course, I'd like to get better) and was subtle....but then after I got the number and called her she left me on hold, apologized the next day and I tried her again to no avail so I guess that situation's as good as dead. I had a glimpse of hope in someone who seemed ideal and I haven't been laid in almost 6 months so I just feel like once I'm getting resistance and fall into a mood I fall apart and act like an extremely horny, extremely desparate and pathetic mess. I don't think I'm crazy but it strikes me that it's almost like I'm two very different people rolled into one. I find myself sending messages to girls who weren't even that interested to begin with and probably sabotaging it even more. It just kills me that I can't be sexual and act on my primal instincts yet with a unique combination of qualities that would ordinarily, when applied right, impress a girl....even a very good looking one. I'm not a 10 but lots of girls/women say I'm "cute", "adorable", "attractive", etc....but I'm not particularly "hot". I'm somewhat well-endowed to make matters worse, which just drives me crazy that I can't use it. Essentially, I do lots of things I know probably won't work by a long shot. I've got to stop getting bent out of shape so easily and I guess I'm also not good at concealing my intentions better and creating a mystery to my persona. Sometimes I can be really amusing and other times I can be frustratingly dull.

Are there any things I can do besides masturbate/cutting my d*** off to remind myself to stop being so overtly sexual when talking and to not reveal too much about myself that will end the spell I'm casting on the girl I'm talking to? How do you guys deal with these highs and lows (it seems like my highs and lows are very very erratic) of feeling like a godlike seducer with a golden **** one minute and then feeling like an unattractive, whiny a$$ master chick repellant the next? I know I'm way too overanalytical and let too much sh!t bother me but is there anything you do in particular that keeps you on par with your optimum game without veering off into madness like I'm doing? Something that keeps you from getting aimless just because you're feeling a little lonely and desperate? Forgive my babbling. I'm just really ****in' upset right now. I'm tired of intriguing girls with that something special about me only to blow it by behaving in ways uncool and uncalled for.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
basically, what I mean is that once my mood wavers, my whole self-image crumbles and my game sputters out of control into the absurd. As far as the hot chick was concerned, I'm not really sure what the deal was with that....she left me on hold and never came back/called back that night then apologized the next day. I thought about trying her again one more time before forgetting about her because I feel like I could still put a smile on her face. Tonight another chick I've been talking to put me on hold and did the same thing....she called back like 40 minutes later and I didn't pick up. I don't know, I just need to get back on track, guys.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I would not try to be subtle and pretend your not interested it's gay and does not really work.

If your a sexual guy then just have sex with a sexual girl, yeah she'll probally be a slvt but that's life. Use it or lose it.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
The subtlety was mainly used because the girl was stunning and being that it was online she's used to a hundred schmucks a day telling her how gorgeous she is....I said it in a more clever way and that's how I got the number. It's good to know your victim so to speak and act accordingly....and on this rare occasion (just like every other occasion where I got laid) it worked like a charm. It's just that for some reason, she left me hanging and now seems more resistant to talk (claiming to have a bf on her profile). Oh well, I don't believe you have to be OVERTLY sexual every time you talk. I'm sure that would've backfired with her.